Wednesday 29 January 2014

A portrait in professional responsibility

Roosh rightly takes Tuthmosis to task for his poorly conceived and insufficiently researched article concerning his assertion that short-haired women are damaged:

After prolonged and vigorous deep thought, I have come to the following conclusion: Tuthmosis has understated how utterly damaged short-haired women are. Run, run far away from them.

Don’t believe me? Look at the live Twitter response feed. Tuthmosis may have been too nice. To make yourself ugly, and then try to convince the world that you’re in fact beautiful, or that you don’t need a man to find you attractive at all, is so delusional that the ROK executive team is currently reaching out to the best mental health professionals in Moldova so that these women can get the help that they desperately need. (At the same time, I have since held a private meeting in the ROK office with Tuthmosis to encourage him to not write with such a polite filter that makes him hesitant to offend the female sex.)
I, for one, certainly hope that Tuthmosis will henceforth cease to affect such a shy and nonconfrontational style. The lad has promise, but he simply has to learn how to come right out and say what he truly thinks.


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