Saturday 28 December 2013

Black knighting: Occidental 404

This is exactly the sort of thing that should be happening at every university across the country in the new year:

Occidental College has been barraged with bogus allegations of sexual assault in recent days after two groups, one claiming to represent "men's rights," set out to undermine the school's anonymous reporting system, a college spokesman said.

Shortly after members of the online communities Reddit and 4Chan began discussing the idea late Monday, Occidental spokesman Jim Tranquada said, the campus was flooded with reports — some by people who claimed to have been assaulted by "Occidental College," "feminists" or "Fatty McFatFat."

Over 36 hours, some 400 such reports were made. Occidental officials now are trying to determine how to isolate false claims from any actual assaults that may have been reported during that time.
However, it would be much better if the male college students would file genuine reports against women with whom they have actually had sex. I would encourage every man who hooks up casually in college to file a sexual assault report against the woman the following day, especially since the chances that a man actually gave explicit verbal consent are nil. This is the only way to destroy the unjust system of sexual apartheid that is completely stacked against college men.

Black knighting is all about turning the machinery of the system against itself. If a few outsiders can so effectively monkey wrench the sexual assault machinery with obviously false claims, imagine what those inside the situation filing genuine reports that are objectively indistinguishable from the reports filed by women can accomplish. Every single time a woman so much as touches a man without explicit permission, she should be charged with sexual assault.

Flood the system. Crash it with data. 404 it. It works.

"In a letter to faculty on Wednesday, Occidental's interim Title IX coordinator, Lauren Carella, suggested the college may shutter the reporting system."

That's in response to a single act by outsiders. Once the men within the system begin acting in self-defense, the feminists will have no choice but to a) start prosecuting women, b) openly admitting the sexual apartheid, or c) shutting down the system.


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