Tuesday 19 November 2013

Why gammas don't get it

There is a reason that gamma males like John Scalzi publicly fret about the massive societal problem of creeps making women feel uncomfortable and write long instruction manuals on how to avoid being creepy and what to do if you are perceived as being a creep. They simply don't understand that they are creeps by virtue of their low SMV, not because of their actions. Creep is an intrinsic and relative state, it is not the consequence of objective actions.

As I've pointed out previously, men of sufficiently high SMV can walk right up to a woman they don't know and do pretty much do whatever they want without inspiring any protests or murmurs of complaint. This is a simple and observable fact. If you've never done it, then your SMV is probably in the normal or low range.

Not that permission is ever asked, but it is granted by the frozen, fascinated stare in the woman's eyes. Any sufficiently predatory male knows the one I'm talking about. It's that glazed-over look that tells a man that he can do anything he wants to a woman and she wants him to do it. I suspect it is the source of the legend of the vampire's enchanting glamor.

Want to stop creeping? The rules are simple. Be more attractive. Don't be unattractive. But are you perceived as a creep, are you normal, or are you a predator? Remember, it's all relative. The test is simple. Find a woman and lock eyes with her.

If she perceives you as a creep, she will scowl, narrow her eyes, and look disgusted. She may even verbally confront you for daring to lift your eyes to her and imagine yourself on her level. If she perceives you as normal, she will either look puzzled or look away. If she finds you attractive, she will either smile and look away or look down, smile, and blush. If she wants you to take her around the corner and ravish her, she will stare at you in a fixed manner and smile broadly.

And if she licks her lips and swallows hard while staring, that means you can do anything you feel like doing right there and then. But out of courtesy, and for everyone else's sake, please don't do it there.


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