Friday 19 December 2014

Rape is the new black

White American men simply don't rape these days. At this point, unless a womann claims it was committed by a black or Hispanic man she didn't previously know, all claims of rape, especially by a college woman, have to be considered intrinsically suspect:

The latest feminist obsession with rape has reached the point where false accusations are now being thrown around loosely. It has resulted in a negative stigma toward men on college campuses, and destroyed the lives of those falsely accused. Fortunately, one man videotaped his entire encounter with a woman who wrongly accused him, proving her wrong and probably saving him from arrest and prosecution.

Fly Height posted the video, showing a disheveled looking woman who appears to be high and trespassing in a man’s room. She cries out, “Don’t touch me, rape, he wants to rape me! Help me!” The startled man responds back, “stop hitting me lady.”  With the door wide open and her boyfriend standing next to her, she continues, “I promise I won’t squeal on you anymore … I’ll do anything you want!” She then bangs on his door, yelling, “I was trying to get out of your room, you won’t let me.” The victim asks her repeatedly, “Please call the cops and get out of my room.”

Another man, possibly a landlord, approaches her as she finally leaves the man’s place, sympathetically taking her side. But it won’t matter, all the evidence is preserved on video.
No one believes that women don't lie about rape anymore. Even the average feminist is now rolling her eyes when a college woman comes forward and cries rape. This was the inevitable result of creating St. Rape Victim, now every attention-seeking young woman wants to have been raped.


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