Monday 23 June 2014

Put out or get out

It's really rather remarkable how women openly expect the lower-rank BETA men willing to commit to them to accept LESS from them than the ALPHA men to whom they freely gave more for nothing:

This man is all I’ve ever wanted in a partner, we live together, we’ve talked about getting engaged, and I’ve never had a better friend in the world. But he can’t get past what I’ve told him; he loves to throw things in my face, such as how I won’t try something with him in the bedroom that he knows I did with someone else. How can I help him get past it? Expressing the frustration it causes me has had no effect on the way he acts or speaks about it.
He's not the one who has to get past it. She is. And if she won't, he ought to trash her and find someone who is willing to fully commit to her husband, not the ghosts of Alphas past.

And this is precisely why men put such a premium on low-N women. With high-N women, there is usually going to be some sort of regular humiliation of this sort. As Instapundit put it, this may be why men increasingly prefer to be "the previous boyfriend".

Keep this in mind. Commitment buys a man NOTHING sexually. If anything, it encourages the woman to become less sexually open, because she is no longer driven to exert herself by her competitive instincts. This is an area where Dread Game can play a useful, if counterintuitive, role in providing stability to a relationship.

It is, of course, unsurprising that the female advice columnist gives completely worthless advice to tell the guy to deal with it and dump him if he won't meekly accept his second-rate status. This is an excellent reminder of why men should never ask a woman for advice about other women. Because Female Imperative + solipsism.


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