Tuesday 27 May 2014

The scars of puppy love

It's remarkable when people so completely forget their own youthful social hierarchy as to find Elliot Rodger's angry despair inexplicable:

A model who the California gunman Elliot Rodger named as his "first crush" and vilified in his twisted manifesto as an "evil b----" is said to be distraught. According to her relations Monette Moio met Rodger at school when she was just 10 and doesn't even remember him.

In his manifesto titled "My Twisted World" the deranged young man, who killed six people in Isla Vista, Santa Barbara, last week, claimed that Miss Moio had teased him when they were children and "wounded me deeply"....

"The whole thing is so creepy. It's scary even though he's gone. She doesn't even remember this guy. She's always been the most delicate kid you'd ever want to meet. For him to call her a bully, this kid was really disillusioned. She was 10 years old. It was just an illusion this kid built in his own mind. She hadn't seen him since seventh grade." 
In other words, she met him at a young and formative age, went to school with him for four years, and she still doesn't even remember him. The kid was certainly disillusioned, but it wasn't an illusion he built in his own mind, it was an illusion he was fed by the people around him. The fact that his first crush doesn't remember him doesn't minimize the consequences of her actions, rather, it proves the relevance of Game and the need for it in order to understand the socio-sexual dynamics that contributed to the recent tragedy.

Rodger was, quite literally, beneath Moio's notice in junior high school. Like many pretty, popular girls do, she probably expressed her amusement and disdain when Rodger, a gamma at best, attempted to interact with her in some clumsy manner. There would be no reason for her to remember doing so, she probably treated every boy of insufficient socio-sexual rank at school the same way. Nor can she be reasonably criticized for behaving in that manner, as it is as much a natural aspect of establishing and policing the socio-sexual hierarchy as the alpha boys pushing around the deltas and the low deltas tormenting the omegas.

I daresay everyone remembers the individual with whom they were first enthralled at a young age. I can still remember each of the four girls I liked in elementary school and junior high. I was more fortunate, I think, in that the girl on whom I had a particular crush was friendly and kind, although she did not return my interest at the time.


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