Thursday 1 January 2015

Good Samaritan vs Female Imperative

A simple test of moral sensibilities:

A man named 'Lye' has written about his experiences confronting a stranger at a Detroit Lions football game, after he claims he saw the man's very pregnant girlfriend 'romantically texting' another man throughout the match.

At the end of the game, Lye handed the man a note revealing the alleged adulterous text messages, and later posted a picture of the note and the pair he claimed to be the couple to Facebook. Those images have since gone viral and are now sparking a heated debate online about whether it's appropriate to wade into a complete stranger's relationship.

According to Lye's post on Facebook, he was attending a Detroit Lions game last month when he was seated behind a couple who appeared to be dating.

Throughout the game, he claims he saw the woman casually texting a contact in her phone named 'Jason' apparently making comments like 'I wish I was with you all day' and 'I will see you as soon as I am done with him'.

Meanwhile,he claims the woman kept the phone screen tilted out of eyesight of the man seated next to her, and would even shut it off and put it away when he engaged her in conversation.

Feeling sympathetic for the man seated in front of him, who he believes was being cheated on, Lye got up near the end of the game to find a pen and piece of paper to write the stranger a note. When the man got up to leave, Lye handed the piece of paper to him and said to read it when he got home. 
If you would not hesitate to tell a stranger they were being robbed, or in danger of being physically attacked, why would you hesitate to tell them that they were being cheated on? It's remarkable how many white knights possess moral standards that work only to the benefit of women, and never their fellow men.

As for the idea that Lye's informing the man of the woman's actions somehow put her at risk of physical abuse, that is nothing more than an attempt to excuse her actions. If she is at risk of it, she herself put herself at risk twice over. Once in deciding to involve herself with a man who was prone to physically abusing her, and second in deciding to cheat on him.

Evil always seeks to operate in the dark and it always decries the light that exposes its actions. And the Female Imperative is intrinsically immoral because it seeks to render women sans moral agency.

This actually makes for a good test for one's moral sensibilities. Any man or woman who finds Lye's actions to be dangerous or problematic in some way is solipistically seeking to prevent others from telling on his activities should he find himself in a similar situation.


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