Saturday 10 May 2014

Nagging kills

Women may not actually be trying to kill the men in their lives, but it appears at least some women are literally nagging their husbands to death:

Danish researchers from the University of Copenhagen said having a nagging partner can significantly shorten one’s life, and could result in three extra deaths per 100 people per year.

The study also said people nagged by their spouses are more likely to get heart disease and cancer.... The study also says men in particular are at risk. Men who said they faced ‘many’ demands from their partner or family and friends were more than twice as likely to die compared to women in the same category who were 34 per cent more likely to die.
In other words, a woman placing many demands on her husband increases his chance of death by 68 percent. She might want to think about that the next time she loses her temper over his failure to take out the trash. Perhaps she might consider simply taking it out herself rather than increase her chances of being stuck doing it herself for the rest of her life.


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