Tuesday 12 November 2013

Pedestal on steroids

Brendon Malone explains the Gamma perspective on women. Is it any wonder why women hate them so much?

I don’t open doors, or practice other acts of chivalry towards women because I look at them and think: ‘geez, she looks like a frail weakling incapable of scaling the great heights of masculine awesomeness which gives us the muscular strength that females lack for door opening prowess. I better open this door for her before her poor tiny confused female brain makes her cry because it can’t figure out the engineering dynamics of door opening.’

No, instead when I look at women I see the feminine genius. A genius so profoundly complex, important and valuable that I adore it. I adore the feminine genius because I am a real man who has not had his masculine awareness dulled by erroneous ideologies about gender, or seriously messed up by pornography-fueled predatory attitudes towards women.

As a real man I know that for my masculinity to scale the heights of greatness, I depend totally on the feminine genius to become the best that a man can ever be – in much the same way that I depend on oxygen to keep on living.

Without the complimentary and amazing feminine genius I can never be a real man. Instead I am doomed to be nothing more than the masculine equivalent of a rōnin – the Japanese name for a samurai without a master to lead him, a term which literally means “wave man” because he is adrift without direction and purpose.

I open doors for women because I know they deserve my profound adoration and selfless love. My tiny act of sacrifice is my way of saying ‘I am in awe of your feminine genius and all that I owe to it as a man’.

Any man who tries to tell you to stop opening doors for women is unvirtuous and selfish – he is not a real man. Do not listen to him.
Got that? Unless you have a female master, you are not a real man. I, for one, am proud to not be a real man by Malone's definition. And if you want to avoid having a healthy, mutually satisfying sexual relationship with an attractive woman, by all means, listen to him and put his principles into action.

This is the male equivalent of women who advise other women to lean in and show how strong and independent they are. Women reliably say they want submissive men, but they are just as reliably attracted to the hostile sexists. So, it's really just a question of whether you want to have women approve of you or be attracted to you.

Choose one.


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