Friday 13 December 2013

Why you're on the Bang Don't Bride list 1

Women often seem to have an amazing amount of trouble distinguishing between female SMV and female MMV, which is a little ironic in that they seem to have no trouble whatsoever distinguishing between hot ALPHA males (SMV) and dependable BETA males (MMV) by whom they are graciously willing to be supported.

This may be because they only see the male sex drive in a binary state, on or off, and therefore don't realize that men, too, are capable of making a distinction between women to whom they are sexually attracted and women to whom they are sexually attracted and are also willing to support.  The two images below sum it up fairly well.

Now, the woman on the right is moderately more attractive than the one on the left. She's at least a full point higher in SMV terms than the very attractive woman in the one-piece And yet, even an inveterate fan of blondes such as me would tend to assume her to be of lower MMV due to the way in which she is presenting herself.

Keep in mind that at this point, we're only talking about superficialities and physical presentation. But that's where the whole attraction process starts and therefore that's where the initial sorting process begins.

Does this mean that the blond actually has a lower MMV than the brunette? No, we have no way of knowing. In fact, we don't actually know that she has a higher SMV, after all, she could be frigid, diseased, or insane. But she certainly has a higher initial perceived SMV. And the brunette has a higher initial perceived MMV, although for all we know, she is 10x the slut with 5x the blonde's N.

So, that's the first reason men put you on the Bang list. Initial Presentation.

More to follow in this series, including one for men entitled Why You're on the Friend Don't F--- list.


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