Thursday 8 January 2015

Female bravery

If you're not her child, better not bet your life on it:

Arriving at No 10 – the offices of Charlie Hebdo – the two men approach Corinne Rey, a cartoonist who is arriving at work with her young daughter, having just picked her up from kindergarten.

The gunmen force the terrified woman, also known to her friends as ‘Coco’, to punch in the four-digit security code allowing them access to the magazine’s office. Miss Rey was frogmarched upstairs with her daughter. The pair hid underneath a desk during the subsequent chaos.

Miss Rey said: ‘They said they wanted to go up to the offices, so I tapped in the code.

‘They shot on Wolinski, Cabu… it lasted five minutes.
I wonder if a man who let the attackers in because his child was threatened would go similarly uncriticized. But then, the woman was absolutely correct to gamble that by letting them in, she and her daughter would be spared, even at the price of 12 men's lives.

Contrast her behavior with that of the Israeli security guard, who detected a Palestinian suicide bomber trying to gain entrance to a building, grabbed her, and told her that he would not let her enter, that they would die there together.


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