Friday 17 October 2014

The reliable tell

Roosh delves into the science and determines that tattoos on women are a reliable indicator of a variety of relationship-challenging behaviors:

Being tattooed is associated with greater numbers of lifetime sexual partners (Heywood 2012), earlier sexual initiation, higher frequency of sexual intercourse and increased preference for oral sex (Nowosielski 2012). In adolescents, tattoos also correlate with the likelihood of having unprotected sex (Yen, 2012), but not in adults (Nowosielski 2012).

Tattoos indicate impulsiveness (Kim, 1991). In students, tattooing is associated with risk-taking behaviors, including smoking and cannabis use (Heywood, 2012). Participants with tattoos or body piercings were more likely to have engaged in risk-taking behaviors and at greater degrees of involvement than those without either. These included gateway drug use, hard drug use, sexual activity, and suicide.

Those with tattoos are hostile and prone to delinquent behavior (Kim 1991). Psychiatric patients with tattoos are much more likely to suffer from Antisocial Personality Disorder and have an increased likelihood to have previously suffered from sexual abuse, abused substances, or to have attempted suicide. (Sciencedaily). Violence was associated with females having body piercings (Carroll 2002).
In other words, while you might happen to find them sexy, you should keep in mind that you do so because they are a reliable slut-tell, and more importantly, the more of them there are, and the more prominently they are displayed, the more likely it is that she is incapable of successfully having a positive long-term relationship with a man.


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