This study has a few interesting socio-sexual implications:
In a new study, European researchers found obese women had more trouble finding a sexual partner than their normal-weight counterparts, though the same wasn't true for obese men, and were four times as likely to have an unplanned pregnancy. Fat men also reported a higher rate of erectile dysfunction.Several interesting conclusions can be drawn from this:
Experts interviewed more than 12,000 French men and women aged 18 to 69 about their sexual experiences and analyzed the results based on their Body Mass Index.
Obese women were 30% less likely than normal-weight women to have had a sexual partner in the last year. In comparison, there was little difference among obese men and normal-weight men as to whether they found a sexual partner.
- Low-rank women are more likely to seize the opportunity to get pregnant when one presents itself. 300 percent more indicates more than carelessness is involved here.
- Men really don't like fatties.
- Normal-weight gammas behavior is as problematic and unattractive to women as obesity.
Oh, and there is one more point. As far as the media is concerned, men don't really exist. The headline is: "Obesity can sink your sex life". Which, according to the study, is true, as long as you're a woman.
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