Friday 13 March 2015

The source of Gamma delusion

We all know that Gammas are passive-aggressive and argumentative. But it's not often that they come right out and admit their purpose in being argumentative:

“I am a Liberal Fuck,” Krupp wrote in one post. “A Liberal Fuck is not a Democrat, but rather someone who combines political data and theory, extreme leftist views and sarcasm to win any argument while make the opponents feel terrible about themselves. I won every argument but one.” Krupp then detailed the only political argument he claimed her ever lost, a drunken encounter he had with a “conservative gay prick.”
This is very valuable insight into the Gamma mentality and demonstrates why women are right to despise them as being fundamentally untrustworthy and deem them to be unvaginaworthy.

In other words, he combines unsettled ideas, opinions, and a rhetorical tone to a) win and b) cause feelbad. I think that actually, (a) and (b) are the same. The Gamma's victory metric is whoever can cause the other individual to feel worse about himself wins. This explains why he is constantly pretending to be above it all and unconcerned even when you can see that he is horribly upset and wounded.

The Gamma believes that if he admits to the truth of his own feelings, he will lose. This is why he is always creating the impression that something is "off" about him, because it is. Even more than with the social hierarchy, the Gamma is at war with himself and with his feelings. This is why they idolize Spock and human reason.

This also points us to the way out of Gamma and into healthy Delta territory. Unsurprisingly, it is a common theme, or at least it once was before Gamma creators began flattering Gammas rather than trying to help them fix themselves. Face your demons. Face your fears. Look into the mirror and admit the truth. Maybe you're fat. Maybe you're afraid. Maybe you're hurt, lonely, and rejected.

But until you stop pretending the situation is different than it is, you can't hope to even begin to start fixing it.

Of course, it also points to the best way to psychologically destroy a Gamma. Ignore his words and ruthlessly press on his insecurities and flaws, no matter how shallow. I finally figured out that this is why Gammas so often shriek AD HOM even when it's not applicable. Ad Hominem is their kryptonite. They themselves believe their oft-disingenuous arguments are worthless because of who they are, so if you dismiss them on the basis of their own worthlessness, you are confirming the truth from which they are seeking to avert their eyes.

So, don't ever answer a Gamma's passive-aggressiveness at face value. Dismiss him, and do so in the contemptuous manner you probably already feel for him. Not only will it unhinge him and help you dismiss his arguments, but it's about the only positive thing you can do for him.


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