Tuesday 5 August 2014

Defending the West

Heartiste brought this important video to our attention. It shows why MGTOW is not an option. This is why it is necessary for men to learn Game, to reproduce, and to build strong families. Civilization literally depends upon it. If you want to live a hedonist's irrelevant life for fear of a woman claiming cash and prizes, no one is going to stop you. But Man is made for more than momentary pleasure. If all you seek is pleasure, then smoke crack and crystal meth until you die. If you seek more than that, if you seek to help shore up and sustain civilization, then you have to take the risks that are inherent in doing anything worthwhile.

Marriage 2.0 is part of the plan to destroy Western civilization; it is part and parcel of the program that includes multiculturalism and mass immigration intended to do to the Native Europeans in Europe and America what was done to the Native Americans three centuries ago.

As it happens, I am both Native American and Native European. And I certainly don't wish to see the latter suffer the fate of the former, particularly since the well-being of the entire world depends upon the survival and well-being of the Native Europeans. Never forget that the future belongs to those who show up for it.


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