Friday 31 October 2014

Do women make better decisions?

It depends entirely upon your definition of "better":
Mara Mather, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Southern California, and Nichole R. Lighthall, a cognitive neuroscientist now at Duke University, are two of the many researchers who have found that under normal circumstances, when everything is low-key and manageable, men and women make decisions about risk in similar ways. We gather the best information we can, we weigh potential costs against potential gains, and then we choose how to act. But add stress to the situation — replicated in the lab by having participants submerge their hands in painfully cold, 35-degree water — and men and women begin to part ways.

Dr. Mather and her team taught people a simple computer gambling game, in which they got points for inflating digital balloons. The more they inflated each balloon, the greater its value, and the risk of popping it. When they were relaxed, men and women took similar risks and averaged a similar number of pumps. But after experiencing the cold water, the stressed women stopped sooner, cashing out their winnings and going with the more guaranteed win. Stressed men did just the opposite. They kept pumping — in one study averaging about 50 percent more pumps than the women — and risking more. In this experiment, the men’s risk-taking earned them more points. But that wasn’t always the case.

In another experiment, researchers asked participants to draw cards from multiple decks, some of which were safe, providing frequent small rewards, and others risky, with infrequent but bigger rewards. They found that the most stressed men drew 21 percent more cards from the risky decks than from the safe ones, compared to the most stressed women, losing more over all.

Across a variety of gambles, the findings were the same: Men took more risks when they were stressed. They became more focused on big wins, even when they were costly and less likely.

Levels of the stress hormone cortisol appear to be a major factor, according to Ruud van den Bos, a neurobiologist at Radboud University in the Netherlands. He and his colleagues have found that the tendency to take more risks when under pressure is stronger in men who experience a larger spike in cortisol. But in women he found that a slight increase in cortisol seemed actually to improve decision-making performance.But the closer the women got to the stressful event, the better their decision making became. Stressed women tended to make more advantageous decisions, looking for smaller, surer successes. Not so for the stressed men. The closer the timer got to zero, the more questionable the men’s decision making became, risking a lot for the slim chance of a big achievement.
What the researchers failed to note is that this actually explains why there are so few female entrepreneurs and why it is much more often men who become very wealthy. The higher the risk, the more likely you are to lose everything, but the higher the potential reward. It's not an accident that many of the most wealthy men have gained, lost, and recovered, large fortunes. Unless your plan is to inherit wealth, accepting high levels of risk is the only way to become very wealthy.

So, what this means is that we could probably use more women in finance and fewer women in technology. We want people chasing risk in startups. We don't want them chasing it in banks.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Alpha is good for you

It should be interesting to see the various heads exploding if this study is successfully replicated:
Sleeping with more than 20 women protects men against prostate cancer, a study has suggested. Men who had slept with more than 20 women lowered their risk of developing cancer by almost one third, and were 19 per cent less likely to develop the most aggressive form.... But when asked whether public health authorities should recommend men to sleep with many women in their lives Dr Parent added: "We're not there yet."
I'm just a little curious about how sleeping with all these women is supposed to bolster a man's health. I mean, surely one has to have sex with them in order to obtain the purported beneficial effects for one's prostate, right?

Anyhow, I suspect that the effects of female promiscuity will prove to be, as in the case of homosexual men, a net negative. Unless, of course, a specifically targeting proves to be beneficial for breast cancer. And really, a girl can never be too careful.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Ignore women in public

That's the short-sighted lesson being pushed by the mainstream media today:
A 24-year-old aspiring actress has been filmed being catcalled 108 times as she strolled around New York City - even though she was wearing a plain T-shirt, jeans and sneakers. Shoshana Roberts, a graduate of Kutztown University in Pennsylvania, was captured on a hidden camera by her friend, Rob Bliss, as she walked through the city's streets. Over a ten-hour period, she was pelted with dozens of unsolicited comments, including: 'What's up beautiful?', 'Hey baby', 'Smile' and 'Have a nice evening darling'.
Unsolicited compliments and greetings? It's almost rape! It's worse than the Holocaust!

"Miss Roberts wrote: "This happens daily to so many people. We don't put up with harassment in school, at home, or at work, so why should we have to put up with it on the street?"

She's right. They shouldn't. So, the next time a strong, independent woman you don't know looks to you for help in public, just smile, tell her you don't harass women, and walk away. And if she tries to talk to you, tell her to stop harassing you.

The ironic thing is that these men have it all wrong anyhow. They'd be much more likely to get a response from her if they glanced at her and laughed, rolled their eyes, or sniffed dismissively. Street neg, one might say.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Girls in Games: setting the record straight

The constant media reports that women are just as likely to be gamers is bewildering to any genuine gamer. Where are they all? The truth is that it is nothing more than the usual media spinning the facts into a seriously distorted fiction. Consider this summary of last year's NPD survey:
PC gamers are just as likely to be men as they are women, with 51 percent and 49 percent, respectively. They tend to be older, with an average age of 38 years, and affluent, with an average household income of $69k. Gender differences become apparent by type of gamer: Heavy Core and Light Core are comprised mainly of men while Casual PC gamers are overwhelmingly female.
Talk about burying the lead! Casual PC gamers are not, and have never been, considered "gamers". Yes, they play games. So does Grandma and her bridge club. They're not gamers either.

The summary by The Escapist was more precise:
Core Gamers Mostly Male, Casual Gamers Mostly Female, Says NPD

Market research firm the NPD Group (who you may know as the guys who provide sales numbers for games every month) has conducted a large-scale survey of American PC gamers, and come up with some interesting observations. The 6,225 members survey were split into three groups - Heavy Core, Light Core, and Casual. Heavy Core gamers play "core" games for five or more hours per week, while Light Core gamers still enjoy core games, but do so for less than five hours a week, and Casual gamers only play non-core games. The survey found that the majority of gamers in the two "core" groups were male, while the casual group was "overwhelmingly female."

Just FYI, In order to qualify as a core gamer for the survey, respondents had to currently play Action/Adventure, Fighting, Flight, Massively Multi-Player (MMO), Racing, Real Time Strategy, Role-Playing, Shooter, or Sport games on a PC/Mac.

The largest segment is Casual at 56 percent, with Light Core at 24 percent, and Heavy Core at 20 percent. Though Heavy Core is the smallest segment, they spend a significantly higher number of hours gaming in an average week, and have spent roughly twice as much money in the past 3 months on physical or digital games for the computer than Casual PC gamers. Of all the participants surveyed, 51% were male and 49% were female.
Unfortunately, no actual breakdown by sex was provided, but we can work it out, depending upon what percentage you reasonably consider to be "overwhelming". I'll try 90 percent, although I suspect it might actually be higher.

0.56 x 0.9 = .504. Hmm, that won't work, because 50.4 percent is higher than the 49 percent female respondents reported. Perhaps Literally Wu was surveyed? Let's back "overwhelming" down to 85 percent. 0.56 x 0.85 is 0.476, which is at least statistically possible.

That means that if only 15 percent of casual gamers are male, the MAXIMUM number of Heavy Core female gamers are 0.62 percent of the population. .014 x .44 = 0.00616.

Monday 27 October 2014

Women and #GamerGate

Dalrock explains the female compulsion at the root of it all:
Feminism at its core is envy of men and a desire to usurp their position. It would be difficult to overstate just how deep this feeling is. This isn’t just about the apex fallacy, it is about a deep desire to “be one of the guys”.  Any group of men getting together to create or enjoy anything will result in women wanting in. The only question is which category the women belong to. Some will want to try to experience the manly enjoyment/pride directly, and will take real steps to be (like) one of the guys. These are the ones who tend to defend the male space.  They don’t want it ruined because they want to experience it.  But others (a much larger group) will realize that they can’t actually experience this, and will then set out to stamp out what they can’t have.  The first category inadvertently paves the way for the second, assuming they don’t themselves shift priorities mid stream.
This is a remarkable explanation of what we've seen take place in the game industry since 1995. I mention that year because that was the year that I met Brenda Laurel at CGDC just prior to her founding Purple Moon, which was the first serious attempt by a woman to exploit an aspect of the vertical game market that first exploded with Facebook, then mobile.

Laurel is a feminist, with all the problems and issues that entails, but she was not only a legitimate, if pedestrian game developer, she was not at all interested with the rest of the game industry, let alone interested in trying to ruin it. Even the troubled transvestite who calls himself Spacekatgal is more interested in selling his own game than in interfering with other games, his crusade against Assassin's Creed notwithstanding. But the likes of Anita Sarkeesian fall squarely into Dalrock's second group, as she is a parasite whose primary motivation is to invade the male space and destroy it.

Is it "the curse of Eve"? Is it some yet-to-be explained female pathology? Who knows. But it is a repeatedly observable phenomenon.

Saturday 25 October 2014

The joy of middle-aged spinsterhood

Perhaps women would be less keen to leave it until their 30s to settle down, or to Eat, Pray, Divorce, if they had a better understanding of the way they are running the chance of winding up like these women:
The mid-life shame of moving back in with mum and dad: How failed relationships are forcing more and more middle aged women back into their childhood bedrooms.

‘I always imagined that by my mid-30s I’d be married or at least living with someone and thinking about starting a family. It felt like the right age to settle down, but everything was unravelling. I’d been living with my partner in a rented house but, when we split up, I couldn’t afford the rent on my own. My illness meant I struggled to work and I was under a lot of financial pressure.’

Clare Harrison has a warning for anyone just starting out in the world of work. ‘I envy people with their own homes,’ she says. ‘Yes their lives in their 20s and 30s were more mundane than mine. They didn’t have the adventures I did, they haven’t seen the world like I have. But does that really count for anything? My memories can’t put a roof over my head.’
Now, don't be quick to assume that all women are similarly shortsighted. Remember, women, not men, are the ultimately practical sex. So, the trick simply requires convincing them that they are not special snowflakes who are immune to any such possibilities, which, of course, means playing on their fears.

Or you could simply leave them to feminism and the "every woman can be president one day" approach, which, if nothing else, is amusing to anyone with even a modicum of mathematical ability.

Thursday 23 October 2014

All they really want is attention

A woman notices Roosh and me criticizing Chris Kluwe on Twitter and desperately wants to get some of that precious, precious male attention:
Bootleg Girl ‏@BootlegGirl
Feel free to pass on the aggro to me! I disagree with you guys too! And I'm a woman! Come get me! @ChrisWarcraft @voxday @rooshv

Vox Day ‏@voxday
@BootlegGirl @rooshv Doxxing will be $99, death threats $199, convincing death threats $250, and for only $499, you can rent a nerd-rapist.
Give her a week and she'll be on MSNBC talking about her near-rape experience on Twitter. And she'll probably burn out her vibrator in the meantime.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

The self-deluded divorcee

Dalrock considers the case of the divorcee who overrated herself:
Yes, I am lonely, and do love men, even though my husband hurt me deeply. But, when I look at the profile photos of the men on these dating sites, they turn my stomach, and feel these men have no idea just how bad they look, older than their years on their profile, fat, scruffy, and look like they have been road hard, put away wet, and don’t have a clue that most women who are my age, will not find them the least bit attractive, surely not to date. Most just look like they are narcissists, and self centered, and think us women want to go out with a fish, or boat or souped up car, because that is what these guys pose with and many don’t even smile on their profiles. Are their teeth rotten or do they just hate life? Not sure about any of this.

What I do know is I have more self esteem and want anyone I date to clean up their act too. These men, aver the age of 50, want us women to look good, even thin and sexy, but do they? Nope.

If you don’t believe me about these dating sites.sign up for one or two, create a profile, of yourself, and then sit back and watch and wait to see who sends you a wink or a message.  These men are also rude, crude and disrespectful of women, and think that we are devoid of having a brain, or carrying on a conversation. To even try and screen out some of the men that are NOT a fit for me at all, I put in my profile that I love the theater, the ballet, the arts, as most men on these dating sites wouldn’t know what a tutu is, or who Picasso is. LOL Too bad it’s so pathetic:(
The level of self-delusion is stunning. We are supposed to be impressed by her knowing who Picasso is, but ignore the fact that she doesn't know how to spell "rode" as in "rode hard". And let's face it, the chances that she actually gives a damn about the theatre, the ballet, or the arts is remote.

However, it does tell us how older men should be handling their profiles. Instead of pictures of fish, boats, and cars, a few paragraphs of nonsense about how one goes to the Bayreuth festival in even years, and La Traviata in odd years, will probably go a long way with both women like this and their younger sisters. Few women actually care about matters cultural, let alone philosophical, but they very much want people to think they do.

It's strange that college-educated men have forgotten this, when so many of them probably once BS'd a woman with pseudo-erudite discussions of The Catcher in the Rye, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and whatever the pretentious book of the year was back in the day. It's not like it's hard to fake it; the average woman discussing a book seldom involves more than repeatedly declaring how much she loves it, how much she loves the author, how wonderful the author is, and how terrible it is that all those lesser beings know nothing about him.

It's so easy that I've gotten women to tell me that they have not only read, but loved books that don't even exist. I'll bet you could do the same thing with fictitious painters too, but I've never tried it. Young men, there is your homework assignment. See if you can inspire one woman to tell you that she loves a fictitious book, author, or painter. Report back with how many times it took you to find a woman who would take the bait. I'm betting that at least one in three women will do so.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Dietary emasculation

The idea that meat-avoidance is unmanly isn't just carnivorous rhetoric, as it has been determined that a vegetarian diet literally reduces your masculinity and fertility:
Vegetarians and vegans had significantly lower sperm counts compared with meat eaters, 50 million sperm per ml compared with 70 million per ml. They also had lower average sperm motility – the number of sperm which are active. Only one third of sperm were active for vegetarians and vegans compared with nearly 60 per cent for meat eaters.

The team believes that vitamin deficiencies may be to blame but also believe that replacing meat with soy could be responsible.

“We found that diet does significantly affect sperm quality. Vegetarian and vegan diets were associated with much lower sperm counts than omnivorous diets,” said Dr Eliza Orzylowska an obstetrician at Loma Linda University Medical Centre in California.

“Although these people are not infertile, in is likely to play a factor in conception, particularly for couples who are trying to conceive naturally. the old fashioned way.”

One factor could be diets rich in soy, the researchers hypothesis. Soy contains phyto-oestrogens which have similar properties to the female hormone oestrogen.
So, the good news is that vegetarians are gradually breeding themselves out of existence. This should scotch any idea of going vegetarian for future generations, as it is a literally anti-selection dietary measure. In fertility terms, the vegetarian man is literally less than one-third the average omnivorous man.

Hypothesis: an investigation of diet and socio-sexual rank would find that vegetarians make up an disproportionate percentage of Gammas and Omegas.

Monday 20 October 2014

Because afraid

That's how women who favor "equality" attempt to justify women sexually objectifying men and making the sort of public comments that would put a man's career in jeopardy:
“Women are coping daily with a threat of rape which men aren’t,” says Elvines. “I don’t think it’s nice for anyone to be just judged on their appearance - no one likes to feel they’re just being judged on that. But while men might find [sexual objectification] annoying, it doesn’t have that scary meaning.

“It’s nice to think, when you live in an equal society what will it look like, but we don’t yet.”

This ‘fear factor’ is ultimately why no one has spoken up about being offended by Young’s words, but why we would be up in arms if a hapless male BBC presenter had said the same. It is highly unlikely that a young Tom Jones would have been in any danger from Young had he walked into her studio 30 years ago. But if a young female singer had walked into a male BBC presenter’s studio 30 years ago, well, who knows what would have happened?

Until we live in a truly equal world, we’re going to have to deal with the fact that there is this strange grey area, where we will react differently to a man and woman saying the same thing. It isn't the nicest solution, but right now it's the only one we have.

It would be dangerous to encourage men to make jokes about 'responsibility' and 'sex' - even in the name of equality - because it would send out a negative message. But, it isn't fair to say it's OK for a woman to make those some comments.

Young, in my opinion, could have done with thinking more about the wording she used, and she should be reminded of this just as a man would be. But, at the same time, when we look at the context of the world we live in, it's clear she was joshing about. So, it would be a shame to focus too much on that and lose the real power of her words: that women do like sex, they think about it, and shock horror, they even desire it.
How old are these women that they think there is "real power" in women saying they like sex? And how little do they like sex that they think it is necessary to state it out loud? But once more, we see that "equality" is a complete myth and does not exist in anything but the fevered imaginations of pinkshirts and innocents.

Saturday 18 October 2014

Go away, you nasty creatures

This was amusing. Just in case it isn't perfectly clear to those who inflict tattoos on themselves that it is still, even today, a class issue:
A tattooed lady and her boyfriend were turned away from a nightclub by bouncers because they had visible body art. Miki Lane, 23, and her partner Jason Barker, 24, were told they could not enter Club Amadeus in Northallerton because they had tattoos on their arms. The pair were told by security staff that it was club policy not to allow people with body art into the premises.
It should be amusing to see the Left trying to turn "tattooism" into a social taboo because feelbad. Of course, if they can turn disdain for self-mutilating head cases into "transgenderism", I suppose anything is possible.

Friday 17 October 2014

The reliable tell

Roosh delves into the science and determines that tattoos on women are a reliable indicator of a variety of relationship-challenging behaviors:
Being tattooed is associated with greater numbers of lifetime sexual partners (Heywood 2012), earlier sexual initiation, higher frequency of sexual intercourse and increased preference for oral sex (Nowosielski 2012). In adolescents, tattoos also correlate with the likelihood of having unprotected sex (Yen, 2012), but not in adults (Nowosielski 2012).

Tattoos indicate impulsiveness (Kim, 1991). In students, tattooing is associated with risk-taking behaviors, including smoking and cannabis use (Heywood, 2012). Participants with tattoos or body piercings were more likely to have engaged in risk-taking behaviors and at greater degrees of involvement than those without either. These included gateway drug use, hard drug use, sexual activity, and suicide.

Those with tattoos are hostile and prone to delinquent behavior (Kim 1991). Psychiatric patients with tattoos are much more likely to suffer from Antisocial Personality Disorder and have an increased likelihood to have previously suffered from sexual abuse, abused substances, or to have attempted suicide. (Sciencedaily). Violence was associated with females having body piercings (Carroll 2002).
In other words, while you might happen to find them sexy, you should keep in mind that you do so because they are a reliable slut-tell, and more importantly, the more of them there are, and the more prominently they are displayed, the more likely it is that she is incapable of successfully having a positive long-term relationship with a man.

Thursday 16 October 2014

A reasonable precedent

Automatically awarding custody to the father should be standard procedure any time the mother makes a false claim of child abuse during divorce proceedings:
A father has won custody of his daughter after his former partner falsely accused him of sexually abusing their child. The man was investigated by police and social workers after the woman said her daughter had made "disclosures of sexual abuse". But Judge Jane Miller has ruled that the girl, now nine, should live with her father after concluding the woman's allegations were untrue.
Divorces are ugly enough without women crying child abuse in order to get a more favorable settlement.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

One "yes" is never enough

California law now makes official what Game has always taught: you cannot take a woman at her word:
Some people say that California’s “affirmative consent” law goes too far. But what these archaic misogynists don’t realize is that adult women are just not strong enough to articulate what they want in sexual situations. A lot of laws say that sexual assault is forcing sex on someone who said no or who is unable to say no. But here’s the problem: We need to realize that women are, in general, not able to say no. It’s too hard.

Oh, and by the way, just one yes isn’t enough. If a woman suddenly becomes uncomfortable during an intimate encounter, she certainly won’t be assertive enough to tell the man without his asking her first. Thankfully, California realizes this, and the law demands that the affirmations of consent be “ongoing.”
There are some amusing black-knighting opportunities here. Any time a woman says yes to something, come back again 15 minutes later and ask her again. And again. And again.

If she gets annoyed, just explain to her it is the law, and you are legally required to obtain ongoing affirmations of consent.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Dr. Helen, call your office

US marriage rates hit all-time low:
According to the latest available census data, the percentage of U.S. adults who have never been married has hit a new, all-time high.

In 1960, about one in ten adults over the age of 25 fell into that category.

By 2012, the number had jumped to one in five.
Combine disincentives to marry with incentives to not marry, and unsurprisingly, the result is half as much marriage. The solution is simple. End no-fault divorce. End asset-stripping. Ban the pill. Prosecute adultery and punish it with severe fines. Harshly slut-shame non-virginal women.

It will work. We know it works from history. But instead, societal decline, soft totalitarianism and feral children are preferred because women are short-sighted. Imagine what US society will be like when those rates fall to one in two.

Monday 13 October 2014

The problem of insufficient vaginas

I've found that one easy way to stop a feminist running the usual "moahr wimmins" line in her tracks is to ask her to explain, specifically, how more vaginas will improve whatever situation she is complaining about.

"So, precisely how will having more vaginas in the immediate vicinity improve our sales?

"Do vaginas make people smarter and more productive by mere physical proximity or is it some sort of aromatherapeutic performance enhancer?"

"Will we generate higher investment returns in proportion to the additional number of vaginas involved?"

It's rather amusing to see how they can't even begin to make a case for it. The exception, of course, being a society with insufficient native vaginas giving birth to children. In that case, it is a real and serious problem to which "moahr wimmins" being encouraged and incentivized to do so is a legitimate solution.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Kickass women warriors

A Kurdette fighter is buried:
As Fatima Sheikh Hassan was laid to rest in an isolated cemetery amid an intense sand storm, the cries of women mourners showed both intense pride and profound despair. Fatima, whom friends said was just 17, was a volunteer with an all-female brigade of Kurdish troops, and was killed on Friday as she fought to stop Isil militants over-running Kobane, her home town on Syria’s border with Turkey. That the ground fight to save the town has fallen to teenage girls, rather than the Turkish troops amassed on the border or their US allies, has not been lost on fellow Kurds mourning her death.... at the funeral, it was the contribution of the female fighters that particularly drew attention. It showed the glaring ideological gap between the PKK, a socialist revolutionary party that champions gender equality, and the mindset of their jihadist opponents.
It does show the glaring ideological gap, but I'm trying to figure out how the fact that one side is losing and burying their dead young women is indicative of anything but the practical superiority of the side that rejects "gender equality" and is on the verge of wiping out the one that champions it.

A proto-pinkshirt

Ursula Le Guin declines to blurb a book back in the 1990s.

Seeing what has become of science fiction in the interim, it's now obvious that she never belonged in the first place.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Alpha Mail: Divorce in Italy

Hermit asks about the pressure to make divorce easier in Italy:
I have been reading your blogs for some months now. I would like to ask for your opinion on a matter that regards game and marriage but also the way leftism is changing society and relationship.

Until a few years ago I was an atheist, leftist, high IQ gamma and now I'm following a long march to fix everything in my life, for now with decent success. Everything started when I recovered my faith, I can actually relate to and confirm everything you said about many leftists atheists being feminized gamma males with lack of empathy and basic social skills.

While I eliminated almost all of my old readings, sometimes, living in a left-wing family, I still bump into their literature. Today I read a journalist on "Internazionale" answering to a reader about marriage. I would like to hear your opinion about this exchange, in particular about the final part and the mindset in a marriage relationship.

A female reader asked "I am divorcing from my husband; why it looks like the law, instead of helping us, makes everything even more difficult?"

The journalist replied: "According to ISTAT (italian institute of statistic) 49% of italian marriages end with divorce. But we continue to consider divorce as an unforseen event and we accept to embark into a slow, expensive and mentally tiring proceeding. We see divorce as an exception without realizing that now is the rule. Like it or not, divorces are very common and the proposals of reform on "fast divorce" are a legitimate way to be more pragmatic and let many italians spare sorrow and money. But as usual the loud screams of the "paladins of family" succeeds in distracting politics from the reality of facts. Years ago I've heard a swiss female sociologist propose temporary marriage terms that had to be renewed after ten years. If the marriage isn't renewed it is considered to be immediately null without any additional slow bureaucratic procedure and expensive lawyers. I'm amused to think how the dynamics of the couple would change in the year of the renew: maybe many would be motivated (or forced) to regain the momentum and bring out the best of themselves to be reconfirmed by the spouse."
The law is intended to make divorce difficult. It's not supposed to be easy, in fact, from a Christian perspective, it should be impossible barring physical adultery on the part of either the husband or the wife.

But in today's post-Catholic Italian society, pragmatism and deference to the short-sighted female perspective triumphs over all, as it does throughout most of the post-Christian West. This is no surprise, it was inevitable once the voting franchise was granted to women, and we are still experiencing the inevitable consequences of those decisions.

What is presently called "marriage" is the law's mockery of the institution. Not only because the State now increasingly permits male and female couples to pretend to be "married", but because what the State puts together, it most certainly can put asunder whenever it wants. So, there is no reason whatsoever to attempt to protect the State's legal parody of marriage or care what mutated form it eventually takes, except in that it will likely be used to further strip resources from men and transfer them to women.

Thursday 9 October 2014

The myth of the mandingo

Data from OKCupid and other dating sites has comprehensively exploded the myth of superior black sexual attractiveness to women of white and other races. But in addition to statistical data, there is also simple anecdotal observation.

Today I was walking along the sidewalk and saw an effective ruin of a woman, white, and somewhere between the ages of 60 and 70. She was taking the "mutton dressed as lamb" routine to new depths, as she was wearing brown leather trousers, and she also happened to be walking with her arm tightly wound around her paramour, who was a black man in his mid-twenties, dressed in full B-Boy style with the high, straight-rimmed ball cap.

He appeared to be equally enamored of his aged love interest, and far be it from me to criticize a happy May-December romance; if they find mutual satisfaction in their relationship, then it is no concern of either yours or mine. My point is not to criticize their relationship, merely to observe the fact of its existence.

The point of the observation is that one does not often see men of other races in their mid-twenties paired with black women in their sixties. Indeed, I can honestly say that not only have I never seen it, I have never even heard of it. Which tends to indicate, if only in an anecdotal sense, that African ethnicity tends to be viewed as  a sub-optimal attractor, not a super-optimal one, by the average individual.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Tolkien on intersexual relations

JRR Tolkien explores the mistaken avenue of chivalry and the backwards nature of pedestalization.
There is in our Western culture the romantic chivalric tradition still strong, though as a product of Christendom (yet by no means the same as Christian ethics) the times are inimical to it. It idealizes 'love' — and as far as it goes can be very good, since it takes in far more than physical pleasure, and enjoins if not purity, at least fidelity, and so self-denial, 'service', courtesy, honour, and courage. Its weakness is, of course, that it began as an artificial courtly game, a way of enjoying love for its own sake without reference to (and indeed contrary to) matrimony. Its centre was not God, but imaginary Deities, Love and the Lady. It still tends to make the Lady a kind of guiding star or divinity – of the old-fashioned 'his divinity' = the woman he loves – the object or reason of noble conduct. This is, of course, false and at best make-believe. The woman is another fallen human-being with a soul in peril. But combined and harmonized with religion (as long ago it was, producing much of that beautiful devotion to Our Lady that has been God's way of refining so much our gross manly natures and emotions, and also of warming and colouring our hard, bitter, religion) it can be very noble. Then it produces what I suppose is still felt, among those who retain even vestigiary Christianity, to be the highest ideal of love between man and woman. Yet I still think it has dangers. It is not wholly true, and it is not perfectly 'theocentric'. It takes, or at any rate has in the past taken, the young man's eye off women as they are, as companions in shipwreck not guiding stars. (One result is for observation of the actual to make the young man turn cynical.) To forget their desires, needs and temptations. It inculcates exaggerated notions of 'true love', as a fire from without, a permanent exaltation, unrelated to age, childbearing, and plain life, and unrelated to will and purpose. (One result of that is to make young folk look for a 'love' that will keep them always nice and warm in a cold world, without any effort of theirs; and the incurably romantic go on looking even in the squalor of the divorce courts).

Women really have not much part in all this, though they may use the language of romantic love, since it is so entwined in all our idioms. The sexual impulse makes women (naturally when unspoiled more unselfish) very sympathetic and understanding, or specially desirous of being so (or seeming so), and very ready to enter into all the interests, as far as they can, from ties to religion, of the young man they are attracted to. No intent necessarily to deceive: sheer instinct: the servient, helpmeet instinct, generously warmed by desire and young blood. Under this impulse they can in fact often achieve very remarkable insight and understanding, even of things otherwise outside their natural range: for it is their gift to be receptive, stimulated, fertilized (in many other matters than the physical) by the male. Every teacher knows that. How quickly an intelligent woman can be taught, grasp his ideas, see his point – and how (with rare exceptions) they can go no further, when they leave his hand, or when they cease to take a personal interest in him. But this is their natural avenue to love. Before the young woman knows where she is (and while the romantic young man, when he exists, is still sighing) she may actually 'fall in love'. Which for her, an unspoiled natural young woman, means that she wants to become the mother of the young man's children, even if that desire is by no means clear to her or explicit.

Monday 6 October 2014

The cost of N=1

As if the marriage failure rate for women with moderate sexual experience weren't bad enough, now genetic science has revived the possibility that merely being a non-virgin may be sufficient to taint a woman's subsequent genetic line with her first lover's DNA:
Telegony is the belief that the sire first mated to a female will have an influence upon some of that female's later offspring by another male. Although the reality of telegony was acknowledged by such authorities as Darwin, Spencer, Romanes and many experienced breeders, it has been met with scepticism because of Weismann's unfavourable comments and negative results obtained in several test experiments. In this article, alleged cases of telegony are provided. A search of the literature of cell biology and biochemistry reveals several plausible mechanisms that may form the basis for telegony. These involve the penetration of spermatozoa into the somatic tissues of the female genital tract, the incorporation of the DNA released by spermatozoa into maternal somatic cells, the presence of foetal DNA in maternal blood, as well as sperm RNA-mediated non-Mendelian inheritance of epigenetic changes.
This could have severe societal repercussions if telegony turns out to have a solid basis in genetic science. It should be fairly easy to confirm too, by comparing the DNA of a woman's children to that of the man to whom she lost her virginity but was not the father of her children. It would certainly renew the value of a woman's virginity.

I suspect there will be tremendous pressure to not explore these hypotheses due to those potential repercussions, but the concept is too fundamentally interesting and important to remain unexplored for long.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Lena Durham's fake rape

Apparently she isn't getting enough attention for her show that no one watches anymore, so Lena Durham belatedly recalls being "raped" in college:
'I think I had just felt that something was very wrong,' she said. 'I had felt that something had happened and I remember thinking "Can I ever be the same?"

'I was at a party, drunk, waiting for attention -- and somehow that felt like such a shameful starting-off point that I didn't know how to reconcile what had come after. But I knew that it wasn't right and I knew in some way that this experience had been forced on me.'

But she did have a good friend to talk with about the experience: 'When I shared it with my best friend and she used the term "you were raped" at the time, I sort of laughed at her and thought like, you know, what an ambulance-chasing drama queen,' Lena said.

'[I] later felt this incredible gratitude for her for giving me that, giving me that gift of that kind of certainty that she had,' she continued. 'I think that a lot of times when I felt at my lowest about it, those words in some way actually lifted me up because I felt that somebody was justifying the pain of my experience.'

The remainder of the actress' college life was marked by the trauma: 'I didn't really go to anymore parties. I just stopped going… I basically didn't have a drink for the rest of college… I really removed myself from that world. I don't know if I would've told you at the time, "Oh, I'm doing this to keep myself safe," but obviously in hindsight… I basically removed myself from the social world as I'd known it.'
How much would you want to bet against anyone who attended college at the same time she did being able to explode her retroactive narrative with ease? Notice that Dunham doesn't name her "rapist" or bother contacting the authorities, because she's obviously just trying to generate press for her new book.

What a repulsive creature, both inside and out. The troubling thing is that she may indeed be the female voice of her generation, which is enough to make Sharia look good in comparison.

Saturday 4 October 2014

The gamma factory

John Cleese, of the notoriously bad decision-making with regards to marriage, traces back his well-known problems with women to his mother:
“I don't want to get too dark and depressing but she was emotionally difficult. She was a tyrant.” In an extract of his new autobiography, So, Anyway, published in the magazine, he wrote: “It cannot be a coincidence that I spent such a large part of my life in some form of therapy and that the vast majority of the problems I was dealing with involved relationships with women.

"My ingrained habit of walking on eggshells when dealing with my mother dominated my romantic liaisons for many years."

Cleese married his first wife, Fawlty Towers co-star Connie Booth in 1968. The marriage lasted ten years and the couple divorced in 1978. He married his second wife, American actress Barbara Trentham in 1981; and his third wife, American psychotherapist Alyce Eichelberger in 1992. The comedian married his fourth wife, Jennifer Wade – who is 31 years his junior – in 2012.
Notice the connection between "ingrained habit of walking on eggshells" and his multiple failed marriages. The lesson: never be conflict-avoidant with a woman. If she's looking for a fight, then give her one. Better yet, give her one that will make her conflict-avoidant in the future. The old martial arts rule applies: start nothing, finish everything.

I've noticed over the years that many women repeatedly test a man's willingness to put up with her bad behavior. They will ratchet it up slowly, almost undetectably, until one day the man's friends suddenly notice that she never speaks to him without her voice either raised in anger or dripping with contempt.

The solution for nipping this in the bud is pretty simple. Up the ante every time. She resorts to contempt, you reply with contempt and vulgarity. (This is especially effective in public; women seem to find it humiliating when men openly swear at them in front of other women.) A calm "I don't give a fuck what you think" or ominous "watch your fucking tone now" will usually deflate the assumed Queen Bee attitude with alacrity. If she decides to raise her voice, you raise yours right back; most women instinctively cower before a man who is addressing them at volume with some bass in his voice. This is basic Skinnerian programming, which means it is also advisable to be sure that she's being positively incentivized when she brings things to your attention in an appropriate manner.

In other words, if she asks you to do something politely, then do it right away, don't put it off until she's irritated and nagging. Make the effort, don't be lazy.

Another option is to simply end the evening if you're out in public and she gets obnoxious. Refuse to be seen with a woman who is openly disrespectful. If she can't be civil, then you're simply not going to take her out into civilization. Women are PERFECTLY capable of controlling themselves, the primary reason so many of them don't is because the men in their lives don't expect them to do so or hold them accountable for their behavior.

Friday 3 October 2014

The injustice system in action

#GamerGate continues as the notorious gamewhore Zoe Quinn continues to spread her self-serving lies, this time in court:
ZQ filed and was granted an ex parte 209a order against Eron in mid September and on Tuesday it was extended for a year. Note that this is a physical abuse prevention order. It is meant to protect victims of physical abuse, not victims of internet harassment (you want a 258e for that).

The reason you haven't heard anything about the case is that the order contains a written in PRIOR RESTRAINT ON FREE SPEECH, which is absolutely absurd (ZQ reported his participation in this KoP stream to the police as a violation of the ex-parte order, so now he also has to have a hearing for that). I however, have no such restraint, and thus it is entirely within my rights to discuss public court hearings and public court documents. And should any overly litigious public figures with questionable ethical principles think about changing that, I'd recommend they take a look at Nilan v. Valenti first.

My memory is mediocre, so take my version of events with a grain of salt.

Her: Eron posted personal information about me online. As a result, people online have threatened me with physical harm. Eron continues to engage with the mob that is harassing me with no regard to my personal safety. Specifically, Eron threatened to release more information on his gofundme page.

Eron's attorney: I will speak on my client's behalf, and then acquiesce to my client. Zoe Quinn is a public figure and criticism of public figures is protected free speech (with the specific example of criticism of her interaction with TFYC). ZQ was already receiving harassment before Eron's blog post. Eron has never threatened ZQ with violence and has never encouraged anyone to threaten ZQ with violence. The zoepost was a story about Eron's life experiences and did not even include ZQ's real name.

Eron: [Did not get to speak at all because the judge cut his attorney off to ask more questions of the plaintiff]

The judge didn't really say much and started writing half way through the arguments.
  • He did not allow Eron's attorney to cross examine the plaintiff
  • He did not allow admission of Eron's evidence
  • He refused the Attorney's first amendment objection to the gag clause
  • He mentioned nothing about his reasoning besides a vague reference to ‘intimidation’.
  • Order extended until x/x/2015
The US court system is an utter joke. It is, quite literally, an Injustice System and if the trend continues, vigilante violence will eventually become the only way to pursue actual justice in the future. It also demonstrates the importance of not warning people or giving them a chance to mend their ways, because doing so will only be spun as a "threat".

Thursday 2 October 2014

Alpha Mail: Sex in orbit

Roger with six "r"s points out that orbiting is an effective sexual strategy, it's merely not an efficient one:
Orbiting/white-knighting is not just an occasional behavior of weak beta males. It is one of the key sexual strategies of the human male. It works. These guys will get laid now and again.
This is absolutely true. I have a friend who once dedicated three years to orbiting the same girl until finally she broke down and went out with him; they lasted less than half as long as a couple as he had spent orbiting. And this was a successful outcome!

The point isn't that orbiting never works, but rather, that it comes at a tremendous opportunity cost. I can't even imagine how many opportunities of equal quality my friend let pass because he was so fixated on that one woman, but it was probably over a dozen. Orbiting is the exact opposite of the abundance mentality; no man who subscribes to the concept of the Girl Tree will tend to find himself caught in orbit for very long.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Science discovers orbiters

Once more, science is catching up to Game theory:
Half of all women have a ‘Plan B’ - in the shape of a man whose arms they can run into if their current relationship turns sour.

A study carried out among 1,000 women found a substantial percentage have managed to keep another man waiting patiently in the wings should they end up single. And, worryingly, married women are more likely have a Plan B in the background than those who are merely in a relationship.

It also emerged the Plan B is likely to be an ‘old friend’ who has always had feelings for the woman in question.
This isn't problematic or worrisome in the slightest. It's no more surprising than the "news" that Alpha males have a virtual stable of women with whom they will probably get involved in some capacity in the event that they find themselves single. Indeed, one reason that women tend to be much less likely to leave higher-status men is due to Dread Game implicit in his status; she knows that if she walks, it will be for good because he'll have a replacement, and quite often a younger, prettier one, in a matter of weeks, if not days.

If your wife or girlfriend doesn't have a few delta and gamma orbiters, she probably isn't very attractive.


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