Thursday 5 December 2013

Short-haired humor

Some more recent responses to the popular post on the unattractiveness of short hair on women.  Hayley doesn't take the news well:

Fuck all of you that say short hair makes a woman less beautiful. Sure, it may not work on some women, but if her physical appearance is all you love her for, you seriously need to reexamine your priorities. Fuck you.
She is putting the cart before the horse there. How is a man ever going to love a woman if he's not attracted to her in the first place?

Kimbrena fails logic 101:
How about women cutting their hair because THEY WANT TO? Maybe they LIKE short hair and don't care what a man thinks about it. What about the women that are confident in themselves and don't measure their worth by how attractive men are of her?
What about them? No man cares why you're unattractive. He's just not attracted to you. And if a woman doesn't care what a man thinks, then obviously there is no problem. He'll find her unattractive and she won't mind.

Mimi postulates repeating the obvious:
What if I told you women don't cut their hair solely with mens' opinions in mind. One more time: WOMEN DON'T CUT THEIR HAIR SOLELY WITH MENS' OPINIONS IN MIND.

Some women prefer having shorter hair. It's easier to manage and maybe it just makes them feel good about themselves. THEY like how it looks on them, so who gives a fuck what closed-minded guys think? A woman who is confident enough in her sexuality to cut her hair short deserves a man who's confident enough to say "Hey, she's hot!" without her hair being an issue. CONFIDENCE is the key rather than hair length. And honestly, are we really going to say that just because Emma Watson got a pixie cut, she's no longer FUCKING GORGEOUS? I think not.

One last thing: women falsely complimenting other women on their short hair choice because it bumps them up the sexy ladder?! Bullshit. Not all women are conniving bitches. In fact, most of us genuinely compliment our friends when they look good. Anyone that thinks otherwise watches way too many scripted reality shows.
Again, it is irrelevant WHY women cut their hair short. The point is that most men, the vast majority of them, find it unattractive. That is the fact. Who gives a fuck what those men think? Presumably women who would like male attention and hope for men to find them attractive. It's not about confidence. Men aren't women, they aren't attracted to confidence and they certainly aren't going to say "hey, she's hot" about a woman with short hair because the short hair makes her look less attractive.  And yes, Emma Watson is no longer FUCKING GORGEOUS with her pixie cut. She downgraded herself from "pretty" to "cute". Babies are cute. Puppies are cute. With the exception of the occasional pedophile, adult men are not sexually attracted to "cute".

As for the idea that women don't sabotage each other, well, Mimi probably doesn't realize that the women complimenting her on her short hair are laughing at her behind her back. Observing them in action, women primarily compliment the flaws in other women, particularly related to her weight or her hair. A woman who actually looks good is inevitably "too skinny" or "has split-ends".

Bethany completely misses the point:
What a vain post. I do believe that a man after a woman's HEART, Is far more attractive than a childish one looking only at her appearance. Those are typically the ones found unfaithful, considering with time outward beauty fades inevitably, and there will always be someone prettier around the corner. Hair is such a petty, shallow thing to seriously be a determining factor. Personally, I am trying very hard to grow my hair out, just because I want to and it is beautiful, but I certainly wouldn't go to the extreme you have. I'm embarrassed for you. 
That may be. However, the post is about what MEN find attractive. It's not about what women find attractive. And men will never get to the deeper aspects of a woman if they are repelled by the petty shallow ones.

Hannah also fails logic 101:
Just a thought, but maybe these women with short hair aren't living their lives for the sole purpose of being attractive to 'most men'? Maybe they like being attractive to the more discerning 'fewer men'? Or, (can you believe it?!), maybe, just maybe, they have more exciting things going on in their lives than just whether a man will be attracted to them or not?
That's fine. I'm sure they'll have a fulfilling relationship with their many cats. Men truly aren't bothered by unattractive women. They don't even notice them. If a woman's goal is to be invisible to men, cropping her hair is an excellent way to go about it.

Sarah pretty much explains why men find short hair to be a sexual turn-off:
Not all short hair is meant to be edgy or cool. I cut it because it embodies the character of a gamine (a girl with impish appeal). Free-spirited, kind, playful, and a bit innocuous. I'm not comfortable with being a sexy, sultry, come hither woman whose long flowing hair trails past her shoulders and between her breasts...
Hmmm, a sexy, sultry, come-hither woman or a free-spirited innocuous one. That's what men really want in bed. Innocuous. But it is nice that the women uncomfortable with their potential sexual appeal to men are willing to advertise this and make it easier for us to avoid them.

Luka can't even tell how long her own hair is, but that doesn't stop her from having an opinion:
I can never tell if my hair is short or mid-length, since the shortest strand is 4cm and the longest maybe even 18cm, but I will comment as a short haired woman. I have never EVER wanted to cut off my hair to show off or because I wan't to know if I am attractive no matter what happens inside space and time. You're also INCREDIBLY absurd saying that women over-rarate themselves. I've cut my hair for two reasons. First, I always felt like I have quite big features compared to my face size. In general, women with smaller features look better in long hair in my opinion. Cutting my hair meant that I could make it puffy and don't look like a long-haired soaked puppy all the time. I really hate when hair just lays there and looks like a 2D piece of paper on both sides. For me that felt like really feeling bald, with just a glued piece of paper with hair on it. That was about, lets don't overegsadurate, 89% of my reason? The second reason was that I wanted to become stronger. I was, and I still am, not confident. I don't think I am pretty at all and if i was giving myself a rating I just wouldn't be able to do it - there isn't any rating because I don't have any confidence whatsoever to actually consider myself attractive in any part of my life. I don't know where you've seen those women you are talking about. But I can assure you that you know nothing about the reason women cut their hair. Absolutely nothing. Better not make any more blog post on women.
And one comment wasn't sufficient for Luka to express the fullness of what pass for her thoughts:
The truth is that all the women that are ''pissed off'' are just very saddened by the level of male stupidity. Every woman wants a man that can love her no matter her hairstyle or looks. The only thing I would accept is a man that wants a women to care for herself. This type of a man seems to be extremely seldom. And will always be seldom.

Heterosexual women cut their hair to find a man just like that. It is nothing to do with showing off their beauty.

Personally, there are some women that look way better in long hair then short, and MOST short hairstyles are just ugly if I am to be honest. I don't think that bold hair or very short trim looks good on men or women.

The whole blog post was about women who look great with long hair cutting it short, rather than women who actually look so much better with short hair than long. Next time everyone simply needs to take into consideration that a man may have extremely limited knowledge about women, bless these idiots and wankers.
Yes, I'm sure they're just "saddened". They're not at all upset because the fact of their unattractiveness and the reason for it have been brought to their attention. I do so enjoy the futile attempts of women to emotionally unbalance those who don't care what they think. It's like bringing a knife to a space battle. It's not so much ineffective as a category error.


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