Monday 26 May 2014

A world of white knights

An experiment shows that strangers are ready to rush in to defend women, but laugh at men being attacked:

A hard-hitting experiment has revealed how strangers react differently when seeing domestic abuse depending on the gender of the aggressor. A video filmed with hidden cameras at a London park shows a male actor attacking his ‘girlfriend’ in front of onlookers who immediately rush to help, with one shouting: ‘Oi mate, what's wrong with you?’ The man is told ‘someone will call the police if you carry on doing that to someone’, before a passer-by says to the woman: ‘You don't have to put up with that honey, he's not worth it’.

The experiment is then conducted with the same actors - but this time, the woman is the aggressor, attacking him and saying: ‘Don't try to walk away - listen to me when I'm talking to you.’

However, instead of reacting with shock, nobody watching even attempts to help the man. They actually seem rather entertained by the incident, stopping to stare and laughing about it.
No wonder Ray Rice is still being publicly pilloried for knocking out his fiance, despite the fact that the woman went on to marry him, the prosecutors struck a deal involving no jail time, and his lawyer has strongly implied that Rice was defending himself against a physical attack by his now-wife.

One might wonder at the man's willingness to marry a woman who attacked him, but then, one tends to doubt he'll have any future trouble of that sort with her.


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