Monday 4 August 2014

How not to write a rebuttal

The ironically named site Beyond Highbrow savages the Chateau with all the fury of a toothless lamb:

Roissy’s site is truly horrifying, and the man is a monster. He’s the biggest asshole in the known universe. Most of his commenters are orbiting him hoping to bask in the narcissistic glow he gives off. They are also trying to be an even bigger asshole than Roissy, and that’s probably not even possible. I mean not physically possible. I mean there is probably a law of physics that prevents any man from being a bigger dick than Roissy.
Knowing Roissy, he'll probably print that out, laminate it, and use it to successfully pick up two Ukrainian blondes this weekend. That being said, I have to admit it is nice to always be able to point to the two R's as proof that I am but a humble moderate in the controversial field of intersexual relations.

And as further evidence that the many would-be critics of Game remain irrelevant due to either a) their cognitive inability to comprehend it or b) their willful insistence on miscategorizing it, there is this logical debacle:
Look. This is the way it goes. Probably in any unglued society, the Alphas cannot possibly make up more than 15-20% of the males.

Let us suppose you had a society full of Roissy addicts who had all somehow managed to reach the pinnacle of Alphaness. It would not make sense. Because no society can be all Alpha Male (at least I do not think so). In Arab and Middle Eastern, Russian, Iberian, Latin American and Filipino society, sure, you have a huge % of men playing the “Alpha” game. They look and act like Alphas (especially in Arab and Middle Eastern culture).

But even here, the same 80-20 rule must apply. Suppose a hot woman, instead of being approached by one high-value (Alpha) man a day, is now being approached by five or six high-value Alpha men a day? What’s she going to do? Bang all the studs and whore it up? You kidding? The 80-20 rule, hard and fast, will continue to apply.

In a society where all of the men act like Alpha Males, females will simply pick off the top ~20%, the most Alpha of the Alphas and most Sigma of the Sigmas, relegate the rest of the regular Alphas to Beta, Delta or Gamma and toss the least Alpha of the Alphas (who are nevertheless very much Alpha men) to the Omega bin.
This hypothetical situation is impossible. Not implausible, but impossible. Since Alpha is defined as a certain level of success with women, a society of men where all men all reach the Alpha pinnacle is, by definition, a society where all men are successful with women.

Furthermore, since women find Alpha behavior attractive, even if we address his less extreme hypothesis that 100 percent of men merely mimic Alpha appearance and behavior successfully, this does not mean the 80-20 rule will survive. The 80-20 rule is not a law of physics; it's not even a law of economics. It is merely an observational rule of thumb.

Consider: if every man turned into Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and Joe Mangienello, women would not ignore 80 percent of them. Robert is completely ignoring the rules of attraction and getting the application of the 80-20 rule exactly backwards. The point is that women will reliably choose nothing, or sharing an attractive man, over settling for an unattractive one. This does not mean they will ignore attractive men simply because there happen to be a lot of them.

I am not saying that Game is beyond criticism. Of course it isn't. But it is a little tedious to see that its critics remain so resolutely incompetent. I mean, what does it say for a critic when he has observably failed to understand that which he labels "stupid".

And speaking of critics calling things stupid, I was recently amused to observe that what a Whatever reader once described as my "stupid little Game site" had more pageviews last month than Whatever has been averaging for the last eight months.


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