Thursday 9 January 2014

Alpha Mail: finding a conservative wife in a liberal sea

MCB sends a request via Twitter:

Could you do a column with advice for males to find a good wife? What's out there seems 90% corrupted by liberalism.
Let's begin by pointing out that there are a few misconceptions inherent in the question. Good wives are made, not born. And women's political ideology is both dynamic and malleable. So, the question is not how one finds a good wife, but rather, how one collaborates in the joint process of making a good wife.

Now, it's true that this isn't something a man can do on his own. He needs the wholehearted cooperation of the woman concerned. That being said, I suspect that the major mistake that most men make with regards to looking for a potentially cooperative women is to look at their current state rather than the trend and the relative position.

For example, single women in an academic environement are always going to be more or less left-wing. This is because women are heavily affected by their environments and they tend to adapt their views to more closely match those of the people around them. So, a women who is taking Women Studies courses and votes Democrat but nevertheless remains within shouting reach of sanity is actually more likely to make for a good wife than the ostensibly Christian Republican woman who lives with her good conservative family and considers herself a political moderate.

So, the first thing to do is find a woman who is somewhat to the right of her surroundings, regardless of what those surroundings might be. That's the true indicator of her ideological inclinations.  The second thing to do is provide her with an anchor. Never back down from your views, never apologize for them, patiently explain them when asked, and whenever your views are attacked by someone else when she is around, destroy the attacker mercilessly in a rhetorical manner. Don't bring up your views otherwise or try to push them on her, simply be the magnetic rock that draws her closer to you.

For example, Spacebunny once had some checks that openly advocated a liberal position with which I completely disagree, then and now. I never said anything to her about them. However, when a woman working at Barnes & Noble made a disproportionate fuss over them at the checkout counter in order to establish her liberal bona fides - "nice checks!" - I rolled my eyes, thereby drawing the clerk's attention and provoking her wrath.

She demanded to know if I agreed with the message on the checks, and upon learning I did not, promptly declared I was a bad person and demanded to know why my reasons for disagreeing. I looked at her calmly, ignored her demands, and asked her to please ring up my books. She did so, visibly fuming all the while. Spacebunny was appalled by the whole situation, and couldn't believe the clerk had treated me so rudely for the mortal crime of failing to show public enthusiasm for the sentiment expressed on the checks.

It wasn't long before the checks were replaced by other ones featuring an innocuous picture devoid of any political sentiment. And these days, I suspect she would be faster to disavow the sentiment expressed on the checks than I would.

The third thing is to be aware of the company she keeps. If she's around a lot of left-liberals, you need to be aware that they're going to be an influence on her own thinking. Counteract that influence by destroying their attempts to push their ideology every time they do it in front of you. Eventually, she'll have to choose, and intersexual relations being what they are, if your relationship is going well, she'll choose you. If she doesn't, but continues to move in their direction, well, now you know she isn't marriage material and you'll probably save yourself a painful and costly divorce by nexting her.


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