Friday 30 January 2015

Seeking alpha

These ten points need to be read, repeatedly, to every delta and gamma male until he understands that women like sex in and of itself:

See anything about love, intellectual admiration, or rewarding loyalty and sincere devotion there, Gamma boys? 

In addition to the Alpha aspects, one reason why women prefer Sigmas for casual sex is that they know the Sigma isn't likely to stick around and want a relationship: "a 2011 study out of the University of Michigan found that when women can be assured of “safety” and “sexual prowess,” they were just as likely as men to opt for a night of commitment-free sex."

Thursday 29 January 2015

College: what is it good for?

Why would anyone want to send his daughter to an American university in light of stories such as this:
Over Christmas, the Daughter returned from college in New York, steeped in identity politics and brandishing her PC views like a cat o’ nine tails. Boy, were we in trouble. “Every time I say something, she says it’s offensive or racist,” complained her brother, who wanted his funny, irreverent sister back.

I asked her if there might be something wrong with a nation which jails one in three black males, whilst obsessing over precisely how they should be referred to. She then admitted that she had recently gone on a New York march against the killing of young Michael Brown in Ferguson. The police, she noticed, were arresting only black people. When an elderly black man fell over, Evie had shouted at the police to please help him, but they turned away. Whether we call him a black man, a coloured man, an African-American, or a person of colour is not the issue. The issue is that, as far as the cops were concerned, he was barely a person at all.
For me, the amusing part is that the mother doesn't even realize that her daughter didn't do anything to help the man; apparently yelling demands at the very police whose actions she is protesting is the full extent of her moral responsibility. So much for the pretense of equality.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Don't cut your damn hair: Beauty Queen edition

Pro tip: if you want to win a beauty competition, don't look like a man:
'If short hair is a problem why didn't they say': Fury of family of Jamaican beauty queen as they claim she lost out on Miss Universe crown because of Halle Berry hairstyle.

The grandfather of the Jamaican beauty queen who lost out on the Miss Universe crown has hit out at the pageant judges for being unclear about the requirements needed to win the show.

Michael Fennell said that Kaci was the victim of ‘unwritten factors’ and that the judges should have stated if Miss Universe needed to have long hair.  He said: 'If short hair is a problem why didn’t they say so in the contest? In my mind she was absolutely beautiful in her short hair. She was different but if the judges didn't want short hair then say so. I wish I knew how these contests were judged where there are other factors that are unwritten that have to be considered'.
And here we see the problem of the Gamma and Delta father, who lies to his daughters about the world. Granted, this is a fairly harmless example, but on what planet do men prefer short hair? Miss Jamaica doesn't look "absolutely beautiful" in her short hair, she looks like a dyke trolling for femmes.

Ladies, it's not that hard. Men find long hair attractive. They always have, they always will. That is never going to change, so deal with it. No one is telling you that you can't cut your hair off, we're just warning you that the consequences will generally be negative.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Tough Girls

Stingray explains the process by which women conclude they can beat up men just like Buffy and Xena:
I think it's innate. We see a strong woman beating up a man (this means that she is inherently better than him) and then we think, "Yeah! She did it, I identify with her, so I can do that, too!" It's not coherent like that. It's just a feeling. But that is basically the process.

It's female solipsism.
This no doubt explains the otherwise mysterious popularity of all the incredible warrior women over the last 20 years. Although it doesn't come close to replacing the conventional romance model, in which two Alphas battle over the right to be chosen by the reader representative

Feminists, of course, would like to see that trope transformed, so that Bella stakes the vampire, has the werewolf put down at the pound, and runs off with a woman who looks like Pete Rose.

Monday 26 January 2015

Gamma delusion in action

There is literally no reality that the Gamma male can't rationalize away. But it's not often that we get to see the delusional process of bubble construction laid out in print:
I had been reading a novel and reached a part where two brothers, once deeply committed to each other, experienced a profound fissure. The thought that this could someday happen with my own brother, whom I loved fiercely, unraveled me. Before I knew it, I was sobbing, all-out chesty heaves and whimpers. My girlfriend stared out the window with set, narrowed eyes. Nearby passengers and attendants stole glances my way.

If this wasn’t enough of a surprise — I hadn’t cried in 19 years, since I was 11 — I did something that unwittingly became one of the most important political acts of my life.

I stared back.

I made sure that anyone who looked my way saw my swollen, bloodshot eyes. They were going to have to turn away first, and I stared them all down. On the walk to baggage claim my girlfriend looked everywhere but at me. “What was that all about back on the plane?” she asked, her eyes still narrowed.

“I’m not sure,” I said, and I turned toward her, wanting her to see the dried, salty streaks on my cheeks, which encoded some message like invisible ink. She stared straight ahead.
Notice the way in which that the Gamma has internalized the feminist mantra of "the personal is the political". He has, in his own mind, turned his own weakness into a bold political act. So, he's not a crybaby, he is a fearless Social Justice Warrior.

Sunday 25 January 2015

The loneliest paladin

A recovering ex-Gamma male once told me that the heart of the Gamma is a relentless willingness to lie to oneself, even in the face of the undeniable. This tweetstream of @mikebrendan, Paladin and Straight Stepper Upper, provides an illustration of the truth of his explanation.
MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
What's incredible is they don't realize how they're making themselves look. Completely clueless berks, the lot of 'em. Ah well...
0 replies 0 retweets 0 favorites

MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
It was mildy admusing watching those fuckers foam at the mouth, but they're a really sad lot if they have all that anger in them.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 favorites

MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
All these idiots are doing is giving my block button a workout. Wasting their time.
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MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
Things I don't get: why Ghaters would rally around Vox Day. Dude is the epitome of loser.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 favorites

MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
Not only did Vox get kicked out of SFWA for being a racist homophobic sexist dipshit, he took sixth place on a five person ballot.
0 replies 0 retweets 1 favorite

MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
Sixth place. That's like...the Colonel's Secret Recipe of dumb and ignorant. Oh well. Dojodrive time.
0 replies 0 retweets 1 favorite

MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
So, Ghaters, revel in your lies and your cowardice. I'll be out there in the world, kicking more ass than you'll ever sit on.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 favorites

MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
Tomorrow, Ghaters, I'll be training, gaming, and then out on a date. I'll be enjoying life, while you sit at your screens refreshing in RAEG
0 replies 0 retweets 0 favorites

MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
So, GooberGhaters, here's what I'm gonna do. Pour myself a nice glass of pinot noir. Watch Star Trek. Paint Skaven, because I'm a gamer.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 favorites
So, we have someone who is drinking wine and watching Star Trek alone on a Saturday night. WINNING. Notice all the replies, retweets, and favorites, or rather, the lack thereof. He can't even get a response from anyone without mentioning me.

Gammas are always in search of dragons to slay in order to impress the princesses they pedestalize. Don't be the Gamma. Be the Dragon. The hotter the princess, the more she digs Dragons.

Saturday 24 January 2015

Portrait of a Gamma (Paladin-class)

Notice that this guy has no children, no wife, and no life, and lives alone with a cat, but he's a Paladin in his own mind: He is a true Social Justice Warrior and he is "stepping straight the fuck up"!
If these fedora vaping MRAs and game-stooges want a fight, I’ll give them one. Hell, I’ll let them take the first swing if it ever gets into the Real World (which is as unlikely as them landing the first hit). What are they gonna do, call me a Social Justice Warrior? That’s only an insult in their heads. A White Knight? I’ve got news for them: I’m a goddam Paladin to these motherfuckers, and I’ve got Smite Evils to go around. I see a Dudebro bullying a woman, a POC, or a GLBT, trying to use terror to get them to be quiet or quit gaming, I am stepping straight the fuck up.

And if any of you Dudebros are reading this, if you think I’m doing this in the hopes of getting rewardsex, stop projecting your deprivations onto me. I’m in your face because you refuse to be a decent human being. Full fucking stop. I’m engaging because it’s the right thing to do, because trying to be the strong silent example gets overwhelmed and obscured by your shit, and because I want my two darling nieces to not livein  fear of jackasses like you.
Sure you will, Internet Paladin with your "Okinawan KarateDo" and your two-year quest to "get down to 22% body fat". Sure you will. The poor guy has no idea how unattractive his white-knightly supplication is to women.

Friday 23 January 2015

Nightmare at Central Perk

And the menace of Chandler Bing. It's no wonder the Social Justice Warriors are always so on edge. For them, the clock is always ticking on when their attitudes and actions will abruptly transform from heroic to villainesque:
Chandler, identified in Season 1 as having a “quality” of gayness about him, is endlessly paranoid about being perceived as insufficiently masculine. He’s freaked out by hugs, and by Joey having a pink pillow on his couch. (“If you let this go, you’re going to be sitting around with your fingers soaking in stuff!”)

In retrospect, the entire show’s treatment of LGBTQ issues is awful, a fault pointedly illustrated by the exhaustive clip-compilation “Homophobic Friends.” But Chandler’s treatment of his gay father, a Vegas drag queen played by Kathleen Turner, is especially appalling, and it’s not clear the show knows it. It’s one thing for Chandler to recall being embarrassed as a kid, but he is actively resentful and mocking of his loving, involved father right up until his own wedding (to which his father is initially not invited!). Even a line like “Hi, Dad” is delivered with vicious sarcasm. Monica eventually cajoles him into a grudging reconciliation, which the show treats as an acceptably warm conclusion. But his continuing discomfort now reads as jarringly out-of-place for a supposedly hip New York thirtysomething—let alone a supposedly good person, period.

When it comes to women, Chandler turns out to be just as retrograde as Joey, but his lust comes with an undercurrent of the kind of bitter desperation that I now recognize as not only gross, but potentially menacing.
Yes, I know that when I am in the mood for a scary horror movie, my first thought is to dial up an episode of Friends. It's somehow appropriate that Chandler Bing, of all people, should turn out to be the Freddy Krueger for the Millennial generation.

The best that one can say of these people is that they are differently sane.

Thursday 22 January 2015

A defeat for feminists

It appears the anti-Page 3 activists celebrated too soon:
'Nicole from Bournemouth' today brought to an end speculation that Page 3 had been killed off. It had been widely thought the controversial segment in The Sun newspaper had been dropped after 44 years - and Government ministers welcomed the move.

The newspaper had not published pictures of topless glamour models since last Friday, instead advising readers the pictures would be available on its website. After reports the paper had decided to quietly drop the feature, Education Secretary Nicky Morgan and Liberal Democrat women's and equalities minister Jo Swinson were among those to express their delight at the apparent change.

Despite claims earlier this week in The Times newspaper, owned by Rupert Murdoch who also owns The Sun, that the feature had been dropped, the tabloid had refused to confirm the move.

Its head of public relations Dylan Sharpe stated on Twitter last night: ‘I said that it was speculation and not to trust reports by people unconnected to The Sun.’
And so the impossible, but never-ending quest to destroy all unapproved male activities and interests continues.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Confessions of a serial rapist

Dark secrets unveiled:
I am a serial rapist. I admit it. Full stop.

Listen, I’m not a jerk. I was always in a committed relationship with my partners. This may surprise you, but I’ve always been the committed type. I had three long-term partners before my current, permanent partner to whom I have been legally married for a long time, but none of that stopped me.

When I wanted sex, I took it.

I’ll tell you a secret: it’s easier to rape when you are in a long term relationship. Consent gets pretty murky. My partners were not always into sex when I wanted it. I didn’t care. And because they valued me, and their relationship with me, they accepted it. Their own minds were murky. That’s the perfect storm.
There are an awful lot of similarly unrepentant serial rapists walking around out there. It's a scary world, people.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Banning breasts

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Monday 19 January 2015

Don't sweat "the turning"

BETA men worry far too much about keeping their unhappy wives. If what Rollo describes is what is happening to you, my advice is not to worry about it, but focus on easing her path out of the marriage in the least mutually destructive manner possible.
Once the first (and possibly second) child arrives, a woman’s order of intimate priorities changes, “turns” to that of the child. The sex “reward”, the ‘cookie time for good boy’, for desired behavior or performance ‘turns’ off, or sex is used as an intermittent reward for desired behavior (i.e. Choreplay). Sex becomes a utility; a positive reinforcer for her Beta increasing his provisioning capacity rather than the true visceral enjoyment she had with her past lovers.

This new functionality sex represents to a wife becomes ‘turning’ on her husband who believed he would always be her most intimate priority. In the instance of a woman marrying her ‘Alpha Provider’ this may in fact be the case, but as with the hierarchies of love that Alpha doesn’t have the same concern with, and didn’t marry his wife under the same pre-expectations a Beta does.

For the man who persists in his Beta mindset (or the guy who regresses into that mindset) this ‘turning’ becomes more and more pronounced. The turning comes out of the bedroom and into other aspects of their relationship – finances, familial ties, her expectations of his ambitiousness, his asserting himself at work or with their mutual friends – on more and more fronts he’s compared to other men and the ghosts of the Alphas she knows or has known.

Even though the Beta is aware his children are now his wife’s true priority, his Blue Pill conditioning still predisposes him to sacrifices. Again, he meets with ready-made social conventions that shame his discontent; “Is sex all that’s important to you?” It shouldn’t be, because it’s really “what’s on the inside that counts”, but he can’t shake the feeling he’s slipping out of her respect.

This is when Beta Dad doubles down. His Blue Pill expectations of himself require an all-consuming, self-sacrificing predisposition. The horse will work harder. His wife may have lost respect for him by this point, but his sense of honor and duty press him on. He doesn’t want to be like his oppressive or non-present father was. He wants to ‘out-support’ his father’s ghost, or what he believes ‘other guys’ would do when their marriages get tough.

So he waits it out, but she’s ‘turned’ on him by this point. It wasn’t planned, but all of his martyr-like determination only makes her that much more resentful for having settled on this Beta. After a certain stressing point, her disinterest or indignation goes even beyond his capacity to stay committed to a losing investment.
You can only control your own behavior. No one else's. If your wife is unhappy about the choice she made, if her children and friends and family and fun are her priorities and she wants out, then by all means, let her walk! Show her to the door with a smile!

There is a saying: if you love someone, set them free. You can't control her actions, much less her desires. You can't control the legal system. You can't control your feelings. You can't control anything except your own actions.

Ironically, the more willing you are to let her go, the less likely she is to actually continue down that road. With what is she actually threatening you anyhow? Doing whatever you want to do all the time instead of what she wants you to do? Being able to follow up on any indications of interest expressed by women who are half her age whenever you're so inclined? Do you genuinely think you're going to be able to spend LESS of your future income on things you want if she only gets HALF of it?

Do the math. Whether women control 73 percent or 85 percent of the household spending (depending upon which survey you prefer to credit), keeping only half your income amounts to an effective raise between 46 to 70 percent. Effectively tax-free too!

It suddenly doesn't sound so awful when you put it that way, does it. Remember, most men come out of the divorces that their wives sought happier and better off than they were before. Being around a miserable person who despises you and blames you for their various disappointments in life isn't a desirable state of being. You can't fix feelings, so don't even try.

It is wrong for men to walk out on their wives. There are egregious examples of the archetypical abandonment of women and children that has fueled the anti-male legal bias that exists today. But conversely, a man is not obliged to knock himself out in order to keep a miserable, self-destructive woman from imploding her life. Don't ever make any sacrifices for an angry, bitter, unappreciative woman. She will only despise you for it.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Color me unimpressed

I very much doubt that an interrogation, followed by a staring contest, is the path to True Love:
This week, Vancouver-based academic wrote about her fledgling relationship in the New York Times. She explained how, over the summer, she and an acquaintance sat in bar and tried a psychological experiment from the 90s: testing the theory that by asking each other 36 questions, it was possible to fall in love.

Examples include: What’s your most treasure memory? Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die? Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing?  Each question is designed to be harder than the last.

The aim? To foster the atmosphere of intimacy that romantic relationships thrive on and accelerate the path to love. The whole thing finishes with the participants staring into each other’s eyes for four minutes. Psychologist Arthur Aron first conducted it, with more than 100 strangers in 1997. Six months later? Two of them married.
The psychologist could have gotten better results by having them each do ten shots. He'd probably have ended up with more pregnancies and more marriages.

Love is Initial Attraction + Time + Work + Commitment.

Friday 16 January 2015

The myth of mudsharking and the melting pot

It turns out there is considerably less racial miscegenation in the United States than is commonly believed:
A recent genetics ancestry survey by 23andme found that White Americans (European Americans) on average are: “98.6 percent European, 0.19 percent African and 0.18 percent Native American.”  Wow, that’s pretty white.  I’ll come back to that in a minute.

The survey also found that Latinos are “18 percent Native American, 65.1 percent European and 6.2 percent African.”  There might be a little self-selection here, resulting from testing more upper-class Hispanics, who tend to be more white. For instance, Rubén Lisker found the average admixture of a lower-income mestizos in Mexico City to be: 59% Amerindian, 34% European,  and 6% black.

Back to European Americans and their utter whiteness. The 98.6% figure, mind you, is an average.  Previous studies found that more than 95% of White Americans have no African or Amerindian ancestry and the 5% who do seem to have very little, so it is probably this 5% of White Americans who might be adding the 1.4% admixture into the average.

Let that sink in: 95% of White Americans have no African or Amerindian ancestry and those who do seem to have very little.
I'm afraid that leaves me out, of course, as I am considerably more Native American than Latinos are African. The idea that white women are attracted to black men has been pushed heavily by the media, but from dating sites to genetic science, the contrary conclusion keeps reappearing nevertheless.

Steve Sailer puts the percentages into perspective:
Think about your family tree back nine generations ago, which would mostly be in the 1700s. You have 512 slots in your family tree nine generations ago (two to the ninth power). The 23andMe numbers suggest that for the average white American, 1 of your 512 ancestors nine generations ago was black and 1 of 512 was Native American.

Here’s another way to think of it. If the average self-identified black is 73.2% black and the average self-identified white is 0.19% black, then the average black in America is 385 times blacker than the average white. That doesn’t seem very murky to me.

There are about 200 million whites, so that means a little over 3% have any black ancestry that can be found by 23andMe.

Thursday 15 January 2015

Separate but totally equal

It's always amusing to see equalitarians implicitly admit they can't compete on an equal playing field or even abide neutral standards:
What is the problem you're trying to solve?

There is currently no space on Wikipedia where a woman can go and be sure that she'll be able to participate in discussions without being dominated by men's voices. Wikipedia needs a place where women can feel safer and not always overwhelmed by male advice, criticism, and explanations.

What is your solution?

Using the user preferences "Internationalisation" setting for those who prefer to be described as "she" (or the "Female Wikipedians" category), plus a project-moderator process where editors pledge that they are women and have read and agreed to the project's rules, registered women editors may join the project and discuss Wikipedia related matters. It would probably be more focused on community, policies, and guidelines than on content, but content discussion would not be off limits.

Women editors would not be required to join the project, of course, and all editors, regardless of gender, would be able to read the project's pages. The project is not meant to replace any existing project. The project will not be against the WMF Non discrimination policy because it will not prohibit any editor from contributing to any Wikimedia project.

The pledge process would be similar to the subscription process that the Anita Borg Institute "Systers" forum has been using successfully for over 20 years.
  •     Create a space conducive to women's participation on Wikipedia. (No trashing allowed.)
  •     Maintain the space for women to seek advice from women peers.
  •     Maintain the space for women to discuss the challenges they share as women Wikipedians.
  •     Increase the number of women editors on Wikipedia.
Translation: if you're going to be permitted to criticize anyone, the women are going to run away.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

College boys find their balls

Two UVA fraternities are standing up to the university administration's attempt to participate in a Maoist self-flagellation program:
So far two University of Virginia fraternities are refusing to sign a new Fraternity Operating Agreement to resume social activities. Alpha Tau Omega and Kappa Alpha have released nearly identical statements refusing to sign U.Va.’s new requirements that fraternities alter their activities following a two-month suspension on social activities. The new rules require a certain number of fraternity brothers to be sober and present and different places around the house and set limits on what kinds of alcohol can be served and in what containers.

The fraternities state two reasons for their refusal to sign on to these new rules. The first reason is that U.Va., “for reasons that were found to be untrue, unfairly punished all members of fraternities and sororities." This is in reference to the Rolling Stone article claiming a woman was gang raped at a Phi Kappa Psi party, which resulted in the social activity ban (without any evidence other than the uncorroborated accusation).

“Because we do not accept the validity of a suspension imposed in contravention of the existing FOA, university policy, Virginia law and the constitutional rights of our members, we are not compelled to sign a revised FOA to continue operations on campus,” the fraternities wrote in press releases that were put out separately but shared the same language. The fraternities also state that their own risk management policies “are as strict or more strict than this new FOA” and they will continue to “comply with the more restrictive of the policies in its activities.”

The fraternities wrote, “We are concerned that the university’s revision to the FOA may create new liability for individual members of our organizations that is more properly a duty to be borne by the university itself."

The statements also claim that the new rules “set a dangerous precedent of an erosion of student and organizational rights,” but would work with U.Va. to develop “risk management education.”
It would be better if they refused to play along at all and took the university to court on Title IX discrimination grounds, but it is a start. Men need to rid themselves of their instinct to apologize whenever a woman throws a hissy fit or hurls an accusation.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Women in the military

Frankly, L. Frank Baum's fictional version is considerably more realistic and plausible than one commonly finds in science fiction and fantasy today.
     Well!" declared Tip, drawing a long breath, "this is certainly a surprising thing! May I ask why you wish to conquer His Majesty the Scarecrow?"

    "Because the Emerald City has been ruled by men long enough, for one reason," said the girl.

    "Moreover, the City glitters with beautiful gems, which might far better be used for rings, bracelets and necklaces; and there is enough money in the King's treasury to buy every girl in our Army a dozen new gowns. So we intend to conquer the City and run the government to suit ourselves."

    Jinjur spoke these words with an eagerness and decision that proved she was in earnest.

    "But war is a terrible thing," said Tip, thoughtfully.

    "This war will be pleasant," replied the girl, cheerfully.

    "Many of you will be slain!" continued the boy, in an awed voice.

    "Oh, no", said Jinjur. "What man would oppose a girl, or dare to harm her? And there is not an ugly face in my entire Army."

    Tip laughed.

    "Perhaps you are right," said he. "But the Guardian of the Gate is considered a faithful Guardian, and the King's Army will not let the City be conquered without a struggle."

    "The Army is old and feeble," replied General Jinjur, scornfully. "His strength has all been used to grow whiskers, and his wife has such a temper that she has already pulled more than half of them out by the roots. When the Wonderful Wizard reigned the Soldier with the Green Whiskers was a very good Royal Army, for people feared the Wizard. But no one is afraid of the Scarecrow, so his Royal Army don't count for much in time of war."


    Friends, fellow-citizens, and girls!" she said; "we are about to begin our great Revolt against the men of Oz! We march to conquer the Emerald City—to dethrone the Scarecrow King—to acquire thousands of gorgeous gems—to rifle the royal treasury—and to obtain power over our former oppressors!"

    "Hurrah!" said those who had listened; but Tip thought most of the Army was too much engaged in chattering to pay attention to the words of the General.


    "Surrender!" echoed the man, astounded. "Why, it's impossible. It's against the law! I never heard of such a thing in my life."

    "Still, you must surrender!" exclaimed the General, fiercely. "We are revolting!"

    "You don't look it," said the Guardian, gazing from one to another, admiringly.

    "But we are!" cried Jinjur, stamping her foot, impatiently; "and we mean to conquer the Emerald City!"

Monday 12 January 2015

Leaning in, falling out

Neither Milo nor Nicholas Carlson are bullish on Marissa at Yahoo!:
A new book by Business Insider’s Nicholas Carlson sets out why Mayer is struggling to keep it together as chief executive. We discover some disturbing hallmarks of dysfunctional leadership: self-importance, schoolmarmishness, a lack of intellectual humility and what can only be described as breathtaking insensitivity and arrogance when it comes to the feelings, not to mention the schedules, of people around her.

These perceived personal failings are compounded by disinterest in the business side of things, which makes you wonder why Yahoo!’s board ever thought she’d be a good CEO at all. At Google, Carlson wrote in a column last year, Mayer was “all about the product.” She was focused on users but totally unmoved by business. At Yahoo!, that pattern has continued—and, some say, got worse.
My opinions on Marissa Mayer are limited to the observation that she is pretty cute for a CEO. I have an acquaintance who worked closely with her at Google and he struck me as mildly skeptical about the chances for her success there, although he obviously liked her as an individual and thought she was smart enough for the job.

The reason her apparent failure is important is that it will puncture, again, the myth of sexual equality in business, and permits us to anticipate the deleterious effect on those corporations who fill their boards with female executives, whether by choice or legislative fiat.

For me, the main problem is the characteristic female lack of curiosity. Insensitivity and arrogance are hardly unheard of in the ranks of male executives, but being disinterested in the fundamentals of business and business relationships strikes me as being a fatal weakness in a CEO.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Debate, feminist style

Never bother with dialectic when dealing with a feminist. Their use of dialectic is only for superficial rhetorical purposes, and the veil is tissue-thin. Just go directly to rhetoric, flay them, roll them in salt, and then, if you happen to feel like it, address the nominally dialectical point for the sake of any third parties observing.

Saturday 10 January 2015

The Boyle Rule

I don't think this "comedian" thought through his attempted defense of women posing as comedians very well:
[T]he BBC made it policy early in 2014 to ensure at least one woman appears on each panel show. Frankly, it was about time, given the move followed years of men dominating such programmes.

Heck, I shouldn’t even be talking about “female comedians”; "female" isn’t a genre of comedy. Comedians are comedians, pure and simple. Audiences don’t rock with laughter at comedians because they’re women. They laugh because they’re funny. Heck, I shouldn’t even be talking about “female comedians”; "female" isn’t a genre of comedy. Comedians are comedians, pure and simple. Audiences don’t rock with laughter at comedians because they’re women. They laugh because they’re funny.
If comedians are comedians, pure and simple, then why does the BBC need to mandate at least one woman on each panel show. The point is that most audiences don't rock with laughter at "female comedians". Very, very few female comedians are even remotely funny, and watching a UK panel show makes that all the more obvious. Men still dominate the panel shows, the difference is that now there is a woman on the panel, mostly sitting there in silence watching her nominal peers be funny.

Watch an old episode of Mock the Week sometime. Frankie Boyle effortlessly dominates the show, but even the lesser male comedians are as far beyond the women posing as comedians as Boyle is beyond them. I used to amuse myself sometimes by counting how long it took before the token female comedian on the show dared to open her mouth for the first time. And when she did, it's usually some short joke based on the tired old cliche of there being humor in the notion of a woman saying something sexually rude.

Actually, some of the funniest moments were the expressions on the faces of the women on the show in reaction to something hilariously offensive that Frankie said. So, I suppose there is a defensible reason for having women posing as comedians on panel shows so long as Frankie is on there too. Call it the Boyle Rule.

Consider, here are what one woman posing as a comedian claims are the very best jokes told by women:
  • "The best way to a man's heart is through his hanky pocket with a bread knife" - Jo Brand 
  • "A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle" - Gloria Steinem 
  • "I saw a pair of knickers today - on the front it said, 'I would do anything for love' and on the back it said 'but I won't do that'" - Sarah Millican  
  • "Gravity is the story of how George Clooney would rather float away into space and die than spend one more minute with a woman his own age" - Tina Fey 
  • “In advertisements, there are just two types of women: wanton, gagging for it; or vacuous. We’re either coming on a window-pane, or laughing at salads” - Bridget Christie  
  • "I blame my mother for my poor sex life. All she told me was, 'The man goes on top and the woman underneath'. For three years my husband and I slept in bunk beds" - Joan Rivers 
  • "I was raped by a doctor, which is so bittersweet for a Jewish girl" - Sarah Silverman  
  • “Men don’t realise that if we’re sleeping with them on the first date, we’re probably not interested in seeing them again either” - Chelsea Handler. 
Granted, the Silverman and Fey jokes are genuinely funny. But do you notice a certain... theme? Women simply have no range. All they can ever talk about is sex, sexual relations, men and sex, and women and sex. Most of their emotional vibe is reactionary. Even in the rare event that a woman is actually funny, her thematic monotony soon grows tiresome.

Meanwhile, good male comedians throw off much funnier jokes across a much wider range of topics just in passing:
  • (To a crowd in Newcastle) You may not recognize my accent. It is, in fact, educated. - Simon Evans
  • I've been studying Israeli army martial arts. I now know 16 ways to kick a Palestinian woman in the back. - Frankie Boyle
  • (On being mugged in Hull) Incredibly awkward when you're involved in a confrontation of this sort and you have to spend the whole time saying 'I'm terribly sorry, young man, but I really can't understand a word.' Turned out he was saying 'give me your money'. I said, what, all of it? Most of it's tied up in land. - Miles Jupp

Friday 9 January 2015

The woman cries when she breaks your heart

Don't you see that when she breaks up with you, she's the one who's really suffering?
She doesn’t want anything to do with this. She hates the situation and she hates herself in this moment. She wishes more than anything that she could trade places with you. Yes, it seems like it’s a lot easier to be on her side of things. But really, she wants nothing to do with this side. She really, actually wishes she could be the one whose heart is getting broken, instead of the one who has to do the hurting....

She reminds herself that you can easily find love again, and maybe someday, you might just forget nearly everything about her. All she hopes is that you know she was trying to do her best. She was walking around blindly, completely terrified and hopeless and uncertain. But she was trying. She wanted to follow her instincts and do what she thinks was the right thing.
This is an Sigma blueprint for how to Next a woman.

I hate this situation and I hate myself. I wish more than anything I could trade places with you. Sure, it looks easier to be on my side of things, and to be having sex with a woman who is younger, hotter, and less sexually uptight than you. But I really, actually wish I could be the one whose heart is getting broken.

Don't you see that it actually hurts me more than it hurts you to hurt you? What sort of unfeeling monster are you, that you can't see how I'm the one truly suffering here?

I just hope you to know that I was trying to do my best. I'm just following my instincts and I'm afraid that one day you'll forget all about me. But I know I did the right thing, even though it was so hard. Don't, no, don't touch me now. It's too difficult. Just go... go!

Thursday 8 January 2015

Female bravery

If you're not her child, better not bet your life on it:
Arriving at No 10 – the offices of Charlie Hebdo – the two men approach Corinne Rey, a cartoonist who is arriving at work with her young daughter, having just picked her up from kindergarten.

The gunmen force the terrified woman, also known to her friends as ‘Coco’, to punch in the four-digit security code allowing them access to the magazine’s office. Miss Rey was frogmarched upstairs with her daughter. The pair hid underneath a desk during the subsequent chaos.

Miss Rey said: ‘They said they wanted to go up to the offices, so I tapped in the code.

‘They shot on Wolinski, Cabu… it lasted five minutes.
I wonder if a man who let the attackers in because his child was threatened would go similarly uncriticized. But then, the woman was absolutely correct to gamble that by letting them in, she and her daughter would be spared, even at the price of 12 men's lives.

Contrast her behavior with that of the Israeli security guard, who detected a Palestinian suicide bomber trying to gain entrance to a building, grabbed her, and told her that he would not let her enter, that they would die there together.

She's off the drugs and high on life!

I always find it amusing when newspapers and magazines run the "she shows  him what he's missing" angle after a celebrity couple breaks up or divorces. In terms of sheer idiocy, it's right up there with the conventional post-rehab angle:
For most couples caught up in a divorce the prospect of dividing the property or making arrangements for the children are more than enough to worry about. But for surprising numbers of British couples one seemingly unlikely expense is being viewed as an essential part of the separation process - plastic surgery.

Divorce lawyers have noticed a marked increase in separations involving significant expense on cosmetic surgery including cases where the wife spends a significant slice of the initial settlement on treatments such as liposuction and breast enhancements.

One such firm, JMW Solicitors, based in Manchester, says it now handles dozens of such cases every year. The firm, which handles about 300 separations annually, calculates that between five and 10 per cent of its caseload over the last three years involved cosmetic surgery. In most cases, it was seen as part of the process of making a new start, but in a handful the motivation appeared to be "revenge", Sam Hall, a partner in family law at the firm said.
My take on this sort of thing is straightforward. If a woman is more interested in improving her appearance in order to try to hurt you than please you, you should get down on your knees and thank God, whether you believe in him or not, that you are no longer tied to such a wretched, petty, short-sighted creature. And the same thing holds true for men.

I often wonder if men and women would put the same time and effort into their marriages that they do in seeking to improve themselves in order to find a replacement mate post-divorce, if more marriages wouldn't succeed in the first place.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

No safe spaces

There is literally no male space that feminists aren't demanding to see women invade while claiming that the invasion is a moral imperative that will somehow improve that space:
Darts: Women need to invade this male arena. Gary Anderson's stunning victory at the PDC World Championship final was brilliant moment for big darts fan Alice Arnold. Here she explains why more women should break into this male-dominated crowd.

 Darts is becoming more and more popular, the audiences are growing both at the live events and on the television but there are elements that alienate women to such a degree that they stay away in droves. Do we really want to see scantily clad girls parading for the sponsors? Do we want to risk getting pints thrown over us as men push past to get to their seats.

The Lakeside event actually has a women’s darts competition too. The standard is rising and they hope to increase its popularity amongst players and spectators alike but there is a long, long way to go.
I swear, back when the Vikings were raping and pillaging, there was probably an idiot proto-feminist complaining that they didn't see why they didn't get to go raping and pillaging too. Feminists literally want to ruin ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING for men. That is their entire objective.

Who gives even the smallest damn what they want to see? It's time for men to start fighting back and demanding our right to see scantily clad girls parading for the sponsors at knitting and equestrian events.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

16, Pregnant, and Doomed

An observer shares an observation:
The other day some 16 and Pregnant show followup was on for about 15 minutes while I was finishing something in that room and it was two things: 1. Literally a case study in Game. Each girl had gotten pregnant by an Alpha, and then each one had a Gamma who was their friend and they really didn't like but it was the best they could do, but they didn't sleep with them. 2. A study in the future of America as the girl's "families" were all women helping them (mom's, aunts, etc.) No men around except Gammas, I didn't even see a single Delta.

Given the increase in single motherhood across all demographic lines, this is a much scarier trend than even FED fiscal policy to me. A country with strong families can bounce back from most anything, but a country run by single momss, checked-out deltas, and alphas having an easier time than in the last 200 years is a total disaster waiting to happen.
The bigger problem than the small number of individuals featured is the way that this is being marketed to an entire generation. The number of pregnant teenagers is actually on the decline; one can no more trust the media's portrayal of society in this regard than in the apparent fact that all American couples now consist of attractive, slender white women married to faithful, considerate black men with college degrees.

But if it is not a worrisome indication of what society is, it is a troubling indication of what the media wants society to become.

Monday 5 January 2015

Alpha Mail: getting girls off the carousel

RB asks if he can help his nieces tame their promiscuous hypergamy:
Vox, becoming aware of female hypergamy has been one of the most liberating events in my life. Not only has my marriage improved, relationships of all kinds have improved. Even my dog responds to me differently. It's downright amazing. And it's never too late - I'm well north of 60 now.

I have a couple of nieces (actually great nieces) that are both at least an 8 on the SMV scale and are accustomed to turning heads wherever they go. They're riding the cock carousel at one of the major universities, constantly trading up at every opportunity. BTW - this was invisible to me until I learned the principles of game. Their mother doesn't have a clue and Dad's long gone.

They both say they want to settle down and have children one day, but it's obvious that they intend to exhaust the supply of high SMV men around them first. Warnings from me about high "N" values and how that damages their MMV seem to fall on ears. They both have high MMV men in orbit waiting patiently.

Do you see anything else I can do to minimize the damage? Or is it like a trainwreck, all you can do is watch?
Probably not. All I can think of is to shock them by having a friend who is your age show up at a family event some time with a woman who is less than ten years younger than they are. They won't take you seriously unless you actually demonstrate the truth and effectiveness of Game reality to them, and explain that what they think is gross now would actually be a positive outcome for them considering the path they are on. Once they recognize you actually know what you're talking about, then they might be receptive to actual information about the fertility drop-off, divorce rates, and so forth. But not before then.

Sex and the rush that comes from being highly desirable is at least as psychologically addicting as most drugs, probably more so for very attractive women. Sweet reason simply isn't going to cut it. They have to experience some serious heartbreak or humiliation before they'll even consider abandoning their hedonistic path.

Sunday 4 January 2015

The dark depths of feminism

Feminism is like an iceberg. Its demand for "sexual equality" is merely the exposed top; it is the marketing campaign feminists use to draw foolish young women and even more foolish young men into the ideology. But the further down you go, the uglier and more monstrous it gets.

And, like an iceberg, it sinks every ship careless enough to run into it.

Saturday 3 January 2015

Target Omega

Notice that open and slavish submission to feminism by men produces the exact opposite of the results assumed:
Here’s the thing: I spent my formative years—basically, from the age of 12 until my mid-20s—feeling not “entitled,” not “privileged,” but terrified. I was terrified that one of my female classmates would somehow find out that I sexually desired her, and that the instant she did, I would be scorned, laughed at, called a creep and a weirdo, maybe even expelled from school or sent to prison. You can call that my personal psychological problem if you want, but it was strongly reinforced by everything I picked up from my environment: to take one example, the sexual-assault prevention workshops we had to attend regularly as undergrads, with their endless lists of all the forms of human interaction that “might be” sexual harassment or assault, and their refusal, ever, to specify anything that definitely wouldn’t be sexual harassment or assault. I left each of those workshops with enough fresh paranoia and self-hatred to last me through another year.

My recurring fantasy, through this period, was to have been born a woman, or a gay man, or best of all, completely asexual, so that I could simply devote my life to math, like my hero Paul Erdös did. Anything, really, other than the curse of having been born a heterosexual male, which for me, meant being consumed by desires that one couldn’t act on or even admit without running the risk of becoming an objectifier or a stalker or a harasser or some other creature of the darkness.

Of course, I was smart enough to realize that maybe this was silly, maybe I was overanalyzing things. So I scoured the feminist literature for any statement to the effect that my fears were as silly as I hoped they were. But I didn’t find any. On the contrary: I found reams of text about how even the most ordinary male/female interactions are filled with “microaggressions,” and how even the most “enlightened” males—especially the most “enlightened” males, in fact—are filled with hidden entitlement and privilege and a propensity to sexual violence that could burst forth at any moment.

Because of my fears—my fears of being “outed” as a nerdy heterosexual male, and therefore as a potential creep or sex criminal—I had constant suicidal thoughts. As Bertrand Russell wrote of his own adolescence: “I was put off from suicide only by the desire to learn more mathematics.”

At one point, I actually begged a psychiatrist to prescribe drugs that would chemically castrate me (I had researched which ones), because a life of mathematical asceticism was the only future that I could imagine for myself. The psychiatrist refused to prescribe them, but he also couldn’t suggest any alternative: my case genuinely stumped him.
Now observe the female response to this abject omega male self-flagellation:

Despite all this he remains a feminist, but that’s not the point here.  What Scott Aaronson said got discovered by feminists, and they tarred and feathered him for it.  Despite his clear language to the contrary, he’s accused of everything from being a MRA to being a misogynist just because of his Jewish faith.  Despite his attempts to explain himself over and over again, people on Twitter are saying that female MIT students should be afraid to take his classes.

Never give feminists an inch. Don't agree with them, don't tolerate them, show them no mercy whatsoever. Feminism is a Satanic, anti-Christian, anti-reason, anti-science ideology that destroys literally everything it touches and everyone who embraces it. Reject it and its adherents the way you would reject someone offering you plutonium on their bare hands; to accept it is to begin to die a slow and painful death.

The problem isn't merely that feminists are ugly and hateful, or that their ideology is incoherent and deluded, but that by mere toleration of them, through mere intellectual contact with it, you are permitting your life to be infected and degraded. We've seen this in the Christian churches, which in their attempts to tame the feminist cancer and turn it into a pet, have been mortally stricken.

Reject all of it. Reject their appeals to equality. Reject their pretense to intellectual standing. And most of all, personally reject all of those who subscribe to it in any way, shape, or form. Any man who calls himself a feminist is ideologically transgender and mentally unstable.

Friday 2 January 2015

Let Help the poor freaks die

Given the Left's stated moral imperative of assisted suicide, it's informative to juxtapose (1) their hand-wringing over a sexually confused boy deciding to kill himself because Mommy and Daddy wouldn't entertain his self-delusions:
The mother of a transgender teen who killed herself over the holiday season is speaking out, and making it clear she did not and does not approve of what she believes was her daughter's choice to be transgender.

Carla Alcorn of Kings Mills, Ohio said in an interview that she and her husband did not 'support' their daughter Leelah Alcorn, while also refusing to acknowledge her daughter's sex, using male pronouns and referring to her as 'him,' 'he' and 'son' throughout the interview.

This just days after Leelah walked in front of a tractor trailer and ended her life, writing in her heartbreaking suicide note that because she was transgender, 'The life I would've lived isn't worth living in.'

Even more upsetting is the fact that she also shares how hopeful she once was in her letter, writing; 'When I was 14, I learned what transgender meant and cried of happiness.'
with (2) their vocal demand for right-to-die legislation.
One of the most vociferous and courageous voices in the campaign to legalise assisted dying was Debbie Purdy, who passed away last week at the age of 51 after refusing food for a year. She had said her hunger strike was painful and difficult, but that her life with progressive multiple sclerosis was ‘unacceptable’.

News of her death came as 80 prominent public figures in the UK called for the legalising of euthanasia here, warning that already one Briton travels abroad every fortnight to euthanasia clinics even as the issue continues to be passionately debated.
If the Left was consistent, it would celebrate those who kill confused individuals who want to die. Not merely permitting, but actively aiding the freaks to die is a moral imperative by their logic. But of course, all they're actually interested in is making use of the situation as a means of rhetorically attacking Christianity.

Denial of reality should never be celebrated, for any reason. Even if one sets religion aside, "Transgenderism" is a denial of basic genetic science. The rhetorically correct response to anyone who claims to believe in "transgenderism" is: "why do you hate science".

Thursday 1 January 2015

Good Samaritan vs Female Imperative

A simple test of moral sensibilities:
A man named 'Lye' has written about his experiences confronting a stranger at a Detroit Lions football game, after he claims he saw the man's very pregnant girlfriend 'romantically texting' another man throughout the match.

At the end of the game, Lye handed the man a note revealing the alleged adulterous text messages, and later posted a picture of the note and the pair he claimed to be the couple to Facebook. Those images have since gone viral and are now sparking a heated debate online about whether it's appropriate to wade into a complete stranger's relationship.

According to Lye's post on Facebook, he was attending a Detroit Lions game last month when he was seated behind a couple who appeared to be dating.

Throughout the game, he claims he saw the woman casually texting a contact in her phone named 'Jason' apparently making comments like 'I wish I was with you all day' and 'I will see you as soon as I am done with him'.

Meanwhile,he claims the woman kept the phone screen tilted out of eyesight of the man seated next to her, and would even shut it off and put it away when he engaged her in conversation.

Feeling sympathetic for the man seated in front of him, who he believes was being cheated on, Lye got up near the end of the game to find a pen and piece of paper to write the stranger a note. When the man got up to leave, Lye handed the piece of paper to him and said to read it when he got home. 
If you would not hesitate to tell a stranger they were being robbed, or in danger of being physically attacked, why would you hesitate to tell them that they were being cheated on? It's remarkable how many white knights possess moral standards that work only to the benefit of women, and never their fellow men.

As for the idea that Lye's informing the man of the woman's actions somehow put her at risk of physical abuse, that is nothing more than an attempt to excuse her actions. If she is at risk of it, she herself put herself at risk twice over. Once in deciding to involve herself with a man who was prone to physically abusing her, and second in deciding to cheat on him.

Evil always seeks to operate in the dark and it always decries the light that exposes its actions. And the Female Imperative is intrinsically immoral because it seeks to render women sans moral agency.

This actually makes for a good test for one's moral sensibilities. Any man or woman who finds Lye's actions to be dangerous or problematic in some way is solipistically seeking to prevent others from telling on his activities should he find himself in a similar situation.


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