Saturday 26 October 2013

Why gammas deny SMV

It's not hard to understand why women, especially aging women, deny the existence of SMV. As PJ O'Rourke once described, they dwell in "the lonely Hell of the formerly cute" and the reality is simply too painful for them to acknowledge. But why do men deny it, especially when it is supposedly so favorable to them that it has even been theorized that older, sexually disfavored men concocted it in order to make them feel better about themselves... well, that does smack of psychological projection, doesn't it.

There are several reasons. One gentleman on Twitter pointed out that PZ Myers's inability to understand that the units of Rollo's graph were nothing more than percentages of an individual's maximal SMV smacked of mild autism. And that surely plays a part, since Myers falls right in the middle between neurotypical and Asperger's Syndrome.

"I’ll have you know, though, that I took the test and scored a 24, an “average math contest winner.” You need a 32 to suggest Asperger’s, and a 15 is the average. So there. I don’t have Asperger’s, I’m just cruel and insensitive."

And, as the SMV discussion has shown, handicapped when it comes to understanding fairly simple concepts that everyone else has no trouble grasping. When you see a man who is otherwise intelligent getting lost in the irrelevant details and completely failing to see the obvious, and that man happens to be an atheist, you can be reasonably confident that he is not neurotypical.

But that's not the only reason. SMV is painful to low-ranking men who have not come to terms with their low status. The more delusional the Gamma, the less he is able to accept the reality that his intelligence, his sensitivity, and his willingess to place women on pedestals do not make him more attractive to the opposite sex. And no amount of logic or observation will suffice to make him admit that a five year-old girl has a lower SMV than a 25 year-old woman, that a Victoria's Secret model has a higher SMV than the average woman, or that he is not, in fact, as desirable as the high school quarterback, the college frat guy, or the corporate vice-president, all of whom he sees as idiots who aren't half the man he believes himself to be.

Notice how they reliably attempt to denigrate the attractiveness of men who are observably much more successful with women than they are.  This is the Gamma male's version of women threatening not to have sex with men whose views they dislike. PZ writes: "Let’s not even start on the ethics of judging people’s worth by the sole parameter of their sexual attractiveness. By that criterion, the author of that graph is a negative ten, and should be shoved in the hole beneath the outhouse and ignored for the rest of his days."

Perhaps PZ is right. However, the fact is that women don't decide who will, and who will not, be having sex with them on the basis of that criterion. They actually make their decisions based on the criteria that PZ describes as "spinning around in circles chasing your own tail until you fall over and vomit".

However, the reality is that the tails "these pick-up artists" are chasing are not their own. And no one would listen to Roissy, or Roosh, or Rollo, or me, if our advice didn't work. There is a vast amount of empirical evidence in support of our hypotheses, and it is remarkably unscientific of Mr. Myers to ignore it.

The rejection of the SMV concept is simply one aspect of the Gamma Delusion Bubble in which most gammas dwell. Because he's good enough just the way he is, and if the world doesn't recognize that, well, it's the world's loss!


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