And Gammas wonder why higher-status men despise them so deeply. Don't EVER feel bad about kicking a Gamma when he's down. If you do, kick him again by way of penance. It may be the only chance he gets to learn better.
Fortunately, most of these submen are doomed to be dead ends anyhow.
I had a fascinating encounter with a Gamma male yesterday. He was deeply concerned about the possibility that mildly insulting people would be counterproductive in a certain circumstance. When I criticized the notion, he reacted in an angry, over-the-top manner with a long response replete with serious insults that ended with a self-pitying posture of martyrdom. It was remarkable. It was HILARIOUS. As I subsequently observed on Twitter, a moderate is someone who would rather shoot at his allies than at his enemies.

To the right, the complete opposite.
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