Friday 14 February 2014

Equality demands it

Women should soon be eligible for the draft. Because equality:

NCFM has filed a lawsuit that challenges the legality of requiring only males to register for the military draft.  The lawsuit was filed against the U.S. Selective Service System in the United States District Court for the Central District of California on April 4, 2013, Case Number 2:13-cv-02391-DSF-MAN .

The 1981 U.S. Supreme Court equal protection case of Rostker v. Goldberg, 453 U.S. 57 (1981) held that men and women were not similarly situated in the U.S. military because women were excluded from combat, therefore women did not have to register for the draft.  Dissenting Justice Thurgood Marshall wrote, “The Court today places its imprimatur on one of the most potent remaining public expressions of ‘ancient canards about the proper role of women’.”

In January, U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta announced that women will be allowed to enter all combat positions in all branches of the U.S. military, thereby removing the sole legal basis for requiring only males to register for the draft.

NCFM’s complaint alleges that because men and women are now similarly situated in the military, Selective Service’s requirement that only males must register for the draft violates the rights of both men and women to equal treatment under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution, and under United States Code, Title 28, Section 1983.
Furthermore, men should be advised that if physically attacked by a woman, they should feel free to defend themselves every bit as vigorously as if they were attacked by another man. Because equality.

Black knight the hell out of every woman who so much as mentions the word equality. Treat her exactly like you'd treat a man who runs his mouth, who lays a hand upon you, who dares to get in your face and challenge you. The only way women will ever be convinced of the error of their feminist ways is to be forced to live up to the reality of their ideal.

And besides, there are few things funnier than the look on a woman's face when she suddenly realizes, to her abject horror, that she isn't going to escape the consequences of her own misbehavior by playing the "I'm a girl" card.


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