Tuesday 30 September 2014

"Rape harder"

Black knights are taking the fight to the rape fantasists on campus:

College men accused of date rape are fighting back with ethically dubious techniques including hacking, outing their attackers, and videotaping their sexual encounters, in addition to bringing an increasing number of successful law suits to vindicate themselves, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf.

Last week, at the University of Chicago, individuals allegedly trying to keep “the Hyde Park community safe from people who publicly accuse other people of committing varying levels of gender-based violence without any proof whatsoever…” hacked into a website of the school’s student organization and posted the name and photo of an alleged rape survivor as well as this threat: “Hopefully the class of 2018 is paying attention because otherwise the UChicago Electronic Army is going to have to rape harder.”

....As colleges are pressured to be more aggressive in finding students guilty of date rape, it appears that a few male students are beginning to follow the advice on various web sites to surreptitiously videotape their sexual encounters to be able to prove afterwards, if necessary, that the act was consensual.

For example, four students at Hofstra University were accused of gang raping a fellow student, but were freed when a cell phone video indicated that the sexual encounter was consensual.

Likewise, a San Francisco lawyer, charged with raping three women, had the charges regarding two women dismissed because he had videotaped those encounters, and another man was found not guilty of an alleged gang rape after a Cook County, Illinois, jury was shown a videotape arguably showing some signs of consent as pointed out by an expert witness.
If you're a male college student, then you'd damned well better be sure that you've got everything on video, because these days that's the only way you're going to be able to prove that you weren't raping her, otherwise they will absolutely kick you out of school and quite possibly try to see you charged in criminal court on nothing more than her word.

Most college women lie about rape because they are are encouraged to do so. Almost all the sob stories you will hear from them are nothing but attention-seeking fiction. And there is nothing "ethically dubious" about self-defense.


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