Thursday 12 February 2015

Feminism kills

Feminism doesn't just murder unborn children and inspire post-divorce rape male suicide, it causes young women to despair and kill themselves too:

Rachel Gow, a 29-year-old hospital administrator, was struggling with the fact that she was unmarried and didn't have any children. The pressure became so much for her that just before her 30th birthday, tragically she took her own life.

At that point, she'd spent four years without her mum after losing her to cancer in 2011, and she'd also been through three breakups. Though she had started a relationship with her engineer boyfriend Anton Tsvarev, 30, she feared it was ending.... It's a heartbreaking tragedy, and one that has clearly devasted all of Gow's loved ones. But what it does show is the undeniable - and understandable - pressure that young women face in their twenties.
Who is putting that pressure on them? Not men. Consider the list:
 1) Found a job we love where we can take a long maternity leave and still have a desk to come back to. Preferably with a chance of promotion

2) Made enough money to afford childcare so we can keep on working post-baby

3) Found someone to have baby with

4) Figured out if we actually want a baby

5) Had enough relationships, dates and sexual experiences to keep us going till we retire, i.e. our seventies

6) Gone travelling (everywhere). Figured out how to do this in between climbing the career ladder and earning some money

7) Fulfilled all major dreams that can’t be done once we have kids and mortgages 
The pressure to obtain degrees, high-status jobs, and ride the ALPHA carousel, then perfectly time the leap to obtain a BETA husband of sufficient means and status comes entirely from women. Feminism kills, and it kills young women too.


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