Thursday 3 July 2014


This says it all.

Miss MRA @MraMiss
Advocating for the rights of men and women!
One major distinction I have noticed between the Pickup Artist community and the Men's Rights activists is that the latter tend to be of lower socio-sexual status and less aware of Game. They tend to be enthusiastic about female involvement rather than wary. So, rather than simply accepting women of sympathetic views as allies while keeping them at arms length as the Game community does, the MRAs appear to welcome them as members and even spokeswomen.

This, I strongly suspect, is a major strategic mistake. Women are very, very adept at transforming organizations and movements into mere mechanisms serving the Female Imperative. This can be seen in the history of everything from church denominations to the American voting franchise.

It will not take long for "advocating for the rights of men and women!" to transform into yet another form of women's rights advocacy. It is one thing to welcome a friendly passenger to the back seat, another to hand them the keys and trust that they both know, and want to go, where you were intending to drive.


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