Saturday 15 November 2014

SJW parenting

Ye cats. One would call it a complete fathering fail, except one can't honestly call it "fathering":

"Kid called me out on Twitter last night for something she considered sexist. Proud of her; happy to have raised her so she knew she could."
- John Scalzi
And when his daughter turns out to be a miserable thought-policing trainwreck who can't find a man to put up with her nagging SJW ways, no doubt Gamma Dad will blame sexism and those evil men who fail to properly appreciate the boundless joys of feminism. How low does a gamma male have to go in order to publicly supplicate to his own daughter?

No wonder young women raised by godless parents are increasingly turning to Islam. Nothing disgusts women more than weak and spineless men. Teaching girls to point and shriek at offenses they manufacture themselves is not how you raise strong, self-confident daughters who will one day make happy wives and contented mothers.

It is, to the contrary, how you create the very worst human beings on the planet.


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