Sunday 15 March 2015

Romance is harassment

This is probably not the way to go about reducing the number of men who are unwilling or unable to get married:

YouTube blogger and sexual educator Dr. Lindsey Doe, who blogs under the name “Doe Eyes,” recently posted a video titled “Dear Boy Who Likes My Daughter,” speaking directly to the boy (whom she doesn’t name). She said, “Dear boy who likes my daughter. I don’t like how you treat [my daughter.] Are you confused? You probably picked up messages from society about how when you want something, you have to ‘try harder, go at it, do whatever you can to get it. Don’t give up!’ Maybe it’s for this reason that you repeatedly ask my daughter out. In the halls, on the bus, and you write her poems.”

Doe, a former professor at the University of Montana in Missoula, may sound harsh at first, but she clarifies, explaining that if a girl says “I don’t know” in response to a boy’s advances, he should give her space to think about it. If a young woman’s response is “maybe,” the man could ask her to explain her uncertainty. If she wants the boy to ask her again later, he should do so later. Anything else, she dubs “harassment.”
The amusing thing is that when you immediately NEXT a girl because she says "I don't know" or "maybe", women get even angrier. It's impossible to take female advice seriously because so much of it is contradictory. The lesson, as always, is to ignore it.

By all means, give a woman who is not enthusiastic about you space. Give her permanent space and find another one who is. There are plenty of girls on the girl tree, and they make more all the time.

The reality, of course, is that this kid is probably a low delta and he's simply doing as he's been taught by everyone. This mother is an idiot, but she may be his first introduction to Red Pill thinking.


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