Monday 30 June 2014

End it like a man

This is how Alphas settle their differences. Quickly and openly:
Luis Suarez @luis16suarez
My apologies to Chiellini:
I deeply regret what occurred.
I apologise to Giorgio Chiellini and the entire football family

Giorgio Chiellini @chiellini
@luis16suarez It's all forgotten. I hope FIFA will reduce your suspension
To me it's rather remarkable how a lunatic Latin biter and an Italian can manage to end something so quickly and easily, whereas Gammas will do practically anything rather than simply admit that they are wrong, apologize, and move on. They tend to prefer clinging to their delusions and digging the hole ever deeper.

But notice that while Chiellini was quick to accept Suarez's apology in an admirably gracious manner, he did not do so until the Uruguayan striker admitted what he had done and apologized. Indeed, before then, he openly mocked Suarez. That, too, is Alpha behavior.

If you struggle with either giving or accepting apologies, keep this interaction in mind.

Ever the optimist

Glenn Reynolds attends the First International Conference on Men's Issues and comes away considerably more optimistic about the present state of intersexual relations than I am:
The thing that struck me most about the gathering was the palpable lack of gender tension. Men and women at this conference seemed to be on the same page, and the same team, in a way that seems almost surprising in these gender-divided times. Maybe that's because gender-talk, long a female domain, is also now about men. As another speaker at the conference, Warren Farrell, said, women can't hear what men don't say. So it's good that men are speaking up. As Farrell concluded in a Friday night dinner speech, the goal is "not a men's movement, not a women's movement, but a gender liberation movement."

With men and women both talking and listening, it gave me some hope that perhaps we'll see something new, and better, in the politics of gender. Will this spirit be able to overcome the politicized divisiveness that marks today's gender discussion? If enough men and women of good will come together, it just might.
The problem is that the sort of men and women who have combined to construct the current anti-male legal regime are exactly the sort of men and women who were not at the conference. And it remains to be seen how many of the women who publicly portray themselves as pro-male are genuinely pro-male as opposed to attempting to coopt any pro-male movement into the service of the Female Imperative.

Sunday 29 June 2014

The outrage du jour

Reddit readers list their favorite SF novels. Cue the complaints:
  1. Frank Herbert Dune
  2. Isaac Asimov Foundation
  3. Dan Simmons Hyperion
  4. Orson Scott Card Ender’s Game
  5. William Gibson Neuromancer
  6. Gene Wolfe The Book Of The New Sun
  7. Neal Stephenson Snow Crash
  8. Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy
  9. Robert Heinlein The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
  10. Neal Stephenson Anathem
Five points if you can observe the primary cause of complaint. Ten if you can nail the secondary one as well.

Saturday 28 June 2014

The petticoat dictators

One of the observable patterns of history is the way in which some women simply will not stop trying to interfere with men's decisions and actions, even when they clearly have no idea what is involved. And, just as clearly, they don't give even the smallest damn about the men concerned.

The combat experiences were different for airmen from the ground troops, but there was a similarity in reaction. After three months, most infantrymen suffered from some form of battle fatigue. For the airmen, that happened after twenty-five to thirty missions. Still their commanders kept them in trouble.

Flight Surgeon McKittrick treated men who had reached, and sometimes passed the breaking point.... McKittrick saw to it that crews got liquor rations after a mission during debriefing. "It was done very methodically," he said, "and it did a great deal to settle them down and it gave them a little more appetite. it helped to relax them slightly from the horrors of a particularly terrifying mission that, all too often, surpassed fiction. And I'll be damned if the Women's Christian Temperance Union didn't try their best to put a stop to that."
- Citizen Soldiers, Stephen Ambrose, p. 103

I suppose we should be grateful that they didn't try to prevent morphine from being given to the wounded. Assuming they didn't. I find this amazing, especially when one recalls that liquor rations have been a formally specified soldier's right since the days of the Roman legions.

Friday 27 June 2014

The relationship terrorists

It should go without saying that the men who are being victimized by these female "relationship terrorists" severely lack Game:
Convention has it that women are the gentler sex. But when it comes to relationships they are more likely than men to be controlling and aggressive, a study claims. Increasing numbers of women can now be classed as ‘intimate  terrorists’, meaning that they are verbally and physically violent towards a partner.

Psychologists at the University of Cumbria questioned 1,104 young men and women using a scale of behaviour which ranged from shouting and insulting to pushing, beating and using weapons.

They discovered that women were ‘significantly’ more likely to be  verbally and physically aggressive to men than vice versa. They concluded that violence was linked to controlling behavior such as checking up on partners and persuading them not to see certain friends.
I have to admit, I don't know a single male control freak of the sort that are so often portrayed in the media. But I do know a number of men who can't sit through an entire football game at a friend's house without receiving at least two or three telephone calls from their wives.

Some handle this female tendency better than others. My favorite was the time that, after a friend received a call from his wife during the game, he responded by giving her the following instructions:
  1. Turn on the TV to channel X
  2. Do you see there are little men running around? Good.
  3. When the little men stop running around, set a timer to 15 minutes.
  4. Don't call me again until the timer goes off.
Based on what you know of Game, do you think she is attractive or not?

Thursday 26 June 2014

Eve and the apple

Some things just never change:
If this isn’t a metaphor for the current Democratic Party, I don’t know what is. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) was supposed to ride in a cool new driverless car today, for a demo. There is video at the link. It’s hilarious and depressing at the same time.

As soon as Holmes gets into the car, she spots a big, red button. That button is clearly labeled “EMERGENCY STOP.”

She pushed it.

It killed the car.
It's an apt metaphor, to be sure, but I'm not certain a Republican woman would have been able to resist the temptation to push the big red button either. After all, we have no reason to believe that Eve was a Democrat.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Divorce sells

Everyone is familiar how sex is used to sell things to men, but they're probably not as cognizant of how divorce is used to sell things to women. Dalrock observes that these days, women's entertainment is drenched in advertisements for divorce:
I could go on at length, because entertainment aimed at women is drenched in this.  This isn’t just a secular problem either.  Every modern Christian’s favorite movie on marriage Fireproof is a story about a woman who has to decide if she should divorce her husband for the doctor she works with.  She doesn’t have a Cosmo quiz to help, but with the help of the Book of Oprah she is able to determine if she loves him or not, and if he loves her enough for them to stay married.  I won’t ruin the fun for those ladies who haven’t seen the movie yet, because figuring out if she should stay married or embark on an exciting path of divorce empowerment is the whole fun of the movie.
How do the pro-civilized fight that? Consciously and purposefully. Fortunately, we have the natural human desire for the pair-bond working in our favor, whereas no amount of Eat, Pray, Loves and Fireproofs can outweigh the observable evidence of the lonely cat ladies in our midst.

As for the women being sold divorce, Glenn Reynolds has the right advice: Ruminate less, try more.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Incentives have consequences

It's remarkable that women find it so difficult to understand that feminism combined with an anti-male legal system have rendered marriage increasingly unpalatable to men:
So last night I bated my breath and asked my three eldest sons, all over 21, the following outright: if a girl in her 20s wanted to get married, have kids and give up work, would it put you off dating her?

Tom, as the eldest, probably the one who should be most immediately considering family life, baulked at the very question. He’s been with his Spanish girlfriend, Estephania, for four years, and children aren’t even on their radar.
Olivia's son Will, 27, who is an author, has no immediate plans to get married and have children

Olivia's son Will, 27, who is an author, has no immediate plans to get married and have children

‘I hate that word “marriage”,’ he told me. ‘Marriage belongs to another era. I prefer the word “partnership” because that’s what it should be, a partnership of equals right from the start. Both man and woman should contribute financially to the home, and both should do domestic work.

‘What really annoys me is when the woman has children and somehow thinks it’s all right to skive and stay at home with them.

‘The baby should be sent to a nursery as soon as possible and the woman should get back to work. Aren’t women supposed to have the same aspirations in their careers as men? Then they should prove it and not expect a whole year’s maternity leave. It’s scandalous!’

His brother, Will, an author, had an even more pragmatic view. Yes, he would be put off dating a woman sprinting towards marriage and children.

He’s written a book, The Romantic Economist, about the correlation between love and market forces, which, he says, shows the gulf between the sexes on this issue

‘When you’re 30 and you’re female, your biological clock is ticking loudly and you will settle for less than perfect. That decreases your value in the market place. Unfortunately, there are simply more of you about.

‘But a man of 30 doesn’t even have to think of getting married. He’s still looking for his ideal.’

Will was clearly referring to himself. With no biological clock ticking, he’s taking his time to settle down. And while he is dating again, he declared that a family is not even on his horizon. Thankfully, my middle son, Ben, 26, is more of a romantic. He is setting up a gallery with his partner of a year, Karina, 29. ‘If you love someone, and they want children, even if it turns your life upside down, isn’t it worth it?’ he said.

But Ben is very much the exception. His friends tease him remorselessly for being so in love. ‘He’s not done his maths,’ they tell me. ‘We can’t even look after ourselves, let alone a family. We’ve got student debts to pay off. Some of us are still living with our parents!’
Paging Dr. Helen... The young men are not scared, they are on strike. Trying to browbeat them out of their perfectly rational position is unlikely to be effective. This is the consequence of systemic changes, and the solution must be systemic as well.

Monday 23 June 2014

Put out or get out

It's really rather remarkable how women openly expect the lower-rank BETA men willing to commit to them to accept LESS from them than the ALPHA men to whom they freely gave more for nothing:
This man is all I’ve ever wanted in a partner, we live together, we’ve talked about getting engaged, and I’ve never had a better friend in the world. But he can’t get past what I’ve told him; he loves to throw things in my face, such as how I won’t try something with him in the bedroom that he knows I did with someone else. How can I help him get past it? Expressing the frustration it causes me has had no effect on the way he acts or speaks about it.
He's not the one who has to get past it. She is. And if she won't, he ought to trash her and find someone who is willing to fully commit to her husband, not the ghosts of Alphas past.

And this is precisely why men put such a premium on low-N women. With high-N women, there is usually going to be some sort of regular humiliation of this sort. As Instapundit put it, this may be why men increasingly prefer to be "the previous boyfriend".

Keep this in mind. Commitment buys a man NOTHING sexually. If anything, it encourages the woman to become less sexually open, because she is no longer driven to exert herself by her competitive instincts. This is an area where Dread Game can play a useful, if counterintuitive, role in providing stability to a relationship.

It is, of course, unsurprising that the female advice columnist gives completely worthless advice to tell the guy to deal with it and dump him if he won't meekly accept his second-rate status. This is an excellent reminder of why men should never ask a woman for advice about other women. Because Female Imperative + solipsism.

Friday 20 June 2014

Bad flirts

It is interesting how the blame is always apportioned to the men, even when women can't do something as well:
Men are crap at flirting. Or so the majority of women would have you think. An informal poll of straight female friends and colleagues indicated that men favour “calculated lines that you can see through or straight-up abuse because they've read The Game.” But a new study has thrown in a spanner in the supposition that the blame lies entirely with men.

Research at the University of Kansas concluded that women are generally pretty clueless when it comes to detecting flirtation. Dr Jeffrey Hall and his team paired 52 heterosexual women with 52 heterosexual men and asked them to chat one-on-one. In separate rooms the subjects were then told they were participating in a study on first impressions and were asked to fill out questionnaires, with one of the questions asking if they had flirted with their partner and whether they thought their partner had flirted with them.

Whilst 36% of men were able to correctly detect when flirtation occurred, women were only half as likely to realise, with a mere 18% of female flirtees realising that a bloke was putting on the moves. Whilst we women may blame blokes for being bad at flirting, the study raises the question that perhaps men are not so terrible as first thought, but rather it's women who are just really bad at picking up the signals.
Can there be any doubt that if the numbers were reversed, the argument would be that women are more empathatic, which is why they are better able to detect flirting?

In any event, my observation is that most women are feigning this inability. I've listened to women deny that a man is interested in even after the man openly expresses his interest to her and everyone else. And we're not talking about doing it in an offhand or joking manner either. If a man doesn't measure up to a woman's belief in her own status, she is inclined to pretend that she isn't aware of his interest, because admitting it is tantamount to admitting that she might be in his lesser league.

Thursday 19 June 2014

To raise your socio-sexual status

Do precisely the opposite of the advice given by Pamela Clark:
30. Inject feminism into your daily conversations with other men.

If your father doesn’t do his fair share of housework, talk to him about why this is important. If your friend cheats on his girlfriend or speaks negatively about her, talk to him candidly about respecting individual women with whom he is intimate is part of having respect for women in general. Have conversations with your younger brothers and sons about sexual consent.

31. If you have a tendency to behave inappropriately toward women when you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, do not consume drugs or alcohol.

32. Be aware of the physical and emotional space you occupy, and don’t take up more space than you need.

Use your fair share of “air space” in conversations, give as much to relationships as you take, don’t sit with your legs splayed so that other people can’t comfortably sit next to you, etc.

33. Walk the walk about income inequality.

Women still earn about 77% as much as men. If you are in a position where you are financially able to do so, consider donating a symbolic 23% of your income to social justice-oriented causes. If 23% sounds like a lot to you, that’s because it is a lot and it’s also a lot for women who don’t have a choice whether to forfeit this amount or not.

34. Get in the habit of treating your maleness as an unearned privilege that you have to actively work to cede rather than femaleness being an unearned disadvantage that women have to work to overcome.

35. Self-identify as a feminist.

Speak about feminism as a natural, normal, uncontentious belief, because it should be. Don’t hedge and use terms like “humanist” or “feminist ally” that reinforce the idea that the F-word itself is a scary word.
As a general rule, whenever you hear advice from women on how to treat them, do the precise opposite. It will almost always prove to be much more attractive to them. You must always keep in mind that women are anti-pygmalionic. They do not want the men in their lives to become more attractive to other women, because that threatens the reduction of their options as well as their influence over those men.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Equality at last

A Game of Thrones's dedication to sexual equality is hailed:
We're now entering truly sexist-free television, with one of the hallmarks being a brutal, savage, dirty fight between an equally matched man and woman who punch and kick each other in the crotch with gusto.
Setting aside the fact that this supposedly equal match featured a physical freak and a man dying of an infected wound, it's fascinating to note that the pinnacle of equality is deemed to be, and I quote, the "best cunt punt ever".

I tend to suspect whoever is in charge of the Female Imperative will soon be rushing to redefine "equality" with no small degree of alacrity. In my experience, most female equalitarians tend to be in favor of being permitted to vote, divorce, and murder their unborn children, and they are rather less keen on the aforementioned punting.

But I could certainly be wrong. And I found this little window on female solipsism in action to be as amusing as it is expected.
Watching it with my mom. When the Hound got punched in the balls, she goes "ohhh, yeah!" but when Brienne gets kicked in the cunt she goes "oh that's awful"
Thereby demonstrating, once more, that it's not empathy. It is pure solipsism.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Alpha Mail: identifying female solipsism

Bob Mando usefully explains the way in which female solipsism tends to manifest itself:
To [a female solipsist] the most terrible reality of all is the one in which anyone OTHER THAN an adult woman has any say or influence on events. This is really the Narcissist's inability to comprehend ( much less respect ) the boundaries of others.

Marion Zimmer Bradley gets off on fondling her own daughter? Okay, because 'children don't have erogenous zones'.

A husband wants to have sex with his wife? Impermissible because it interferes with the woman's absolute control of the relationshit ... and therefore must be characterized in the most ludicrous terms possible ( so if the woman has just given birth after 20 hours of labor the husband can demand to maritally rape her? you sick Christian bastards! ).

The reason why [the female solipsist] runs to the defense of all adult women everywhere ( the reason of the Sisterhood, actually ) regardless of the vileness of their actions is simple: possession of the One, True, Glittery Hoohaa. It's the flip side of every specific woman being a special snowflake who should be able to demand undying and sexually exclusive access from the man of her dreams.

Because she doesn't actually respect the existence of anyone else, when confronted with a story about a different woman the only way [the female solipsist] processes it is by casting herself (identifying with ) whoever the adult woman in the story is.
Notice that this gives men an easy way to test for female solipsism. Simply criticize a woman who is not the woman with whom you are speaking, and who shares no significant characteristics with her except for her sex. If the woman leaps to the other woman's defense in a manner that indicates she is identifying with that woman despite their differences, the chances are very high that she is solipsistic to an extent that will cause relationship problems.

The solipsist inserts herself into EVERY topic being discussed.

TOPIC: Marion Zimmer Bradley rapes children?
ANALYSIS: What if SHE were to rape a child? SHE would certainly not want to be held responsible and punished for it.
CONCLUSION: Marion Zimmer Bradley did not do anything wrong when she raped children.

TOPIC: A wife's obligation to have sex with her husband.
ANALYSIS: What if SHE were to get married and find herself bound by an obligation to have sex with her husband? SHE would certainly not want to surrender any control over her sexuality to a man.
CONCLUSION: Marriage does not create any obligation for a wife to have sex with her husband.

Monday 16 June 2014

The Female Imperative triumphs over all

If you are foolish enough to take feminists at face value, you might think that they actually care about children. But the fact is that when forced to choose between their ideology and the fate of innocent children, they will choose their insidious ideology every time:
In addition to the lives she harmed, MZB’s works saved the lives of other people by speaking to them when other works and other people would not and/or did not.


MZB gave a start to a lot of women writers—a higher percentage than anyone else in the genre at the time. Those writers helped pave the way for even more female voices in the genre.
It sounds fairly innocuous. Everyone does good things and bad things, right? Until you find out that the woman is knowingly trying to excuse a famous feminist writer's abuse and rape of her son and daughter, as well as her long-time complicity in her husband's repeated homosexual child molestations.

The feminist will never hesitate to sacrifice any number of children on the stinking altar of feminism

Sunday 15 June 2014

Sending signals

If a woman is attracted to you, she will always let you know one way or another. This is something every man, single or married, should keep in mind.

Yesterday I was at a local summer event. I was sitting by myself, waiting for someone, so I had nothing to do but drink a glass of the local red and watch the behavior of the people. I noticed one middle-aged couple; she was tall, slender, and moderately attractive, he was nondescript, mostly bald, but a little taller than his wife and generally fit.

There were tables laid out on the outdoor basketball court, but there was still an amount of room around the basket. The wife picked up a mini-basketball, shot a desultory layup or two that indicated she had played some basketball at one time, then held the ball up and waved it at her husband. He dutifully came over to play defense, at which point she did a credible Charles Barkley/Moses Malone impression and ground her ass into his crotch, backing him up and then turning and shooting a jump shot.

It looked legitimate enough, except that the second time she did it, she shot him a coquettish look over her shoulder and stuck her tongue out, which made him laugh. It was obvious that they were a happily-married pair, and it didn't surprise me that their children appeared to be happy and healthy. And it was also obvious that she had only picked up the ball as an excuse to physically demonstrate her affection for her husband, even if there was no chance she would ever admit it to anyone, least of all her husband.

Women always find a way of letting you know how they feel, in both a positive and a negative sense. Learn to pay attention to those signals, and don't disregard their implications.

Friday 13 June 2014


Because if you're dumb enough to fall for a 4Chan gag, you just might be a feminist with serious psychological issues. As one gentleman noted:

The fact people so easily believed that feminists started should prove how ridiculous you sound 90% of the time.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Fathers are the civilizing force

If you read through the lessons these successful men say they learned from their fathers, a few common themes rapidly become apparent:
  1. Caring and protection
  2. Personal accountability and hard work
  3. Courage and a willingness to fight
  4. Commitment and self-control
Mothers are necessary for the continued existence of society. Marriage, families, and fathers are necessary for transforming a human society into a civilized human society. And anything that weakens the institutions of marriage, family, and fatherhood is an intrinsically anti-civilizational force.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Security vs sexual desire

Women's sexuality is more complicated than men's in part because it tends to directly conflict with their desire for stability and security:
She wired up a plethysmograph to women's private parts and then showed them a series of images to monitor what made them become aroused.  Bergner explains: 'The results reveal that women get turned on by all sorts of videos. Straight women get turned on by naked women exercising; lesbian women get turned on by gay male porn; the sight of apes having sex is a turn on.' But he added that many women were in denial about what they found to be a turn on. 'The plethysmograph was showing lots of arousal when women were telling Chivers they didn't feel turned on at all,' he said....

Bergner said Chivers' study also contradicts the idea that all women want to to settle down with one man - and that they will have the best sex with that one man - because of the emotion intimacy their relationship brings. In fact, Chivers' study found the plethysmograph 'flat-lined' when the women were shown images of their love-term lovers. Seeing someone they knew was a 'lust-killer'. But images of a handsome stranger were a turn on.
This is merely a different perspective on the same ALPHA/BETA conflict observed by various theoreticians of Game. What a woman wants sexually and what she wants materially tend to be in contradiction to each other, and in most cases where a woman is not being actively supported by either her parents or the government, she will choose her material desires over her sexual ones. Women are, in the end, an intensely practical sex; it is men who are the hapless romantics.

And this is why civilization ultimately depends upon providing incentives, or restrictions, to ensure that women continue to pursue their material desires.

Monday 9 June 2014

The decline of marriage

A few years ago, I pointed out that the combination of female hypergamy and the increasing F/M sex ratio at university would inevitably lead to at least one-third of female college graduates never marrying. It's not the only reason, of course, but professional statistical analysts in the UK indicate that this is now happening.
Half of today’s 20-year-olds will never marry, striking research reveals. Instead, couples are increasingly choosing to cohabit without ever deciding to commit. A report published today using the latest data from the Office for National Statistics reveals a generational shift away from the institution of marriage, with youngsters far less likely ever to wed than their parents and grandparents.

The research by the Marriage Foundation shows that, for a variety of reasons, 47 per cent of women and 48 per cent of men aged 20 will never marry. The baby boomer generation – born between the end of the Second World War and the early 1960s – has maintained a healthy level of marriage, with 87 per cent of men and 92 per cent of women having married at some stage.

But subsequent generations are facing a sharp decline in marriage rates. Half of 40-year-olds today are already married, but they are not expected to reach the levels set by their parents.
This is a dire warning for Western civilization. There are increasing indications that the West cannot survive without Christianity, and there is almost no chance it can survive without either Christianity or marriage.

No-fault divorce has to be eliminated now. Adultery should be criminalized, alimony should be eliminated, and child support payments set to a minimal standard. People worry far too much about the potential costs to divorcees and the children of divorce, but divorce is a female industry and the costs to the never-married and the illegitimate children are considerably higher.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Affirmative consent

This smacks of some world-class black-knighting to me:
A newly amended bill from a California lawmaker would require college students to stop in the heat of passion and establish verbal or written consent before having sex anywhere on campus, reports L.A. Weekly. SB 967, amended last week by state Sen. Kevin de Leon (D-Los Angeles), would mandate that college students obtain "an affirmative, unambiguous, and conscious decision by each participant to engage in mutually agreed-upon sexual activity."
Women are constantly whining about consent and attempting to transform it into a nebulous concept that can be ex post facto withdrawn at will. The law is a brilliantly subversive notion, because female competition being what it is, women will start competing to preemptively offer consent.

I suspect de Leon actually thinks he is white-knighting and addressing a Very Serious Problem, but then, those who don't understand Game often find themselves facing the unintended consequences of their actions.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Seeking pre-broken BETAS

Advice from a female "dating coach" concerning why women should pursue divorced men:
He has been broken down! Divorced men understand what it's like to be in a committed relationship within which there are compromises and accommodations. His resistance has already been broken down by another woman so that you don't have to endure the push back yourself.
And women wonder why men might be on a bit of a marriage strike these days. Any woman who wishes to avoid "resistance" to her wishes is fundamentally unworthy of marrying.

This is further evidence in support of the BETA BUX concept.

Friday 6 June 2014

The submissive smile

Women say they resent it when men tell them to smile. And well they should. An instinctive smile, when one is not expressing pleasure or recognition, is a submissive gesture. This is why attractive women tend to smirk in response to the big goofy submissive smiles sent their way by lower status men.

One easy way to increase your perceived level of alpha is to simply not smile at strangers. Instead, just reply with a nod or a pleasant word. One can be perfectly civil without grinning at everyone like an idiot, and it's always interesting to see the difference it makes in people's perceptions.

I'm not talking about walking around glowering; self-conscious anger is much worse than indiscriminate smiling. But women have always been drawn to brooding men, so rather than turning them away with a gesture of preemptive submission, give them something to which they can be drawn.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Relationship advice

Pro tip: when attempting to make up with a boyfriend or girlfriend on whom you have cheated, do not, under any circumstances*, quote ADOLF HITLER!

*Unless your boyfriend or girlfriend is a confirmed neo-Nazi. Then I suppose it might be all right. But otherwise, no.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Hide the difference

Popular Science begs for scientists to stop doing sex-related science:
In the past decade, several thousand papers have been published on sex differences in the human brain. Many physical differences are genuine, but oftentimes not meaningful. Take for example, an easily measurable characteristic: size. One study recorded men’s brain volumes at 1,053 to 1,499 cubic centimeters and women’s at 975 to 1,398. The overlap means you couldn’t tell the sex of a random brain from its size.

In addition, many supposed psychological differences between the sexes are as illusory as the physical ones. In 2005, Janet Hyde, a researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, analyzed data from studies of apparent sex differences in traits such as aggression, social ability, math, and moral reasoning. Nearly four fifths of the traits showed only a minor or negligible difference between men and women.
The blank-slaters are getting increasingly desperate. Now they're to the point of calling for a moratorium on sex-based neuroscience. But consider the deceit on which they're forced to rely.

With regards to brain size, the overlap means that any brain from 1,499 cc to 1,398 is necessarily male and any brain from 1,053 to 975 is necessarily female. So, while we aren't told how the distribution percentages fall, obviously one can tell the sex of 34 percent of the total range.

And if "nearly four-fifths of the traits" showed only minor or negligible differences, that means at least 21 percent of them showed significant differences. Anyone who understands that even a tiny delta can have consequences will understand that far from indicating the irrelevance of sex differences in the brain, this tends to indicate a massive difference in fundamental capabilities.

This is further proof that feminism and equalitarianism are intrinsically anti-science. Their true believers have no choice but to be anti-science, because science is methodically destroying the foundations of their ideologies.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Careers can wait

Fertility won't. Kirstie Allsopp tells young women that their priorities are backwards:
“Women are being let down by the system. We should speak honestly and frankly about fertility and the fact it falls off a cliff when you’re 35. We should talk openly about university and whether going when you’re young, when we live so much longer, is really the way forward.

“At the moment, women have 15 years to go to university, get their career on track, try and buy a home and have a baby. That is a hell of a lot to ask someone. As a passionate feminist, I feel we have not been honest enough with women about this issue.”

“I don’t have a girl, but if I did I’d be saying 'Darling, do you know what? Don’t go to university. Start work straight after school, stay at home, save up your deposit – I’ll help you, let’s get you into a flat. And then we can find you a nice boyfriend and you can have a baby by the time you’re 27.”
She's absolutely right, of course. It's interesting to see forty-something GenX women speaking out against the nonsense they were taught by their Baby Boomer teachers and parents.

Monday 2 June 2014

Dilbert Game

Say no more....

Sunday 1 June 2014

The female definition of slut

With women, it's always all about alpha access:
As US News & World Report explains, the researchers found that “slut” is an all-purpose insult. But calling someone a “slut” had more to do with perceptions of another woman’s femininity rather than with her sexuality. In fact, less sexually experienced women were actually called sluts more often, according to the research.  Thanks to the class stratification found on the campus, young women perceived other women from their own social group as the “right” kind of feminine.  As Armstrong explains, “Wealthy women are making a distinction between being classy and trashy, whereas women with less money are equating stuck up and exclusive and not nice to being slutty.” As blogger Amanda Hess put it on the blog Double X, employing the slur “was more about policing women’s looks, fashion, and conversational styles.” For example, women from wealthier backgrounds were able to afford the beautifying treatments considered by their peer “classy”: wearing department store makeup, getting their nails done, tanning. Young women who can’t afford these services and presented themselves as feminine in other ways were seen as “trashy.”

Interestingly, young women from a lower class background who were trying to socialize with higher-status groups were more likely to be labeled “sluts,” the study found. Armstrong explained that lower-class women risked being called out and humiliated by the higher-class women for their clothes or behavior, which signaled they weren’t welcome in the group. (And not surprisingly further cemented their reputation for being stuck up.) Also interesting, as Double X reports, is how higher-status women were less concerned with how many men that lower-status women had slept with but whether the men themselves were lower status. Higher-class women, it seems, are highly attuned to the subtleties of status-by-association. Yet higher-class women were also (frustratingly) less concerned with what the lower-class women thought of them.
There is nothing that women find more hateful than lower-status women stealing the men to whom they are attracted. Hence the incessant attacks, and the not-infrequent labeling of women with considerably less sexual experience as "sluts". Among women, the term is more about policing status than behavior.

I was good friends with a beautiful swimsuit model back in the day. Most women HATED her on sight; she was the sort of girl who could just about start a riot by wearing a tanktop. She was from a small town and didn't get around a lot, but that didn't stop women from openly calling her a slut despite knowing nothing about her. Ironically, the control tactic backfired, as she didn't change her behavior, but she did start dressing a lot more provocatively. As she once said: "they're going to call me names anyhow, so why not make sure their boyfriends are all looking at me."

Women are very hard on women, particularly lower-class women. Another girl I knew couldn't stand being around my social circle because she'd never been to college. None of the men cared, (I doubt most of them even realized it), but it seemed that some of the women always found an excuse to remind her of it.


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