Saturday 16 August 2014

Blind Game

A college reader writes in again:

Not sure if you remember this, but you wrote a post about a year ago about ways a blind man might be able to leverage some game in specific ways.  I wasn't able to incorporate a lot of the suggestions from that post, with the exception of power-walking and facial hair.  However, I have done quite a bit of dating over the past year and I still keep up with some of the manosphere blogs.  While I have some moral differences with a lot of them (including yours), gaining a knowledge of the theory has been helpful.  I just wanted to give you some updates on what I've learned and, probably appropriately, most of it doesn't have to do with blindness.

I have learned through several experiences not to try and date longstanding female acquaintances (I would use the term "friend", but I'm kind of leery of calling woman "friends" at this point.) Especially adding the blindness as a factor, it simply doesn't work; I will often place myself right in their friendzone and it's generally impossible (and not worth it) to try to escape.  I have also found that basic game concepts-frame control, outcome independence, and mission/God priority-serve as a very solid foundation to build on.

So, here's one of the basic tactics I have employed successfully multiple times.  If I have met a girl I'm interested in, often I won't even ask for her number first.  If we are sitting in close proximity, I will do a small and explicitly physical IOI; nothing salacious, but definitely not mistakeable.  I will then say nothing about it the rest of the time I am with her.  This has proven to be very effective at gauging interest.  It is also helpful with regards to blindness, because a physical IOI is both natural to me and not out of place in my circumstances.  How it plays out from that point can vary by the woman, but I have found this particular tactic to be quite useful.
This guy doesn't let being blind stop him, or even slow him down. What's your excuse in comparison with that? The best thing he's doing is asserting responsibility for himself and refusing to accept being friendzoned.


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