Saturday 22 November 2014

Post-relationship omegas

A commenter at Instapundit's explains his lack of interest in the opposite sex:

Originally, the geeks of the world (or at least the Western world) were not so much on strike as they were being willfully excluded from polite society. A reciprocating circle of cause and effect meant that slightly-weird people were socially alienated, which resulted in an even deeper retreat into the things that made them slightly-weird to begin with. Yet, with any given one of them, they would have jumped at the chance to be "normal", to not be alienated, to have a girlfriend or wife, and so on. Alienation was a punishment that they all hoped in their secret heart would one day end.

More often, now, I see the socially alienated begin to shift toward the idea that even if they were to be invited back to "normal" society, and have their stigma erased or diminished, they see the cost of that to be too great to consider. They no longer want to be unalienated. They are increasingly resentful of their treatment and increasingly critical of the flaws of the society from which they were forced to retreat in the first place.

Used to be that any pretty girl could bat her eyelashes and any given nerd would jump to her will. There are still plenty of people like that, but more and more geeks are starting to laugh in their faces instead.
The longer that women delay marriage and ride the ALPHA carousel, the harder it is for BETA males to deny what their prospective mates have been doing and the longer they have to become accustomed to their alienation. So, it should be no surprise that they are becoming less and less interested in acting as a safe landing zone for the carousel jumpers.


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