Wednesday 1 October 2014

Science discovers orbiters

Once more, science is catching up to Game theory:

Half of all women have a ‘Plan B’ - in the shape of a man whose arms they can run into if their current relationship turns sour.

A study carried out among 1,000 women found a substantial percentage have managed to keep another man waiting patiently in the wings should they end up single. And, worryingly, married women are more likely have a Plan B in the background than those who are merely in a relationship.

It also emerged the Plan B is likely to be an ‘old friend’ who has always had feelings for the woman in question.
This isn't problematic or worrisome in the slightest. It's no more surprising than the "news" that Alpha males have a virtual stable of women with whom they will probably get involved in some capacity in the event that they find themselves single. Indeed, one reason that women tend to be much less likely to leave higher-status men is due to Dread Game implicit in his status; she knows that if she walks, it will be for good because he'll have a replacement, and quite often a younger, prettier one, in a matter of weeks, if not days.

If your wife or girlfriend doesn't have a few delta and gamma orbiters, she probably isn't very attractive.


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