Sunday 5 October 2014

Lena Durham's fake rape

Apparently she isn't getting enough attention for her show that no one watches anymore, so Lena Durham belatedly recalls being "raped" in college:

'I think I had just felt that something was very wrong,' she said. 'I had felt that something had happened and I remember thinking "Can I ever be the same?"

'I was at a party, drunk, waiting for attention -- and somehow that felt like such a shameful starting-off point that I didn't know how to reconcile what had come after. But I knew that it wasn't right and I knew in some way that this experience had been forced on me.'

But she did have a good friend to talk with about the experience: 'When I shared it with my best friend and she used the term "you were raped" at the time, I sort of laughed at her and thought like, you know, what an ambulance-chasing drama queen,' Lena said.

'[I] later felt this incredible gratitude for her for giving me that, giving me that gift of that kind of certainty that she had,' she continued. 'I think that a lot of times when I felt at my lowest about it, those words in some way actually lifted me up because I felt that somebody was justifying the pain of my experience.'

The remainder of the actress' college life was marked by the trauma: 'I didn't really go to anymore parties. I just stopped going… I basically didn't have a drink for the rest of college… I really removed myself from that world. I don't know if I would've told you at the time, "Oh, I'm doing this to keep myself safe," but obviously in hindsight… I basically removed myself from the social world as I'd known it.'
How much would you want to bet against anyone who attended college at the same time she did being able to explode her retroactive narrative with ease? Notice that Dunham doesn't name her "rapist" or bother contacting the authorities, because she's obviously just trying to generate press for her new book.

What a repulsive creature, both inside and out. The troubling thing is that she may indeed be the female voice of her generation, which is enough to make Sharia look good in comparison.


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