Wednesday 18 February 2015

Alpha-chasing or slim pickings?

I think there is an explanation considerably more simple for the increasingly common occurrence of female prison guards getting involved with prisoners than a attraction to thugs:

I saw numerous female guards lose their jobs and get walked out of the prison during my incarceration. A lot of this sort of thing is swept under the carpet by prison officials, leaving fellow guards to speculate about what exactly inspired the dalliance.

According to Tamara, the appeal is "a combination of getting away with something that is forbidden, the rush of being with someone as hardcore as an inmate, and the false sense of control that they think they have over the situation [but] not necessarily over the inmate. They may have lost all sense of control over every other aspect of their lives, and this form of relationship is something they think they have control over by not getting caught by their superiors or other inmates."
Now, "the rush of being with someone as hardcore as an inmate" clearly relates to alpha-chasing. But if you have ever seen a picture of most of these women, most of them are considerably less attractive than the norm, and less attractive than many of the women who have affairs with underage students.

Consider one prisoner's point: "As long as they get me what I want I can be whatever and whoever they need me to be. It's all a game really, a tradeoff. I know nobody does nothing for free, and if I got to sex one of these broads down to get her to bring stuff in to me, than you know what time it is."

In other words, these women are going into careers as prison guards specifically to get access to a more attractive group of men than they would otherwise have access to. It's similar to interracial dating, in which the partner from the higher status race is reliably less physically attractive according to the racial standard than the one from the lower status race.


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