Tuesday 31 December 2013

It's a big world

Keoni Galt describes the Imputed Income Trap which puts men in debtor's prison for being unable to pay the court-dictated child support:

Deadbeats everywhere, look out! You've been identified, and classified and you WILL be brought to justice.

By virtue of marrying and having children in today's Brave New World Order, you are now officially eligible to join the ranks of all the other peons called "deadbeat dads." All that needs happen is your wife to deem you no longer fit to share her domestic living space, and you too will become just another American peon.

What's a peon, you ask? Go to wiki and look up the term "peonage."

Modern day child support laws and the entire Family Court System, is nothing more than 21st century peonage.

Our current child support system in the USSA Inc., is a travesty of justice and a clear abrogation of the 13th amendment of the Constitutions abolition of involuntary servitude.

But remember, only Men are eligible to become Imputed Income Peons. As commenter Pugs Fugly noted:

And yet….my ex-wife hasn’t paid a dime in over a year, I’m talking 11K in arrears, and the state does nothing.  They talk a great deal; the people I have to deal with have explained that revoking her license or issuing a warrant for her arrest are only considered as a “last resort” but they won’t explain or even hint when we’ll finally get to that point.

I realize this won't be popular, but I would advise men in failing marriages to make it very clear to their soon-to-be ex-wives that they will not be paying child support beyond a mutually agreed-upon amount, they will only be paying it so long as they remain employed, and that any attempt to involve third parties in what is a family matter will be met with an immediate international relocation and an end to all child support as well as all contact with the children.

If the woman is still willing to light the fuse once the relocation bomb has been armed, then there is little chance that she was going to permit her ex-husband to have a relationship with his children anyhow. On the macro level, the unjust system will not die until men refuse to keep submitting to it.

It's a big world out there, full of possibilities. If your ex-wife is determined to put an end your current life, then accept that it is over and go build yourself a brand new one somewhere else that doesn't give a damn about US family courts.


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