Monday 5 January 2015

Alpha Mail: getting girls off the carousel

RB asks if he can help his nieces tame their promiscuous hypergamy:

Vox, becoming aware of female hypergamy has been one of the most liberating events in my life. Not only has my marriage improved, relationships of all kinds have improved. Even my dog responds to me differently. It's downright amazing. And it's never too late - I'm well north of 60 now.

I have a couple of nieces (actually great nieces) that are both at least an 8 on the SMV scale and are accustomed to turning heads wherever they go. They're riding the cock carousel at one of the major universities, constantly trading up at every opportunity. BTW - this was invisible to me until I learned the principles of game. Their mother doesn't have a clue and Dad's long gone.

They both say they want to settle down and have children one day, but it's obvious that they intend to exhaust the supply of high SMV men around them first. Warnings from me about high "N" values and how that damages their MMV seem to fall on ears. They both have high MMV men in orbit waiting patiently.

Do you see anything else I can do to minimize the damage? Or is it like a trainwreck, all you can do is watch?
Probably not. All I can think of is to shock them by having a friend who is your age show up at a family event some time with a woman who is less than ten years younger than they are. They won't take you seriously unless you actually demonstrate the truth and effectiveness of Game reality to them, and explain that what they think is gross now would actually be a positive outcome for them considering the path they are on. Once they recognize you actually know what you're talking about, then they might be receptive to actual information about the fertility drop-off, divorce rates, and so forth. But not before then.

Sex and the rush that comes from being highly desirable is at least as psychologically addicting as most drugs, probably more so for very attractive women. Sweet reason simply isn't going to cut it. They have to experience some serious heartbreak or humiliation before they'll even consider abandoning their hedonistic path.


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