Tuesday 14 October 2014

Dr. Helen, call your office

US marriage rates hit all-time low:

According to the latest available census data, the percentage of U.S. adults who have never been married has hit a new, all-time high.

In 1960, about one in ten adults over the age of 25 fell into that category.

By 2012, the number had jumped to one in five.
Combine disincentives to marry with incentives to not marry, and unsurprisingly, the result is half as much marriage. The solution is simple. End no-fault divorce. End asset-stripping. Ban the pill. Prosecute adultery and punish it with severe fines. Harshly slut-shame non-virginal women.

It will work. We know it works from history. But instead, societal decline, soft totalitarianism and feral children are preferred because women are short-sighted. Imagine what US society will be like when those rates fall to one in two.


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