Tuesday 1 July 2014

It's just too easy

You know, I intellectually grasp the Gamma concept of embracing the insult, of owning the contempt, and attempting to make a positive out of a negative. It's a defense mechanism, and maybe it is even a necessary one for young men who somehow have to survive years of degradation and social humiliation.

But I don't understand it. I mean, seriously John Scalzi?

Saw the inside of a weight room for the first time since high school today. I took things very VERY slow.

Let it be known that my daughter can lift more than I do. Because she's on her school's weightlifting team, and also because she's awesome.

Watching "Tootsie" with Krissy. Seriously one of the best comedies ever.
Ye cats. You don't have to know anything at all about a man who will voluntarily make public statements like that to recognize that he was nowhere near the top or even the middle of the social hierarchy as a youth. If you're having any trouble grasping the difference between Delta and Gamma, this is it in a nutshell: the observable difference between the behavior of someone like John Scalzi and normal adult male behavior.

See that? Don't do that. Not if you have any interest in attractive female companionship. Much less sex of the variety that involves an attractive, willing, female partner who is not being monetarily compensated.

ME: Some dudes online are making fun of me because you lift more than I can. DAUGHTER: That's because they're pathetic losers, dad. #point
Yes, no doubt THAT is PRECISELY why people are laughing at him. Just like the popular kids in high school didn't invite him to their parties because they were jealous. One has to say this for the man: when he finds himself in a hole, he is bloody well determined to dig his way out. Because China must be down there somewhere!


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