Friday 20 February 2015

Are you Gamma? 2 of 2

The second half of the list composed by the author of Graduating Gamma to help Gamma males identify themselves:

  • You constantly throw out flippant remarks with the expectations they are always amusing, appropriate, and funny.
  • When telling an anecdote to a group and someone mentions they have already heard it you go ahead and tell it again because you aren’t sure if everyone has heard it.
  • You routinely quote movies, comics, and even do the funny voices in every day conversation.
  • When a movie or story is brought up you explain the entire plot and all of the details regardless of if the people you are with asked for the information or even said they liked it.
  • You sit out nearly all competition in a group because you always have better things to do and you’d just rather talk to your friends.
  • At a group event you never voluntarily play any sport if you can avoid it.
  • If you start to lose at any game you find a way to quit if you can and hope to save face by degrading the game or the other players.
  • If someone defeats you at a game or competition you can’t look them in the eye afterwards and try to avoid them if possible.
  • If you win at a competition you explain to your opponent all of the things they did wrong regardless if they asked for the advice.
  • You have at least one good female friend and are always looking for more.
  • You’ll take that 2AM call or text from a female friend who isn’t looking to meet you but rather wants emotional support.
  • You focus on a single “dream woman” and spend weeks, or months planning the perfect time to ask her out.
  • You think women are good and innocent creatures and the ones who do wrong have no doubt been corrupted by the men in their lives.
  • Fixing a woman with a lot of problems is a noble effort and you are always ready to help.
  • You let women use an old mistake or bad choice of yours indefinitely to instill guilt and get their way.
  • You must justify to the woman you are with in excruciating detail all of your actions and thoughts.
  • Fighting back against a violent woman you think is always wrong no matter the circumstances.
  • You know you could be successful with women if you tried, but that means being a jerk or a dude-bro and you respect women too much to do that, and you want to be true to yourself.
  • Feelings should routinely be shared and others should take your feelings into account when making decisions.
  • You routinely lie about small, personal, matters knowing you can get away with it.
  • If you see a couple arguing, your first instinct is to think the guy is wrong and you need to help the girl.
  • If an attractive woman in in a bad state your interest grows, because now that she’s been taken down a notch or two you have a chance.
I would add something I've noticed whenever Gammas start talking, especially about themselves. "You babble semi-coherently and ramble on to a new and tangentially related thought before you've completed whatever it was you started talking about."

It tends to strike me as an attempt to dominate the conversation without seeking to actually engage the other's interest in much the same way women do. Only Gammas do it in public postings and in emails, so that's not necessarily it. All I know is that whenever I'm dealing with a Gamma, in any communications medium, more often than not I'm left wondering "what on Earth is he babbling on about?"

Gammas also seem to have a serious problem providing direct answers to questions. They'll answer five different questions that they think you might have asked, or should have asked, while somehow failing to answer the one question you actually asked.


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