Thursday 16 January 2014

Weak men, disorderly women

“There are people in Europe who, confounding together the different characteristics of the sexes, would make man and woman into beings not only equal but alike. They would give to both the same functions, impose on both the same duties, and grant to both the same rights; they would mix them in all things–their occupations, their pleasures, their business. It may readily be conceived that by thus attempting to make one sex equal to the other, both are degraded, and from so preposterous a medley of the works of nature nothing could ever result but weak men and disorderly women.”
- Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

The Chateau drew our attention to this quote today, and it is an eloquent rebuttal to those who claim that feminism, or our equalitarian society, is sustainable. How was it possible that a Frenchman could see, more than 150 years beforehand, what the result of sexual equality would be?

Because the logic of nature is remorseless. The logic of nature cannot be avoided. It can be manipulated for a time through technology and human will, but it will always prevail in the end. Already women are turning in desperation to technological measures to help them avoid the consequences of their decisions to delay marriage, already men are dosing themselves with artificial chemicals to restore the masculinity they have lost.

But the results are clear. We have a society of weak men and disorderly women. And such societies are not sustainable, such societies are doomed. Unless it rejects feminism, rejects equalitarianism, and rejects multiculturalism, Western society is doomed. Nature, and Nature's God, have already passed judgment on it.


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