Thursday 7 November 2013

Female Imperative: PR version

Tuthmosis responds to an MTV producer's request for him to do her work for her and find someone if they, or anyone they know, are dating a cheapskate. A modicum of hilarity ensued.

Tuthmosis wrote back: "Thank you for your note. I would refer you to our sponsorships page. I hope it's not lost on you that, in the end, you're merely proving my point that all women are cheapskates. Here you are writing me - without a tinge of irony - asking for what amounts to a free advertising campaign. It's like you can't help but try to get free stuff from men."

To which Helena Kincaid responded: "I think you're a misogynistic ass hole. Fuck you and all that you stand for."
A true media professional, is she not? Anyhow, it's worse than  Tuthmosis describes it. She's not merely asking for free stuff, she's actually asking him to do her job for her. She wants him to do the grunt work of finding people silly enough to be exploited by making fools of themselves on cable TV even though he doesn't know her and it has absolutely nothing to him.

This isn't so much women being cheapskates as it is a particularly obnoxious version of the Female Imperative in action. Would a man ever consider, for a moment, contacting a stranger apropos of nothing and asking him to please do his job for him?

Hey, I've got some leaves that need raking in my yard, Ms Kincaid. I was wondering if it was possible for you to come by and rake up a small pile of them? If not, no worries, but it would be a great help!


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