Monday 20 January 2014

Mailvox: a response to GBFM

Yesterday I was asked how I would respond to this surprisingly legible rant from GreatBooksForMen entitled "True Christian Women do Not Need to be Gamed: Dalrock & Vox’s Christianity is not the Christianity of Jesus Christ". A selection:

Dalrock states that Christians need “Game,” and Vox writes, “I’m neither the first nor the only one to notice the intrinsic relationship between Biblical Christianity and the foundational concepts of Game: Women are fallen and women are inherently different than men. Being truth, Game is a subset of Christianity that happens to relate to an area of particular importance and interest to men.”

Vox states that Game is Truth and that it is a subset of Christianity. The most-respected, most-read, and most-profound blogger on Game is Heartiste. His “Sixteen Commandments of Poon” summarize Game:

Heartiste makes no claims of being a Christian, but he may well be, as there are those who say they are not going, who go, just as there are those who say they are going, who do not go.

Dalrock and Vox are stating that the teachings of Heartiste are the same as those of Christ, who, by all accounts, defines Christianity.
First, I'll point out that GBFM is being dishonest. He quotes me pointing out that Game is truth, then in the very next paragraph, falsely claims that I state "Game is Truth" when I specifically distinguish between small-t truth, things that happen to be true, and capital-t Truth, which is the Word, Jesus Christ.

This is clearly a purposeful lie, as in the very post GBFM quotes, I wrote: "Game is not Christ. Game is not Truth. But Game is truth, and he who comes to love truth will, in time, come to love Truth as well."

GBFM: "Vox states that Game is Truth"

Vox: "Game is not Truth"

So, GBFM is lying. He also lies when he claims that we are stating the teachings of Roissy and Heartiste are the same as those as Christ. Because both teachings are rooted in the truth, there is necessarily an intrinsic relationship between them, which account for the similarity between the Christian concept of all women being fallen and the Game concept of all women being observably prone to a panoply of unedifying behaviors.

This does not mean both teachings are equally truthful nor does it mean they are the same. Indeed, it is not at all hard to identify the differences between them. However, it must be admitted that the Bible gives considerably less in the way of direction to Man concerning how he should behave towards women in specific circumstances than the Chateau does. It is silent on recommendations concerning text messaging, just to give one example.

I am a Christian. If you want my absolute core advice, it is this: Fear God. 

Now, I could simply post that every day, and it would certainly be easier to do so, but I don't see how it would be of much use to anyone. I could also limit my subjects addressed to Christian evangelism, but I don't really have much more to say on that than I already say. However, I have seen that there is a tremendous amount that needs to be said, and that people have not heard before, concerning intersexual relations and their effect upon our society. That's why I started this blog. And so that is what I address here.

I have great respect for Roissy, for Heartiste, and for Dalrock. I even have a fair amount of respect for GBFM. We are all part of the same great cultural battle for the mind and soul of the West, which has been deeply corrupted by Marxism, by equalitarianism, by secular humanism, by atheism, and by feminism. But the fact that GBFM's heart may be more or less in the right place does not excuse the abandonment of the truth.

There is only one Christianity and that is the one defined by the Lordship, not merely the teachings, of Man's Savior, Jesus Christ.


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