Saturday 31 May 2014

Alpha Mail: don't fear the flirts

JF is overly concerned about what women think:
Had a question that I’m somewhat struggling with.  I’m by nature, personality wise, a delta, but because I’m tall, built and fairly good looking probably fall more into the beta range on your scale.  First of all I’m a follower of Jesus, and second I’m very happily married, so I have no interest in flirting with women.  However, I work in a female heavy environment and am trying to figure out how to assert more dominance/influence without being flirty.  It is not unusual to have women lock eye contact with me, and I get uncomfortable for two reasons.  One being, I’m naturally a delta, and the other is that I don’t want to be seen as a flirt.  How do I handle eye contact like this without looking weak?  Right now I just end up looking away, which seems lame.  Same applies outside of the office also, for instance just a few minutes ago an attractive woman lock eye contact with me at the coffee shop for probably five secs and I finally looked away because obviously I don’t want to give any false impression. 
I have to say this for the man, he has properly identified his socio-sexual mindset and that is always encouraging. Most men tend to get very uncomfortable when women hold eye contact. And men who are not dominant often tend to worry excessively about how their behavior is interpreted.

Fortunately, the answer is very simple. First, don't worry about how your actions are viewed by others. You know your intentions better than they do. Remember, women are capable of assigning whatever interpretation they want to any action; does anyone think that an omega who holds eye contact with a woman is going to give her the false impression that he's flirting with her? And attention whores regularly make ludicrous claims about men being interested in them, wanting to marry them, and so forth.

My advice to JF is to stop thinking about the subject, stop caring what these women may happen to think, and if a woman locks eyes with him, to smile, snort, shake his head and turn away. It's a dismissal, and a dismissal when a woman is (potentially) expressing interest is both dominant and non-flirtatious.

While being dominant will tend to increase female interest, women are not social masochists and they are unlikely to pursue married man who manifestly shows negative interest in them. There are few things that women fear more than public humiliation, after all. The one potential problem is the psychos who will attempt to engage him in a conversation nominally meant to clarify that they are not at all interested in him, not even a little bit, which is why it is necessary for them to spend every opportunity convincing him that he was wrong to reject her out of hand.

But the main thing is to stop concerning oneself with the possibility that one's actions will be misconstrued. Maybe they will be misconstrued. So what? Do you worry when your dog wrongly thinks you're about to feed him? In like manner, why would you be even remotely concerned that a coworker might fail to grok your essence in its entirety?

Friday 30 May 2014

30 questions

I'm contemplating writing the first Alpha Game book this summer. Rather than doing my usual thing and writing an esoteric 750-page monster that mostly revolves around abstract principles, I'm going to focus on addressing, in a clear and succinct manner, the 30 primary questions that young men have concerning intersexual relations.

For example, the first question I have addressed is: Why doesn't she like me?

So, here is my question to you all. Given that the focus is on young men from 15-25, what are the questions you would most like to see addressed and answered in this book?

Wednesday 28 May 2014

A false indictment

Blaming the Androsphere for PUAHater Elliot Rodger's actions is akin to blaming the NAACP for the lynching of black men:
In Elliot Rodger's YouTube "manifesto", recorded before he killed six in Isla Vista, California, he said his actions were provoked by women who spurned his romantic advances in favour of men he considered less appealing.

This led to the creation of the #YesAllWomen Twitter hashtag, with women sharing stories of sexual harassment and assault as a push back against those who dismissed Rodger's views as the rantings of a mentally ill individual.

Another debate over gender and sex has arisen from Rodger's use of language often associated with the "pick-up artist" (PUA) community, and news reports indicate that he took interest in the techniques and views espoused by a subculture that seeks to offer advice on how men can be more successful at attracting members of the opposite sex.

This advice, critics say, objectifies women and may have fuelled Rodger's anger. Bustle's Sarah Hedgecock offers her take on the PUA world:

Dedicated to having sex with women determined to score at least 7 out of 10 on the PUA scale of attractiveness, these men trade tips for scoring "targets" (yes, that's code for "women") and becoming the dominant dudes they believe all women truly want to sleep with. These are the guys who try to pick women up by insulting - or "negging" - them. The beliefs that women control the sexual market, that one is owed sex for doing favours for women, that girls only sleep with jerks and that there is one true key to getting all the (straight, hetero, unattached) sex a man could want form the basic creed of the PUA community. Women, in PUA culture, are not humans deserving of respect; they are a necessary evil to conquer in the name of sex.
It would be very difficult to get the basic concepts of Game more wrong than Ms Hedgecock has managed to do. Let's consider her statements:
  1. Dedicated to having sex with 7+ women? Wrong. Game is all about setting reasonable targets; a gamma is never going to score an HB7+. It's about improvement no matter where a man begins.
  2. Trading tips? Fair enough. Check.
  3. Becoming dominant dudes that women want sexually? It's an exaggeration, but close enough. Check.
  4. Guys who try to pick up women by insulting them. Wrong. Some players neg. Others don't. Negging is just one tool in a very large toolbox.
  5. Believe that women control the sexual market. Check. They do.
  6. One is owed sex for doing favors for women? Wrong. That's literal delta anti-Game.
  7. Girls only sleep with jerks? Wrong. They PREFER jerks, but they'll reliably exchange sex for support once the Wall begins to loom.
  8. There is one true key? Wrong. Hence the size of the toolbox.
  9. Women are not humans deserving of respect. Wrong. Because women are human, they do not intrinsically deserve respect on the basis of possessing a vagina.
  10. Women are a necessary evil to conquer. Absolutely wrong. Who said anything about necessary? Now, they are societally necessary when taken in the collective, but the core of the player's abundance mentality is the understanding that no individual woman is necessary or irreplaceable.
Elliot Rodgers had two chances. God and Game. Either could have saved him. He rejected both. And so to blame either is absurd on its face.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

The scars of puppy love

It's remarkable when people so completely forget their own youthful social hierarchy as to find Elliot Rodger's angry despair inexplicable:
A model who the California gunman Elliot Rodger named as his "first crush" and vilified in his twisted manifesto as an "evil b----" is said to be distraught. According to her relations Monette Moio met Rodger at school when she was just 10 and doesn't even remember him.

In his manifesto titled "My Twisted World" the deranged young man, who killed six people in Isla Vista, Santa Barbara, last week, claimed that Miss Moio had teased him when they were children and "wounded me deeply"....

"The whole thing is so creepy. It's scary even though he's gone. She doesn't even remember this guy. She's always been the most delicate kid you'd ever want to meet. For him to call her a bully, this kid was really disillusioned. She was 10 years old. It was just an illusion this kid built in his own mind. She hadn't seen him since seventh grade." 
In other words, she met him at a young and formative age, went to school with him for four years, and she still doesn't even remember him. The kid was certainly disillusioned, but it wasn't an illusion he built in his own mind, it was an illusion he was fed by the people around him. The fact that his first crush doesn't remember him doesn't minimize the consequences of her actions, rather, it proves the relevance of Game and the need for it in order to understand the socio-sexual dynamics that contributed to the recent tragedy.

Rodger was, quite literally, beneath Moio's notice in junior high school. Like many pretty, popular girls do, she probably expressed her amusement and disdain when Rodger, a gamma at best, attempted to interact with her in some clumsy manner. There would be no reason for her to remember doing so, she probably treated every boy of insufficient socio-sexual rank at school the same way. Nor can she be reasonably criticized for behaving in that manner, as it is as much a natural aspect of establishing and policing the socio-sexual hierarchy as the alpha boys pushing around the deltas and the low deltas tormenting the omegas.

I daresay everyone remembers the individual with whom they were first enthralled at a young age. I can still remember each of the four girls I liked in elementary school and junior high. I was more fortunate, I think, in that the girl on whom I had a particular crush was friendly and kind, although she did not return my interest at the time.

Monday 26 May 2014

A world of white knights

An experiment shows that strangers are ready to rush in to defend women, but laugh at men being attacked:
A hard-hitting experiment has revealed how strangers react differently when seeing domestic abuse depending on the gender of the aggressor. A video filmed with hidden cameras at a London park shows a male actor attacking his ‘girlfriend’ in front of onlookers who immediately rush to help, with one shouting: ‘Oi mate, what's wrong with you?’ The man is told ‘someone will call the police if you carry on doing that to someone’, before a passer-by says to the woman: ‘You don't have to put up with that honey, he's not worth it’.

The experiment is then conducted with the same actors - but this time, the woman is the aggressor, attacking him and saying: ‘Don't try to walk away - listen to me when I'm talking to you.’

However, instead of reacting with shock, nobody watching even attempts to help the man. They actually seem rather entertained by the incident, stopping to stare and laughing about it.
No wonder Ray Rice is still being publicly pilloried for knocking out his fiance, despite the fact that the woman went on to marry him, the prosecutors struck a deal involving no jail time, and his lawyer has strongly implied that Rice was defending himself against a physical attack by his now-wife.

One might wonder at the man's willingness to marry a woman who attacked him, but then, one tends to doubt he'll have any future trouble of that sort with her.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Blue Pill Bodycount

In which we see how the lack of Game can prove deadly to young men and women alike in an environment of unrestricted female sexuality:
'I'm 22 years old and I'm still a virgin. I've never even kissed a girl,' he says in the video'. College is the time when everyone experiences those things such as sex and fun and pleasure. But in those years I've had to rot in loneliness. It's not fair. You girls have never been attracted to me. I don't know why you girls aren't attracted to me. But I will punish you all for it,' he says in the video, which runs to almost seven minutes.

He repeatedly promises to 'punish' women and lays out his plan for 'retribution.'

'I'm going to enter the hottest sorority house of UCSB and I will slaughter every single spoilt, stuck-up, blonde s**t that I see inside there. All those girls that I've desired so much, they would've all rejected me and looked down on me as an inferior man if I ever made a sexual advance towards them,' he says.

'I'll take great pleasure in slaughtering all of you. You will finally see that I am, in truth, the superior one. The true alpha male,' he laughs like a maniacal movie villain. 'Yes... After I have annihilated every single girl in the sorority house I will take to the streets of Isla Vista and slay every single person I see there. All those popular kids who live such lives of hedonistic pleasure...'

Rodger's Twitter account has only two tweets, posted on April 19 and 20.

'Why are girls sexually attracted to obnoxious, brutish men instead of sophisticated gentlemen such as myself?
The rage of the Omega is boundless. The young man wasn't bad-looking. He was obviously well-off. He drove a nice black BMW. And yet, his anti-Game was so bad that he made it to 22 without ever so much as kissing a girl. No wonder he was murderously furious with women.

There are two clues to his problem. The first is that he considered himself a "sophisticated gentleman" at 22. Girls in their teens and early 20's aren't attracted to sophisticated gentlemen who treat them well. They are attracted to jerks who treat them indifferently, and the more arrogant the jerk, the better. The second is the fact that he was a literal "PUAhater" who was opposed to the androsphere and everything it stands for.

Taken together, this indicates that Rodgers was an omega male who simply couldn't accept female nature for what it is. He refused to take the red pill, and the blue pill bodycount wound up at seven.

Friday 23 May 2014

Hypergamy in the kitchen

One of the many reasons that women in the workforce tend to create problems that would not otherwise be there: it is normal for women to become attracted to their male superiors. It also puts a revised perspective on so-called sexual harassment:
Does the gender of your boss make a difference?

I can’t speak for other women, but for me, having a female boss and male boss is very different. I tend to develop crushes on my bosses. It’s like there’s a need for approval from any male boss, like wanting their 100 percent approval. But if it’s a female boss, I’m usually thinking, Do you have respect for my work ethic? I would work just as hard and give it my all for a man or a woman, but I guess I always end up fantasizing about any of my male bosses.
Women naturally respond in a sexual manner to a man who is in a dominant position over them. This doesn't mean they will act on their instincts, but it needs to be recognized that the instinctive response is there in order for it to be managed effectively by all the relevant parties.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Alpha Mail: Letter to a Wayward Woman

A gentleman who is friends with a couple on the verge of splitting up addresses the wife, who is abandoning her Delta husband in her mid-forties. It's longer than this, but the only part I thought was potentially relevant was the part that deals with her future prospects:
Dear Wayward Wife,

Let’s take a moment to honestly look at your future as a divorcee.  It is both stark and bleak.  You are going to be chronically poor. Statistically, in spite of your hopes and dreams of new and better love, you are unlikely to remarry.  Even if you do, the man you marry will be of a lower quality than the man you’re leaving and will likely to be much older; ten or more years your senior is common.  But the more likely case is even worse: statistically your future will be increasingly hopeless as you age. You'll engage in a long series of sexual encounters with increasingly lower quality men gaining sexual access through feigned desires for a long-term relationship when, in truth, you merely serve as life support for your vagina. But this is only until your attractiveness wanes, when you’ll find it near-impossible to get even a one-night stand.  This is borne out by the facts and buttressed by my anecdotal experience.  Every single woman with whom I’ve dealt in such matters has become sexually active before the ink is even dry on the divorce papers and usually before they're even signed.  Every. Single. One.  After rationalizing an unbiblical divorce, it must be easy to rationalize adultery, even serial adultery.

You’ve embarked down a path that reliably ends in abject loneliness, estrangement from your children (usually caused by a new boyfriend who has no interest in the needs of your children), predictably ending in lonely old age with pets as your sole companions.  Even if you turn out to be the one woman in a thousand who finds fleeting felicity down this wayward path, it will not be with God’s blessing.  This is no path to either long-term happiness or eternal bliss.

In today’s sick and confused culture this decision is yours and yours alone to make but, if you do move forward and remove yourself from your husband’s protection, you will do so disabused of any ability to seek sympathy through honest claims of ignorance in future conversations or prayers.  To the contrary, you now divorce with the full knowledge that your and your children’s lives and circumstances will suffer in ways you will later come to severely regret.  The consequences are simply baked into the decision.

My strong advice is to work to restore your marriage and seek its betterment.  That’s your best path and God can and does work miracles when hearts are changed and when forgiveness is both sought and given.  The alternative now stands in stark relief: “This is the way of an adulteress: She eats and wipes her mouth and says, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’”
I don't know if this will even slow the woman down or cause her to at least think twice. I tend to doubt it; rational analysis has never been a female strength. But providing such a warning is the decent thing to do, to ease one's own conscience if nothing else.

Personally, I've never favored the notion of trying to convince a woman to stick around, there being no shortage of girls on the girl tree. Sure, there are factors such as kids, houses, and finances to take into account, but at the end of the day, why would you want to spend five minutes, let alone the rest of your life, with someone who simply doesn't want to be around you?

One cannot control the behavior of others, least of all those caught up in self-destruction. In such cases, the chief objective ought to be mitigating the damage to innocent others.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

If you have to ask, it's too late

Rollo considers the Purgatorio of the friendzone:
One of the most common questions you’ll read from desperate blue pill men, not just in the manosphere, but on damn near every dating forum, to Dear Abby, to AskMen is “How do I get out of the friendzone?” Type that question into a Google query and look at the number of returns you get. The question of course is usually followed by some plea for advice or a script to follow in order to finally get with the Girl of his Dreams®, and rationally and reasonably make her aware of how he measures up to everything on her ‘boyfriend list’.
There is only one way out of the friendzone. Stop being her friend. Stop paying her attention, stop being a commitment-slut, and above all, stop telling her that you will do anything for her.

Higher status men aren't quite as liable to find themselves trapped in the friendzone because they know the number one secret of women: a woman pursues that which she really wants. A woman who is attracted to you will walk right up to you and kiss you before she's been introduced to you, offer extensive sexual services without expectation of recompense or even affection, cheat on her longtime boyfriend or husband without knowing your name, and go far out of her way on the flimsiest excuse on the off-chance that she might get to see you.

She will go without sleep for days, live a double-life, get her own apartment, fake a suicide attempt, or move across the country just to get the attention of a man she likes.

She's not recoiling from your fumbled attempt to make a move on her because she values your friendship, she's recoiling because she is not attracted to you. The way in which she "doesn't see you" is that of a prospective lover. If you want to become attractive to her, you first have to get out of her orbit, then reshape yourself into the sort of man that she finds attractive. And remember, in determining what sort of man a woman finds attractive, you must always pay attention to who she does rather than what she says.

It's not her "boyfriend list" that matters, but the common attributes of the men who make up her N-list.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

The Literary Portrait of a Sigma

"During these years Goldmund had gradually lost the rest of the adolescent grace and boyishness that had pleased so many. He had become a beautiful, strong man, much desired by women, little popular with men. His mind, his inner face, had greatly changed as well since the days Narcissus awakened him from the happy sleep of his cloister years. World and wandering had molded him. From the pretty, gentle, pious, willing cloister student whom everybody liked, another being had emerged. Narcissus had awakened him, women had made him aware, the wandering had brushed the down from him. He had no friends; his heart belonged to women. They could win him easily: one longing look was enough. He found it hard to resist a woman and responded to the slightest hint. In spite of his strong sense of beauty, of his preference for the very young in the bloom of spring, he'd let himself be moved and seduced by women of little beauty who were no longer young. On the dance floor he'd sometimes end up with a discouraged elderly girl whom no one wanted, who'd win him by the pity he felt for her, and not pity alone, but also a constantly vigilant curiosity. As soon as he gave himself to a woman—whether it lasted weeks or just hours—she became beautiful to him, and he gave himself completely. Experience taught him that every woman was beautiful and able to bring joy, that a mousy creature whom men ignored was capable of extraordinary fire and devotion, that the wilted had a more maternal, mourningly sweet tenderness, that each woman had her secrets and her charms, and to unlock these made him happy. In that respect, all women were alike. Lack of youth or beauty was always balanced by some special gesture. But not every woman could hold him equally long. He was just as loving and grateful toward the ugly as toward the youngest and prettiest; he never loved halfway. But some women tied him to them more strongly after three or ten nights of love; others were exhausted after the first time and forgotten.

"Love and ecstasy were to him the only truly warming things that gave life its value. Ambition was unknown to him; he did not distinguish between bishop and beggar. Acquisition and ownership had no hold over him; he felt contempt for them. Never would he have made the smallest sacrifice for them; he was earning ample money and thought nothing of it. Women, the game of the sexes, came first on his list, and his frequent accesses of melancholy and disgust grew out of the knowledge that desire was a transitory, fleeting experience. The rapid, soaring, blissful burning of desire, its brief, longing flame, its rapid extinction—this seemed to him to contain the kernel of all experience, became to him the image of all the joys and sufferings of life. He could give in to this melancholy and shudder at all things transitory with the same abandonment with which he gave in to love. This melancholy was also a form of love, of desire. As ecstasy, at the peak of blissful tension, is certain that it must vanish and die with the next breath, his innermost loneliness and abandonment to melancholy was certain that it would suddenly be swallowed by desire, by new abandonment to the light side of life. Death and ecstasy were one."

- from Narcissus and Goldmund by Hermann Hesse

Sunday 18 May 2014

The slut sell

Steve Sailer asks the purpose of female tattoos, given that male tattoos are meant to make permanent life statements:
What's the purpose of tattoos for women who wouldn't wear the same shoes for six months? Is it too signal to the kind of guys she likes (e.g., drummers) that you are the type of guy I like? But what if after another year here she decides that while she liked drummers back in South Dakota, now she likes producers and agents? Tattoos are class markers, and might work against attractive young women rising in class by marrying well.

Is getting tattoos something guys suggest to discourage hypergamy? Or is it something that other women suggest out of the usual feminine malice?
The answer is pretty obvious to anyone who has paid attention over the last two decades. Tattoos signify the degree of a woman's publicly advertised promiscuity. This is not necessarily a reliable advertisement, but it is a sexual advertisement nevetheless. The advertisement is that the more ink she has, the easier the sexual access to her will be. (It pains me that at this point, I should probably remind some readers that not all advertising is true. Some women are more interested in being perceived as sexy than actually following through on the message being broadcast.)

This is why tattoos are considered "sexy" by men. The tattoos don't make the woman any more attractive, they simply provide an easy method of quickly identifying that she is more readily accessible than the average. So, tattoos are one way for less attractive women to better compete with more attractive women, in much the same way as wearing shorter skirts or unbuttoning an additional blouse button.

A discreet tattoo or three in easily hidden locations are a nice girl's way of showing a few men of her choice that she isn't always a good girl and thereby giving her a leg up in comparison with other nice girls. Extravagant tattoos that can't be hidden tend to be the sign of a woman who is either desperate for attention or sexually incontinent. Although there aren't many studies on it yet, there are indications that "tattoos may be possible markers for lethality". For example, one study found that 57% percent of young white suicides were tattooed compared to 29% of matched accidental deaths.

If you're set up on a blind date with a girl and you're told that she has a tattoo of an dove on her wrist, aren't you going to have different expectations of what the evening holds in store than if you're told she has a giant tattoo of a werewolf sodomizing a vampire on her back as well as a bloody dagger between her breasts and the twelve signs of the zodiac in various places around her body? QED.

Nota Bene: please don't even think about starting in with the blather about why the little butterfly on your ankle is deeply meaningful to you because it signifies your best friend who died in a car crash on prom night. Nobody has ever bought that transparent nonsense. You got a tattoo because you wanted to be seen as stylish and sexy, but not trashy. That's fine, so stop pretending it's some sort of massively encrypted code that no man could possibly crack.

Friday 16 May 2014

A female entrepeneur decides not to hire women

She should probably be deprived of her ability to make a living. There is NO PLACE IN SOCIETY for women who are not enthusiastic about hiring female employees.
Over the years, I have hired outstanding women – educated, intelligent and highly articulate. Yet, I am exhausted. I have become profoundly tired of being a therapist and a babysitter, of being drawn into passive-aggressive mental games and into constantly questioning my own worth as a manager. I have had several women who quit to stay home to “figure out what to do next”. No, not to stay home and care for children, but to mooch off a husband or a boyfriend while soul searching (aka: taking a language class or learning a new inapplicable skill that could be acquired after work). Incidentally, I have not had a single male employee quit with no plan in mind.

I have had women cry in team meetings, come to my office to ask me if I still like them and create melodrama over the side of the office their desk was being placed. I am simply incapable of verbalizing enough appreciation to female employees to satiate their need for it for at least a week’s worth of work. Here is one example to explain. My receptionist was resigning and, while in tears, she told me that although she was passionate about our brand and loved the job, she could not overcome the fact that I did not thank her for her work. It really made me stop in my tracks and so I asked for an example. “Remember when I bought the pictures with butterflies to hang in the front? And you just came and said ‘thank you’? That is a perfect example!” – “Wait”, I said, “So, I did thank you then?” – “Yes! But you did not elaborate on what exactly you liked about them! Why didn’t you?” She had bought them with the company credit card and I actually did not like them at all, but I digress.

I have developed a different approach for offering constructive criticism to male and female employees. When I have something to say to one of the men, I just say it! I don’t think it through – I simply spit it out, we have a brief discussion and we move on. They even frequently thank me for the feedback! Not so fast with my female staff. I plan, I prepare, I think, I run it through my business partner and then I think again. I start with a lot of positive feedback before I feel that I have cushioned my one small negative comment sufficiently, yet it is rarely enough. We talk forever, dissect every little piece of it, and then come back to the topic time and time again in the future.
Some women are excellent employees. Many women are useless, unproductive drama queens. The challenge is to learn to tell the difference between the two. And the problem is that there isn't much leeway in current employment law to dismiss someone for simply being a distraction and a pain-in-the-ass.

But most of the difficulties here are caused by men who don't hold women accountable. If you are babying women and treating them any differently than your male employees, you are part of the problem.

Thursday 15 May 2014

Women calling out feminism

Natasha Devon observes that modern feminism is anti-equality:
Today's feminism teaches British women to see themselves as victims and victims cannot exist without a villain, in this instance – men. In order for this thesis to have any kind of logic, feminists have made sweeping, inaccurate judgments about an entire demographic, based on nothing more than their gender. Ironically, the exact practice they claim to be fighting.
I'm not an equalitarian myself. But unlike most feminists, I don't pretend to be one.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

The happiness imperative

Happily married men and women really don't play the happiness card enough. Dalrock explains how it can effectively utilized:
As I’ve mentioned before after the initial empowerment fades divorced women tend to find themselves excluded from their previous social networks.  Married women tend to prefer to socialize with other married women.  Since marriage confers status on women (which divorcées lose if they aren’t able to remarry), being dropped from the married social circle and being forced to move to the divorcée social circle is a painful loss.

This simple fact has Ask Amy outraged, as a married mother wrote in explaining that she and her fellow married sister and cousins don’t find they have much in common with her single mother/divorced sister.  Ask Amy is of course free to rage against human nature all she likes, but she won’t be able to undo the status hit women take when they divorce.....

In the interest of bringing all parties together, I will offer a solution which I think Ask Amy and the letter writer can both get behind.  Instead of not inviting the divorced sister, why not promise, no swear, in front of God and everyone they know that they will include her in their outings in the future.  Then, when the time comes that honoring this promise would make them unhappy, simply leave her out.
 That should work nicely. Of course, there is always the possibility that in this particular case, the issue isn't the sister's status as a divorcée, but rather her status as a confirmed freakshow.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Alpha Mail: status uber alles

BW sends in this Game-related joke:

A wealthy couple was sitting in an upscale restaurant. Suddenly, a gorgeous redhead approached the man., walked over to their table and gave him a big, wet kiss and then walked away.

"And who was that?” asked the wife in a huff. "That's my mistress," the man admitted.

“That's it!” snapped the wife. " I want a divorce!!!"

"All right,” said the husband. "But you realize that if we divorce now, that means no more trips to Paris in the spring and no more trips to Miami Beach in the winter. It means no more Mercedes, no more maids, no more butlers, and it we'll have to sell our house in a depressed market. We'll both have to move out and live in two smaller houses."

The wife sat there fuming, her arms crossed, when a mutual friend walked into the restaurant with an attractive blonde on his arm.

"Who's that with Jim?" asked the wife.

"That's his mistress," said the husband.

"Ours is much prettier,” the wife declared.

Monday 12 May 2014

Women abusing men

Where is Jay Z's hashtag?
Jay Z was ferociously assaulted by Beyonce's sister Solange  ... who was wildly kicking and swinging at him inside an elevator ... and the attack was captured on surveillance video ... obtained by TMZ.

According to our sources, it all went down at a Met Gala after party last week at the Standard Hotel in NYC.  In the video ... Jay Z, Beyonce and Solange step into the elevator ... and then Solange goes crazy, screaming at Jay before unleashing a violent attack.

A large man -- who appears to be a bodyguard -- attempts to hold Solange back, but she manages to connect at least 3 times.  At one point Solange throws a kick and Jay grabs her foot, but never attempts to strike her.  Beyonce stands by without getting physically involved.
So much for Jay Z's gangster cred. But can you imagine the criticism that would be leveled at him if Beyonce was attacked right in front of him and he didn't lift a finger to defend her?

If Jay Z was the Alpha he pretends to be, he would have flattened his sister-in-law. There are few things more pathetic than a man who submits to a beating by a woman.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Honor the mothers

We are, quite rightly, very often hard on women here at Alpha Game. We need to be, because they spend most of their lives having smoke blown up their pretty little asses by people of both sexes and all ages who want to curry favor with them. Since we want nothing from them, we have neither interest nor need in doing so and are thereby free to speak the truth as we see it.

But never be tempted into misogyny by the bad behavior of one, one hundred, one thousand, or even one million women. They are the fate of the human race. They are the fate of the Western sub-species. They matter.

So, honor those who reject the nihilistic hedonism of feminism despite being literally inundated with its dogma from their earliest years and fulfill their primary destiny, that of motherhood. Whether she fulfills it gracefully and well or grudgingly and incompetently, she has done her duty. Respect that she has played her part in the miracle of life, honor her for doing her part in turning back the dark void of universal entropy.

It's not nothing. It's not a minor thing. Without women, there is no Man.

Happy Mother's Day.

Saturday 10 May 2014

Nagging kills

Women may not actually be trying to kill the men in their lives, but it appears at least some women are literally nagging their husbands to death:
Danish researchers from the University of Copenhagen said having a nagging partner can significantly shorten one’s life, and could result in three extra deaths per 100 people per year.

The study also said people nagged by their spouses are more likely to get heart disease and cancer.... The study also says men in particular are at risk. Men who said they faced ‘many’ demands from their partner or family and friends were more than twice as likely to die compared to women in the same category who were 34 per cent more likely to die.
In other words, a woman placing many demands on her husband increases his chance of death by 68 percent. She might want to think about that the next time she loses her temper over his failure to take out the trash. Perhaps she might consider simply taking it out herself rather than increase her chances of being stuck doing it herself for the rest of her life.

Thursday 8 May 2014

The face of Hell

I will not link to the stomach-turning piece at Matt Walsh's blog, but short of violence, I will observe that there is another effective way that men can combat the massive depravity that is abortion. In the comments at John C. Wright's journal, Rainforest Giant shows the way:
I had a girlfriend many long years ago. She told me she had three abortions with an earlier boyfriend. I was unable to look at her the same afterward and I ended our relationship. Just writing about it now I feel the same sense of physical sickness and soul-deep shock as when she told me.

Murdering our children will earn this nation a Judgement. Carthage was destroyed and sown with salt and they were pikers compared to us. What do we have coming? Will we who have stood aside and allowed it to happen share in that Judgement? Honestly, I only hope that my children and grandchildren are spared, for myself I’ll accept what comes. We all deserve it to some extent.
Do not date any woman who has had an abortion. Make it very clear that you will not involve yourself with any woman who would murder her own progeny. It is a non-negotiable. The reason the murderous abhumans that call themselves "feminists" work so hard to remove the shame and stigma from the monstrous act is because women are so highly susceptible to social rejection. That is their intrinsic weak point. That is the point to which men and women of moral standards must relentlessly apply pressure.

Women who claim to be "pro-choice" can and will change their thinking. In most cases, they haven't given the matter any thought; "pro-choice" it is the default position for most college-educated women. The ignorant thought can be overlooked, the evil action itself, never.

I suspect that a movement of men who make it clear that they will not involve themselves sexually or romantically with women who have had abortions will do more to end abortion than any political activity on the part of anti-abortion activists.

Feminism is the ideology of Hell and abortion is its face. Do not compromise with it.

Monday 5 May 2014

Bullet-proof self-regard

The impervious nature of the solipsistic:
Then, one day, a few weeks ago, an event happened (I’ll save the details of that for some other time.) Suddenly a torrent of emotions poured in. I was overwhelmed. I stayed home from work one day–my best friend Erica sent me some poetry, and I just cried. I wept. It felt like my soul was pouring out of me, one tear at a time.

I reeled from the onslaught of emotions for days, and soon thereafter, I broke off my relationship with Brian. Whatever wasn’t right in my life wasn’t easy to find. It went deep into myself.

Brian was shocked, and as well he should be. I loved Brian. I still love him. But something wasn’t there. It wasn’t right. It was why we weren’t getting married. He was the perfect guy on the surface, but for some reason he wasn’t perfect for me.
I Had to Leave…

That was Friday, April 25. Saturday morning, I woke up and bought a plane ticket to Boulder, CO for six days. It was there that I would kill my company. But at that point, I didn’t know that. All I knew was that I had to leave. I had to get away....

Today I write this, still in Boulder, still reeling emotionally from the large volume of changes in my life in the past week. I write this humbly, with a complete lack of ego. My business failed and it took my savings, and $640,000 of investor capital on top of that, with it.
She may have lost more than half a million dollars of other people's money. But, (and here is the important thing), she is at peace. And she feels stronger now, she has convinced herself that she is not a failure.

Remember the important lesson to be learned here: the feminine side of ourselves is not a weakness. Because lessons.

Saturday 3 May 2014

The height preference

Never apologize for whatever your requirements in women are. If a woman attempts to take issue with it, ask her if she'll go out with your five-foot tall friend. Chances are she won't, not even if he is a millionaire doctor with an Olympic medal who writes bestselling novels on the side:
 LYNN SHERR: [voice-over] We recruited other men about the same age as David (5'6", Stu 5'0" and Rob 5'3", but taller. We asked them all to dress in jeans and a sweater, then we did something cruel. We put them in lineups, five at a time, behind a two way mirror. The men couldn't see or hear what was going on in the next room. That's where we invited groups of women to look at the men and choose a date. In this case, we wanted to see if anyone would pick 5'3" Rob. When Andrea told us women like doctors, we gave him an M.D. Their choice?

2nd WOMAN: Andrew.

3rd WOMAN: I would say Matt, I think.

LYNN SHERR: [voice-over] No Rob. We piled on some more assets. We said, besides being a doctor, he was also a best selling author, and champion skier who had just built his own ski house. PGPH [interviewing] Does that effect your choices?

4th WOMAN: He's still short.

LYNN SHERR: [voice-over] Then we gave Rob a promotion. We made him chief of staff at a prestigious hospital. PGPH [interviewing] Who would you pick?

4th WOMAN: Him.

5th WOMAN: Andrew's probably the closest to who I'd pick.

6th WOMAN: I'd pick Matt.

7th WOMAN: Jeffrey, the pilot.

LYNN SHERR: [voice-over] What would it take? Now we said Rob was also a gourmet cook who loves children.

8th WOMAN: Oh, definitely I would take him in a minute, then. The height, no problem.

9th WOMAN: I wouldn't, because I don't think I'd want short, little kids.

LYNN SHERR: [voice-over] Well, at least someone liked Rob. But if it was this harsh for him at 5'3", what would it take to get a date for Stu at just 5 feet? First we made him an up and coming actor.

2nd WOMAN: No.

3rd WOMAN: No.

4rd WOMAN: Not.

LYNN SHERR: Then we said Stu had made millions by age 25.

10th WOMAN: No.

11th WOMAN: No.

12th WOMAN: Not for me.

LYNN SHERR: Nothing worked. PGPH [interviewing] How come nobody picked Stu?

13th WOMAN: He's too short.

LYNN SHERR: He's too short? PGPH [voice-over] We asked if there was anything we could add to make Stu irresistible.

14th WOMAN: Maybe the only thing you could say is that the other four are murderers.

15th WOMAN: Right, are convicted of some crime.

14th WOMAN: Child molesters.
Keep in mind these are the same women who won't hesitate to try to get on your case because you insist on a woman who isn't fat or flat. Whether you are short or not, their iron-clad preferences mean they simply don't have a leg to stand on.

Friday 2 May 2014

The triumph of the career women

Feminists crow about George Clooney's engagement:
You’re a direct, fantastic rebuke to everything “Princeton Mom” Susan Patton writes about in her book, “Marry Smart: Advice for Finding The One,” in which she counsels women to get plastic surgery in high school, “find a husband on campus before [they] graduate,” and not spend too much time focusing on their careers. On this particular point, Patton offers bleak words, a sort of Ghost of Christmas Future for any ambitious woman over 30: “You’ve been so invested in your professional super-stardom that you took your eye off the ball. You have no husband and no children, but the ship has already sailed! It’s too late. You don’t get to have everything.”


BOOM, Susan Patton!

BOOM, ridiculous conservative Phyllis Schlafly, who recently insisted that paying women the same as men would hurt the women’s chances of finding a mate!

I guess, Amal, that you didn’t see the memo about men not liking smart women. Oh, you didn’t see that? It’s the one that gets reinforced just about every other day in pop culture, encouraging women to dumb it down from the time they’re adolescents, in the hopes that staying perky, dim and silent will make him — any him — love you.

As the Clooney/Alamuddin nuptials near, the inevitable articles will appear, talking about the “fairy tale ending” of this glittery union, surely a dream come true for a non-famous, hard-working London woman.
I wonder how long it will take for these women to realize that while he may have married a professional woman, George Clooney not only proposed to a woman who is 16 years younger than him, but spurned all of the 160 million women in America and went offshore to find his fiance.


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