Tuesday 12 August 2014

The other side

As some readers correctly surmised, Eliza's narrative was not entirely accurate. The gentleman involved shares his perspective:

I'm the guy from the story. For what it's worth, I read through both the post and the extensive comments section. I was absolutely shocked to find this post, since Eliza never mentioned to me that she intended to make this story public.... I'm not a Red Pill person myself, and if we're being totally honest, I found many of the comments to be somewhat misogynistic. But it also seems like some of the people posting had some misconceptions about me and how I acted — and after reading Eliza's piece, I can hardly blame them!

First off, I have no idea where she got the "temper tantrum" term from. It's a fairly gross misrepresentation of what I thought was reasonably dignified behavior. I felt she was sending me mixed signals by inviting me over for one-on-one drinking, and as soon as she said no definitively, I simply got up, put on my shoes, and left. I explained to her in a clear, calm voice that I felt misled, and simply meeting up to build a platonic friendship wasn't my intention. I even shook her hand to make sure there would be no bad blood.

As soon as I left, I started getting a string of angry, invective-laden texts from her, calling me "manipulative" and a few other choice words that aren't fit for print. I'm not sure what I did to earn this treatment, but I kept an even keel and kindly asked her to desist. She did — after about a day. We've since buried the hatchet (as long as we're crystal clear on where our relationship stands, I don't mind being platonic friends), but make no mistake: This was very aggressive behavior on her part, and I did my level best to keep my cool throughout. I believe I succeeded.

Furthermore, I have no idea where she got this idea of "entitlement" from, especially coming from me. I didn't believe she owed me any kind of physical contact, but obviously I was hoping to get it. I believe I made appropriate overtures, engaging her on a friendly level at first, then escalating the situation to something that could turn more intimate.

If you want to call this approach "beta" or "gamma" or what-have-you, fair enough, but this is generally how I go about attracting women, and it works well most of the time. If women are interested, great! We'll make out, or have sex, or whatever's most appropriate. If not, fine! They're not under any legal obligation to be interested in me. I'll bow out gracefully and see who comes my way next.
Translation: this guy is a High Delta, on the low-key side, doesn't like to work too hard for a woman, and is probably more attractive than the average man. He lacks socio-sexual dominance, which is why he tends to underkick his coverage, and he obviously has little Game. Which is fine for him, because he does well enough that he can take it or leave it, as it happens to come or not. He's more concerned about behaving in a gentlemanly and "dignified" fashion than he is with scoring; he only wants to score on the terms he deems appropriate and acceptable.

Eliza on the other hand, is obviously a narcissistic drama queen who is attracted to socio-sexual dominance. That's why she sent me something like five or six emails the first day and expressed her desire to "understand" the mind of a complete stranger on the Internet.  She's neither the first nor the 20th woman who has attempted to strike up a private dialogue with me this way. She's also more attractive than the norm and is accustomed to having orbiters at her beck and call. When this gentleman didn't correctly read her intentionally mixed signals, (whether she'll admit it or not, she wanted him to at least try to push through her token resistance), she was angered, first by his contemptible failure to pursue her aggressively, second by his refusal to gracefully accept his demotion to orbital status.

The handshake, in particular, is what triggered the fury. Having failed as a dominant sex partner, (demonstrating his own inferiority) he then rejected her kind offer to permit him to orbit her in a manner that, to a woman, indicated sexual contempt. He would have done much better to simply leave without explaining himself, as had he done so, she would have been upset and intrigued rather than angry and resentful. The "temper tantrum" to which Eliza referred was pure psychological projection.

Had he been a Gamma, the claims of a tantrum would have been credible. A Delta like this, not so much. I have no dog in this hunt, nor do I know who is telling the truth, but the she-said he-said is interesting for how it illustrates many of the theoretical concepts we have discussed in action.

As for the differences in the two narratives, a woman's story is rather like the government and conspiracy theories. You may not know what truly happened, but the one thing you know for sure is that it didn't go exactly the way you were told.


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