Saturday 27 December 2014

For Alphas Only

One could not find a better description of hypergamy and the Female Imperative in action than this female-designed dating app:

While they have helped thousands find both long-term love and short term flings, dating apps have created almost as many problems as they have solved. From a constant barrage of seedy messages (and pictures) from shady characters, to meeting up with people who clearly took their picture when New Kids On The Block were still in the charts, navigating your way through the world of dating apps can leave you feeling rather sour.

But a new app, created by two women, promises to put an end to these dating woes by putting women in control of the dating scene. Two Cambridge graduates have invented a dating app called Antidate that makes women invisible until THEY decide to make a move. They can also use the app to locate a hot man geographically

Antidate allows women to remain anonymous, entirely unseen by the men in their vicinity until they choose to contact them. Women can look at the profiles of men near their location and decide who is their type while staying completely invisible.

This means they can avoid both creeps and wasting time talking to people who you will never 'click' with.
Look for Antidate 2.0 to arrive in about eighteen months, featuring the ability to complain about those "hot men" who banged a user and moved on as "an immature, misogynistic man-boy with no respect whasoever for strong independent women" and tag them to disqualify them from continuing to use the service.

It's fascinating to see that the female imperative is so engrained in women that they can't recognize the fact that a dating app, by definition, has to be useful for both sexes. Antidate is an appropriate name, as it turns the conventional dating mechanic on its head and puts the entire onus for pursuit on women.

And "dating app" is really a misnomer. This is nothing more than a harem app for high-status men.


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