Monday 20 October 2014

Because afraid

That's how women who favor "equality" attempt to justify women sexually objectifying men and making the sort of public comments that would put a man's career in jeopardy:

“Women are coping daily with a threat of rape which men aren’t,” says Elvines. “I don’t think it’s nice for anyone to be just judged on their appearance - no one likes to feel they’re just being judged on that. But while men might find [sexual objectification] annoying, it doesn’t have that scary meaning.

“It’s nice to think, when you live in an equal society what will it look like, but we don’t yet.”

This ‘fear factor’ is ultimately why no one has spoken up about being offended by Young’s words, but why we would be up in arms if a hapless male BBC presenter had said the same. It is highly unlikely that a young Tom Jones would have been in any danger from Young had he walked into her studio 30 years ago. But if a young female singer had walked into a male BBC presenter’s studio 30 years ago, well, who knows what would have happened?

Until we live in a truly equal world, we’re going to have to deal with the fact that there is this strange grey area, where we will react differently to a man and woman saying the same thing. It isn't the nicest solution, but right now it's the only one we have.

It would be dangerous to encourage men to make jokes about 'responsibility' and 'sex' - even in the name of equality - because it would send out a negative message. But, it isn't fair to say it's OK for a woman to make those some comments.

Young, in my opinion, could have done with thinking more about the wording she used, and she should be reminded of this just as a man would be. But, at the same time, when we look at the context of the world we live in, it's clear she was joshing about. So, it would be a shame to focus too much on that and lose the real power of her words: that women do like sex, they think about it, and shock horror, they even desire it.
How old are these women that they think there is "real power" in women saying they like sex? And how little do they like sex that they think it is necessary to state it out loud? But once more, we see that "equality" is a complete myth and does not exist in anything but the fevered imaginations of pinkshirts and innocents.


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