Wednesday 26 March 2014

As the Hamster Spins

Dalrock observes the entirely predictable actions of a nominally Christian blogger who deserted her innocuous Delta husband, and, after only a few months of adulterous sex, is already lamenting her inability to fix Alpha males with her MVP:

I say I want a nice guy, but instead I’ve been picking the challenging ones. The ones that don’t love Jesus, or the ones that say they do but don’t mean it. The workaholics, the underachievers, the closeted gays, the ones that aren’t over their exes, or the ones that only text at midnight after a few drinks — I’m not making excuses for you anymore.
Which, of course, raises the obvious question: why were you making excuses for these gentlemen in the first place? What is often termed "Missionary Dating" is nothing more than a woman's desire to be placed in the missionary position by a man who is officially unsuitable but sexually desirable.

The irony is that non-Christian women who are less interested in inventing Scriptural excuses than they are in having good relationships have a better understanding of the importance of the basic concept of female submission. Lady Gaga, of all people says this: "I'm in charge all day long, the last thing I want to do is tell him what to do," she explained. "It's not good for relationships to tell men what to do."


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