Friday 3 January 2014

Alpha Mail: the magical tool

GG not only ignores the evidence of her own eyes, but insists that everyone else must do the same:

Forgive me VD, but you have the uncanny ability to come so close, so very close... and then to veer so far off into the abyss all one can do is watch you float away.

Women respond to whomever is in CHARGE. It has nothing to do with being attracted to sociopaths or sociopathic behavior. Our world, our culture, has put a whole lot of sociopaths in positions of authority. They aren't attractive because of the way they act, they're attractive because of the power they hold. If pirates ran the world, we'd love pirates. If nerds held all the cards, we'd love nerds.

The flip side of that for some women is the pity factor. We will lay down in the railroad tracks to try and "fix" a sociopath. It's not really sexual attraction, it's a symptom of female pride, we believe that our love and our sexuality should be powerful enough to cure what ails them. That's a small percent of the population, however. Most women are not that interested in martyrdom and the odds of getting yourself killed.
This is a load of complete horseshit. Women ALWAYS come up with some idiotic excuse to explain why what they are doing isn't what everyone can plainly see they are doing. It's as if GG has never seen a woman turn down dozens of perfectly decent, educated man with a decent job after another, only to volunteer for the role of sex toy for the first tattooed thug, drug addict, or criminal to show her any interest.

Is the unemployed guy who spends his days huffing paint in charge of anything? What is the guy sitting in a cell for the next 50 years in charge of? GG is simply doing what every woman does when confronted with the reality of her sex's behavior: she invents nonsensical fictions in an attempt to deflect criticism. Female behavior can be readily manipulated so long as one realizes that one of its primary motivating factors is the avoidance of criticism.

Now, it's entirely possible that GG doesn't happen to be drawn to sociopaths herself, but rather the socio-sexual dominance that sociopathy often emulates. But she does not speak for the 3.5 billion women on the planet. And this female solipsism is why no man should EVER listen to ANY woman about what another woman wants. Most women are provably unreliable with regards to their own sexual desires; they are totally useless with regards to any other woman's with the possible exception of their closest friends' favored types.

As several commentators observed yesterday, women are always in a hurry to fix sociopaths, criminals, and murderers, but they're considerably less interested in fixing the mentally handicapped, the physically handicapped, and the socially awkward. This tends to bely GG's insistence that it is the fixing process that is the female motivating factor. As does the fact that women's vaginas are not some sort of magical Black and Decker device; one can't help but notice that this selfless fixing on the part of women somehow always seems to involve resorting to the use of that remarkable tool.


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