Sunday 30 November 2014

Gamma is more than a weight problem

This study has a few interesting socio-sexual implications:
In a new study, European researchers found obese women had more trouble finding a sexual partner than their normal-weight counterparts, though the same wasn't true for obese men, and were four times as likely to have an unplanned pregnancy. Fat men also reported a higher rate of erectile dysfunction.

Experts interviewed more than 12,000 French men and women aged 18 to 69 about their sexual experiences and analyzed the results based on their Body Mass Index.

Obese women were 30% less likely than normal-weight women to have had a sexual partner in the last year. In comparison, there was little difference among obese men and normal-weight men as to whether they found a sexual partner.
Several interesting conclusions can be drawn from this:
  • Low-rank women are more likely to seize the opportunity to get pregnant when one presents itself. 300 percent more indicates more than carelessness is involved here.
  • Men really don't like fatties.
  • Normal-weight gammas behavior is as problematic and unattractive to women as obesity.
Think about that last point. Behavior is so important to women that a lack of Game will sabotage your prospects with them as badly as being obese. After all, what does it matter if an Omega is fat or skinny? He isn't going to be having any sexual encounters with women either way.

Oh, and there is one more point. As far as the media is concerned, men don't really exist. The headline is: "Obesity can sink your sex life". Which, according to the study, is true, as long as you're a woman.

Saturday 29 November 2014

Statistics and the slut

Forget the diseases, abortion, alpha widowhood, and walking baggage. Chief among the risks of marrying a well-used woman is a 4x greater chance of divorce.
Social conservatives are often described as hateful and misogynist for railing against promiscuity, but the statistics don’t lie. Marriages in which the wife was a virgin have an 80% chance of succeeding, while the figure for brides who have had 15 or more premarital partners is just 20%.
However, this strong correlation doesn't necessarily mean that the wife being a slut is a primary causal factor in divorce. It could merely be a symptom of higher rank men marrying younger, inxperienced women and lower value men "wifing up those sluts" and marrying older, more experienced women as so many are urging them to do.

But it is one HELL of a correlation.

Friday 28 November 2014

Yeah, it's not the dolls

It is remarkable what lengths some women will go to in order to blame anything but themselves for the lack of male interest in them:
Victoria Andrews, 22, says she is unable to get a boyfriend. She puts the blame on her 51-strong collection of reborn dolls. Obsession began at the age of 16 when she spotted some online. Works evenings in a local pub to pay for her growing collection. Lives with her parents to free up more money to spend on them.
My suspicion is that it is more the fact that she is more than 50 pounds overweight.

It's pretty simple, ladies. Men are not attracted to fat women. If you want more male attention, lose weight and grow your hair. If you want less male attention, gain weight and cut off your hair. It's really not that complicated.

It's rather like the gammas who have a thousand-and-one theories for why the girl they like isn't interested in them. It's usually pretty simple. You're fat, you're ugly, or you're a spineless coward. Stop whining about the fact that the opposite sex notices your shortcomings and do something about them.

Thursday 27 November 2014

The systematic demolition of a feminist

In which Nero fact-rapes Anita Sarkeesian, then metaphorically eviscerates her, puts her intestines through a woodchopper, pours gasoline over her corpse, and sets it on fire:
Feminists say they want to help women, but it's always someone else—in the gaming world, usually a man—who gets their wallet out to do it.

In reality, it's not women that some gamers have a problem with: it's people like Sarkeesian and McIntosh. They have claimed hatred of them and people like them is tantamount to hatred of women. But it isn't. People don't hate Anita Sarkeesian because she's a woman: they hate her because they see her as a disingenuous, divisive, sociopathic opportunist.

Prominent feminists and feminist journalists have offered compelling critiques of Sarkeesian's work. Much of what is erroneously characterised as "abuse" is in fact merely robust criticism of Sarkeesian's ideas—ideas she refuses to debate. Sarkeesian, uniquely in the sphere of public intellectuals, refuses to subject her pontifications to critique. She censors comments not because they are insulting or distasteful but because they reveal structural weaknesses in her arguments. This is not the manner of an academic, aspirant or otherwise, worth listening to.

It is in this respect that her professorial aspirations, and those of her writer and producer, reach dizzying heights of absurdity, beyond even those of her laugh-a-minute Master's thesis. Universities are places of learning and debate, but Sarkeesian is a broadcaster, not an interlocutor. So radically anxious is she about the substance of her arguments and so vulnerable is she to accusations of sensational cherry-picking, she has not accepted a single invitation to debate her theories.
Note: Nero has not actually committed any violence against the woman, it's just that after reading the entire piece in its ruthless entirety, it rather feels like he has.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Grand scale entryism

It's hardly surprising that Germany's first female chancellor is now trying to require Germany's corporations to employ female figureheads.
Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition parties agreed on Tuesday to a draft law that would force Germany's leading listed companies to allocate 30 percent of the seats on non-executive boards to women from 2016 onward. Although Europe's biggest economy has a female leader and roughly 40 percent of the cabinet is female, women still are under-represented in business life. Among the 30 largest companies on Germany's blue-chip DAX index, women occupied only 7 percent of executive board seats and barely 25 percent of supervisory board seats by the end of June, according to the DIW economic think-tank.
At least that should help with the problem of German ubercompetitiveness. Business success is nothing that a well-staffed HR department can't slow down considerably in a relatively short time.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Because they can

It's not exactly a mystery why more men are turning to prostitution:
Last week, a report revealed that 1 in 10 British men have paid for sex. Find that shocking? Then try this for size: the same report, pulled from a total of over 6,000 men aged 16-74, also found that those most likely to have paid for sex in the last five years are single men aged 25 to 34.

The research – conducted by University College London and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and published in the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections – led lead researcher Dr Cath Mercer of UCL to conclude: "The picture that emerges does not necessarily fit the stereotype of the lonely older man … men who pay for sex are more likely to be young professionals."
There are a whole combination of factors at work here:
  1.  Postchristian society removes any moral sanction on men preferring prostitutes to amateurs.
  2. The sexual liberation means more women offering their charms to fewer men.
  3. Feminism and obesity making women less attractive to men.
  4. Porn causing men to be bored by the appearances and conventional sex practices available from average women.
I was surprised that the number was only one in ten.

Monday 24 November 2014

Women HATE making decisions

This study about the link between job authority and female depression should come as no surprise to anyone who is familiar with Game or has ever worked for a woman. I've had three female superiors in my life, and as managers, they ranged from decent to fairly good. But none of them were very comfortable making decisions; their favorite conclusion always seemed to be tabling the matter for further discussion at the next meeting.
According to Pudrovska, who co-authored the study with Amelia Karraker, an assistant professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Iowa State University, women without job authority exhibit slightly more symptoms of depression on average than men without job authority. But among people with the ability to hire, fire and influence pay, women typically exhibit many more symptoms of depression than men.

“What’s striking is that women with job authority in our study are advantaged in terms of most characteristics that are strong predictors of positive mental health,” said Pudrovska. “These women have more education, higher incomes, more prestigious occupations, and higher levels of job satisfaction and autonomy than women without job authority. Yet, they have worse mental health than lower-status women.”
Once more, we see that the push to make women more like men is actually destructive, not only of society, but of the very women involved.

GAME OBSERVATION: if you have a female superior, one of the best ways to ensure your job security and become a pet employee is to let her offload the decision-making onto you. Give her an inch and the chances are very high that she'll take a mile and thank you for it. Begin your suggestions with statements such as: "it's apparent that the optimal way" and "it seems to me the only possible thing". The idea is to always point to one, and only one option, and portray it as if it is not a choice, but an inevitability. No decision necessary.

Do NOT try this with weak male superiors. They will tend to go directly against you if they feel pushed.

Saturday 22 November 2014

Post-relationship omegas

A commenter at Instapundit's explains his lack of interest in the opposite sex:
Originally, the geeks of the world (or at least the Western world) were not so much on strike as they were being willfully excluded from polite society. A reciprocating circle of cause and effect meant that slightly-weird people were socially alienated, which resulted in an even deeper retreat into the things that made them slightly-weird to begin with. Yet, with any given one of them, they would have jumped at the chance to be "normal", to not be alienated, to have a girlfriend or wife, and so on. Alienation was a punishment that they all hoped in their secret heart would one day end.

More often, now, I see the socially alienated begin to shift toward the idea that even if they were to be invited back to "normal" society, and have their stigma erased or diminished, they see the cost of that to be too great to consider. They no longer want to be unalienated. They are increasingly resentful of their treatment and increasingly critical of the flaws of the society from which they were forced to retreat in the first place.

Used to be that any pretty girl could bat her eyelashes and any given nerd would jump to her will. There are still plenty of people like that, but more and more geeks are starting to laugh in their faces instead.
The longer that women delay marriage and ride the ALPHA carousel, the harder it is for BETA males to deny what their prospective mates have been doing and the longer they have to become accustomed to their alienation. So, it should be no surprise that they are becoming less and less interested in acting as a safe landing zone for the carousel jumpers.

Friday 21 November 2014

Dr. Helen saw #GamerGate coming

It's related to a section of Men on Strike that was influenced by this blog. She writes:
Perhaps what the reader is observing in Gamergate and Shirtgate is that the geeks involved not only don’t have the social conditioning to “make nice” but that they have less to lose than conformists such as the media or feminists who need other women and men to join their worldview.

Women give them more trouble than they give to typical alpha guys and with fewer women available to them, it makes it less appealing to conform in order to get more women. What’s the point? In addition, as Vox points out, they have their games and other things that matter more to occupy their time and don’t need the reinforcement of the society (and women) to function in their world.
Games have long been an escape from women and social pressure for many young men, so it should surprise no one that they aren't particularly keen on seeing their retreat invaded by the very things from which they are escaping.

When people ask a gamma or an omega if he wouldn't rather be out and about "with a real girl" instead of playing games, they should first keep in mind what sort of "real girl" is probably on offer for him. And considering the alternatives, who can truly blame him if he looks at his choices and decides that games and porn are genuinely the better option.

Thursday 20 November 2014

It is remarkably true-to-life

Barbie: Computer Engineer


She then proceeds to give her computer a virus while failing to email her design ideas to the boys who must help her, and can’t figure out to reboot her computer. If that’s not bad enough, she also puts a virus on Skipper’s laptop, losing all her important homework files.

And yes, there’s more — a whole lot, including a scene where the boys tell Barbie she can fix things faster if they help, and the end where Barbie takes the credit for all the work she didn’t do and gets extra credit to boot:  ‘I guess I can be a computer engineer!” says Barbie happily.’
That is actually pretty much how one of the two female computer engineers "worked" at the first company I worked for. She was finally let go about five years later, when a department review turned up the remarkable fact that she had NEVER finished a single assignment over the entire term of her employment. Literally NONE of them. She would basically ask the different male programmers for help on different pieces of it, then try to kludge them together unsuccessfully until she managed to get herself transferred to a different project. Rinse and repeat.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

They're not really laughing

Like SJWs and feminists, women often like to spin the public narrative in order to try to prevent men from learning from positive examples

This text message is being passed around, supposedly because it is so hilarious. And while it does sound a little strange to hear a man complaining about his girlfriend being rude to his cat, let's look at the complaints:
  1. She won't admit she's dating him in public. That alone is a good reason to dump her; indeed, given that, he doesn't even owe her an explanation. If they're not in a relationship, then he can (and probably should) walk away in silence.
  2. She doesn't bring him as her date to social event. That's just a different facet of the first point.
  3. Okay, that's funny. But who wants to be with someone who dislikes their pet? I wouldn't have dated anyone who didn't harbor the appropriate admiration for my viszla.
  4. If you're not a woman's priority, she's probably having sex with someone else. Also a legitimate reason.
  5. Most men dislike women swearing like a sailor. This is a perfectly good reason for dumping a woman.
  6. This is also a good reason to decline a relationship with a woman. If she won't come clean, then the appropriate assumption is that she is a slut and the probabilities of a successful long-term relationship are lower than the norm.
This guy obviously did the right thing in nexting this woman. The only mistake he made was bothering to tell her why. The next time a woman complains about a man not telling her why he's not interested in her any more, just reference the way that this man's reasons were made public and mocked.

Besides, it's a basic principle of Game to never explain your reasons to a woman. Reasons and justifications are ammunition. The more her mind is spinning and inventing various explanations for your actions, the better. The correct thing to do is to simply say, "I don't think this is working, I don't want to continue this anymore." Leave it at that. If she presses, just say, "No, I don't see any point in discussing it to death. It's done."

Monday 17 November 2014

The Tragedy of the Trans-Commons

As a transage activist, I couldn't help but shed a tear after reading this tragic account of the terrible suffering of a transfat individual publicly harassed and abused by a transphobic cismorph exercising his thin privilege.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Gamma delusion bubble

Apparently a quote from this blog is listed on Fundies Say The Darndest Things as one of their Top 100 quotes: "I don't believe I could recommend this as a strategy for most men, but it is surely educational to learn that raping and killing a woman is demonstrably more attractive to women than behaving like a gentleman. And women, before all the inevitable snowflaking commences, please note that there is absolutely nothing to argue about here. It is an established empirical fact. I would go so far to argue that if you are being introduced to a woman you find attractive, she will be more attracted to you if you slap her in the face without warning and walk away without explanation than if you smile and tell her that you are very pleased to meet her. Now this, being a mere hypothesis, can be argued. And tested, if you're feeling especially scientific this weekend."

Many of the reactions of the SJW girls and Gammas are, of course amusing, beginning with this one: "There is totally something to argue here. For one it seems like you're generalizing a significant part of the human population, for the other you're not even providing any proof to your ABSOLUTELY HAIR-BRAINED theory." Well, yes, hence the term "hypothesis". And science deals in evidence, not proofs; that is logic. But what I find particularly amusing is their desperate need to believe, contra the readily available evidence, that I look something like the picture to the left, which to be honest looks a lot more like a younger, thinner version of most of the male members of the SFWA. Except Diaper Boy has better hair.

Nor does it ever seem to occur to them to think that perhaps my statements about women are an informed opinion. I mean guy who have record contracts at the age of 22 usually have a lot of trouble finding women to date, right? And strangely enough, they never seem to have anything to say about my actual appearance. I wonder why that might be?

Saturday 15 November 2014

SJW parenting

Ye cats. One would call it a complete fathering fail, except one can't honestly call it "fathering":
"Kid called me out on Twitter last night for something she considered sexist. Proud of her; happy to have raised her so she knew she could."
- John Scalzi
And when his daughter turns out to be a miserable thought-policing trainwreck who can't find a man to put up with her nagging SJW ways, no doubt Gamma Dad will blame sexism and those evil men who fail to properly appreciate the boundless joys of feminism. How low does a gamma male have to go in order to publicly supplicate to his own daughter?

No wonder young women raised by godless parents are increasingly turning to Islam. Nothing disgusts women more than weak and spineless men. Teaching girls to point and shriek at offenses they manufacture themselves is not how you raise strong, self-confident daughters who will one day make happy wives and contented mothers.

It is, to the contrary, how you create the very worst human beings on the planet.

Friday 14 November 2014

Nothing trumps the Female Imperative

Not freedom, not religion, and apparently, not science either:
I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist and ostracizing. That's one small step for man, three steps back for humankind.
Back from what? That is the question the SJW feminists never want to answer. We know they don't actually care about equality. We know they don't actually care about fairness. So what is it that they want?

The answer is always the same: more. Women will cast down the foundations of science, they will destroy the Church, they will cast down Western civilization itself rather than give up their Quest for More.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

The double standard

I think my favorite part is the explanation. "What are the numerical digits...?"

Monday 10 November 2014

Sic semper militus pallidus

Notice how idiot white knights will attempt to defend women from the consequences of their actions even when the woman initiates the violence. And notice how the woman is dumb enough to attack a man twice her size. She was very lucky he used an open hand instead of going Ray Rice on her chin.

Sunday 9 November 2014

Lest you think we jest

The SJWs, which is to say the feminist pinkshirts and their pink knight allies, really are out to destroy everything and remake it in their image:
When people think of ‘gamers,’ I want them to think of feminism." - @ChrisWarcraft
To which I responded firmly: No. Keep your politics out of our games.

Friday 7 November 2014

Avoid the Human Black Hole

Heartiste provides some useful red flags:
Some other forms of female attention whoring are:

- Cutting into conversations with a frequency and assumed authority that could be described as pathological.

- Evincing an astounding lack of self-awareness or humility.

- An inability to listen while simultaneously demanding rapt attention from her human sounding boards.

- A facility tossing out breezy insults that stands in stark contrast to her thin-skinned pique when she perceives herself being attacked.

- A curious lack of fulfillment when she receives the attention she was goading, and a spiral of excitement when her attention seeking is ignored or cavalierly dismissed.

- A preternatural talent for getting into “scrapes” and making “scenes” where she is cast, yet again, as the wholly innocent flashpoint of the drama that magically follows her everywhere.

- Aggravating her mark to the point of exasperation or even anger. An attention whore prefers positive attention but will take negative attention if the former isn’t possible to bait.
All women appreciate and seek male attention, but there is a difference between attention-seeking, which is normal behavior, and attention-whoring, which is not. It's vital to learn the difference, because no one man is ever capable of providing an attention whore with the constant attention that she craves.

For me, the most important signifier is an inability to listen. If a woman asks you a question, then can't even manage to listen to any answer in more depth than "yes" or "no", you probably don't want to take the risk of involving yourself with her. I, personally, don't waste my time on attention whores, as there are few things on the planet less interesting than human black holes.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Invading male spaces

Is there no end to their evil? Stop Pinktober now!

Women will never be regarded as equal as long as they continue to insist on invading male spaces, thereby tacitly admitting their intrinsic dissatisfaction with inferior female and mixed-sex spaces. There is nothing that demonstrates the female belief in male superiority more clearly than their inability to stop pestering men engaged in male activities.

The interesting thing is that European men are FAR more masculine than American men in this regard, American illusions about European effeminacy notwithstanding. It would be UNTHINKABLE for a woman to intrude the post-game Friday night dinners, virtually no women even come to watch the games despite the fact that the various soccer fields where most of the athletic men over 30 are to be found.

The interesting thing is that in some European countries, you won't even see women in the restaurants on Friday nights. That's the night for the men to get together with their male friends; Saturday night is when couples go on dates.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Cancel this blog

Science declares Game has it all wrong, as social scientists have discovered that women prefer humble men to arrogant bad boys:
Cocky, bad guys may usually get the girl in the movies but the same isn't true in real life, according to new research.It showed that being humble is the key to marking yourself out as a good romantic partner while arrogance and egotism are turn-offs, it found....

The research, published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, involved three studies carried out by Dr Van Tongeren and colleagues. In the first study, 41 students created dating profiles and answered personality questions in the belief that others would see their results and they would look at other students' profiles.Both male and female participants gave significantly higher ratings to the humble person and were more likely to want them to see their own profile, give them their phone number and meet them.

The second study, involving 133 students, was similar but varied the language used to describe a potential date in the profile, rather than using numbers to rate humility. For example, the humble profile stated 'other people say I'm smart, but I don't like the attention', while the other read 'I'm a really good student and pretty smart...I guess it just comes naturally.'

Again, both men and women preferred the humble profile as a potential date to the profile that suggested arrogance.
I suspect the study would have been considerably more reliable if they had followed it up and researched precisely with whom these women who claim to be turned off by arrogance and egotism are actually having sex and what sort of men they are. As it stands, all the studies do is underline a fundamental mantra of Game: never pay any attention to what a woman tells you about female sexual preferences, including her own.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Internal inconsistencies

How, exactly, do the feminists and pinkshirts propose solving this "problem"?
Women fighting for a broader presence in the upper levels of management face at least one very personal obstacle: Most workers don’t want them there. Only one-fifth of people surveyed by Gallup this week said they preferred a female boss over a man. One-third preferred a male boss, and the rest had no preference.

The survey, which collected responses from 1,032 adults living in the U.S., found women were more likely than men to want a male boss: 39 percent of women wanted to be led by a man, compared with 26 percent of men.

In the 60 years that Gallup has conducted this survey, women have never preferred a female boss.
Women are MORE LIKELY than men to want a male boss. As ever, feminism is riven by its internal inconsistencies. If women don't want female bosses, then how can any true feminist support the idea that there should be more of them? Surely feminism can't be about forcing things they don't want on women.

To the Game-aware, there is no dichotomy. Women are intra-sex competitive and both the female boss and the female underling see the other as her rival for male attention in the office. Furthermore, it is more difficult for a female worker to secure her position under a female superior than under a male one.

That was a rhetorical question, by the way. The answer, as always, is more education to rid those women holding the wrong position of their false consciousness.

Monday 3 November 2014

Stop telling women to smile

The fierce moral urgency of telling men when they may, and may not, speak:
I created "Stop Telling Women to Smile," a street art series, to speak back to the men who harass me. The work began as way to tell my story, but it has grown to reflect the stories of many other women.

While I think that the law has its place in helping keep women safe, I don't think this is an issue that will be solved by assigning it to the police. Because police sexually harass women, too. Some women are wary of bringing the police into their communities because of fears of brutality and profiling.

We don't want to criminalize men. We want simply to walk down the street, and live our lives without the constant verbal harassment and abuse. We want to be treated as people who are outside because we have lives to live and business to handle – not as decoration. This will happen when men acknowledge their privilege, pay heed to the realities of women and begin to police themselves.
So, some women want to criminalize men talking to women in public, while the more moderate women merely want them to voluntarily lose their voices. Meanwhile, in #GamerGate, women are angry because other men don't want anything to do with them.

It's almost as if there is no pleasing them.

I have to admit, I have never in my life told a stranger to smile. I can't imagine giving a quantum of a damn whether some woman I don't know smiles or not. For the most part, I ignore women in public entirely; in general, it has been much more common for them to approach me than the other way around. As this poor, abused gentleman found when he tried to simply walk around New York City minding his own business.

Sunday 2 November 2014

The science behind The Dunham Horror

Science is gradually confirming what anyone who pays attention to the way left-liberals live has known all along:
A wide range of brain regions contributed to the prediction of political ideology (Figure 3A), including those known from past work to be involved in the processing and interoception of disgust and other stimuli with negative affective valence, but also those involved in more basic aspects of attentive sensory processing: we found regions known to be involved in disgust recognition [17, 36, 37, 38] (e.g., insula, basal ganglia, and amygdala), perception of bodily signals [39] (e.g., insula), the experience of physical/social pain [40] or observing others in pain [41] (e.g., S2, insula, PAG, and thalamus), and emotion regulation [42] (e.g., DLPFC, insula, amygdala, and pre-SMA), along with regions involved in information integration [43] (e.g., thalamus and amygdala), attention [43, 44] (e.g., amygdala, IPL, FFG, STG/MTG), memory retrieval [44, 45] (e.g., hippocampus, amygdala, and IPL), and also inhibitory control [46] (e.g., IFG, DLPFC, and pre-SMA), perhaps to suppress innate responses. Although our results suggest that disgusting pictures evoke very different emotional processing in conservatives and liberals, it will take a range of targeted studies in the future to tease apart the separate contribution of each brain circuit.

We proposed that conservatives, compared to liberals, have greater negativity bias [13], which includes both disgusting and threatening conditions in our study. Our finding that only disgusting pictures, especially in the animal-reminder category, differentiate conservatives from liberals might be indicative of a primacy for disgust in the pantheon of human aversions, but it is also possible that this result is due to the fact that, compared to threat, disgust is much easier to evoke with visual images on a computer screen.
Translated from the jargon, what that means is that there is solid scientific grounds for believing that leftists are too stupid to understand potential threats and too filthy to be repulsed by disgusting things.

Which one hardly needs any scientific evidence to correctly conclude as simple observation of the behavior of most left-liberals is sufficient to prove the case beyond any shadow of a reasonable doubt.

I had previously recommended that Lena Dunham be harpooned and processed for oil, but now I think that she may have some additional utility to science before her Innsmouth genes come to the fore and she shambles off to join the shoggoths deep under the sea. It seems to me that we could measure units of disgust in terms of a Dunham scale, similar to the Kelvin scale, with the null point absolute zero indicating a perfect Dunhamian left-liberal who is completely inert and incapable of being disgusted by anything except someone failing to toe the politically correct line du jour.


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